法律术语 24

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法律术语 24

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 02, 2012 9:23 pm

法律术语 24

01. sanction
定义: 罚锾或其他处分; 认可, 同意
例句: The defendant says "you son-of-a-bitch" in court when the judge fines him $100 for jaywalking. The judge imposes a sanction of $200 and a day in jail for his contempt of court. (当法官判他违规穿越马路罚锾一百元时, 这名被告在法庭内骂道"你这个狗娘养的." 法官对他蔑视法庭行为处以两百元罚锾和一天监禁)

02. satisfaction of judgment
定义: 判决执行​​证明书, 义务履行证明书
例句: A satisfaction of judgment is a document signed by the party who is owed money under a court judgment stating that the full amount due on the judgment has been paid. (判决执行证明书是一份由法庭判决下债权人签署的文件, 表明被裁决的欠债总额已经付清)

03. schedules
定义: 附件; 债务人所列出的资产, 负债及其他的财务资料附件
例句: A key part of preparing your revocable trust is making a "Schedule of Assets" that identifies all of the property you are placing in the trust. (在准备你可撤销信托的主要工作是做出一份"资产列表" , 它显示出你投入这份信托里的所有财产资料)

04. seal
定义: 盖章; 文件加以印记; 把案件记录封存禁止公众检阅
例句: A person's arrest or criminal records may be sealed, meaning without a court order to inspect them they may not be viewed. (一个人的逮捕或犯罪记录也许被封存, 也就是说, 如果没有法院允许查阅的命令, 它们是不可以被人阅读的)

05. search / arrest warrant
定义: (法院认可嫌犯合理犯罪原因之后发出的)搜索或逮捕令/授权
例句: In limited situations, the police may search without a warrant, but they cannot use what they find at trial if the defense can show that they had no probable cause for the search. (在有限情况下, 警方也许在没有授权下搜索, 但如果辩方能够显示出警方并无合理根据而进行搜索, 警方不可以使用搜出的证据于审判上)

06. second-degree murder
定义: (非预谋)二级谋杀罪
例句: Second-degree murder is a murder that is committed without premeditation but with some intent or other circumstances not covered by the first-degree murder statute. (二级谋杀罪是一件没有预谋但怀有某个意图或者其他不列入一级谋杀条例内的状况下所犯下的谋杀罪)

07. secured creditor
定义: 有担保债权人
例句: Upon a bankruptcy filing, the secured creditor can enforce security against the assets of the debtor and avoid competing for a distribution on liquidation with the unsecured creditors. (一旦破产保护被申请时, 这名有担保债权人可以执行对债务人资产的担保索赔, 并避免和无担保债权人竞争债务的清偿分配)

08. secured debt
定义: 有担保债务
例句: A creditor can repossess the car if the debtor defaults on the car loan since this is a secured debt. (由于这是一个有担保的债务, 债权人可以取回这部车辆如果这名债务人拖欠此汽车贷款)

09. self-incriminating
定义: (做出的证词)对自己不利的, 证明自己有罪的
例句: The Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits the government from forcing a person to provide evidence that is self-incriminating. (美国宪法第五修正案禁止政府强迫任何人做出证明自己有罪的证词)

10. sentence
定义: 宣判, 判刑
例句: A sentence of six months in the county jail is determinate, because the prisoner will spend no more than six months, minus time off for good behavior, in some situations. (六个月县级监狱服刑的判刑是确定的,因为此名犯人将服刑不超过六个月, 在某些情况下, 还可获得良好行为的减刑)

11. sentence modification
定义: (被告申请)科刑修改
例句: Not all new factors would influence a judge when it comes to passing sentence, and thus simply uncovering new information does not provide enough grounds for sentence modification. (不是所有的因素可以影响法官的判刑, 因此仅仅发现新资料并不足以成为提供科刑修改的依据)

12. sentence review
定义: (被告申请)科刑复审
例句: A sentence review is available, and should be pursued in instances where you believe the sentence was much harsher than you think was necessary. (科刑复审是可以取得的, 如果你相信这个判刑比你认为有必要的还更严厉的情况下, 你应该努力寻求复审)

13. sentencing guidelines
定义: 判刑指导原则
例句: Sentencing guidelines are the standards for determining the punishment that a person convicted of a crime should receive, based on the nature of the crime and the offender's criminal history. (基于这个犯罪的性质与犯人的过去犯罪记录, 判刑指导原则提供了某名被定罪者应得惩罚的决定标准)

14. sequester
定义: (对陪审团的)隔离
例句: To prevent them from reading or hearing anything about the case, a sequestered jury may have to live apart from their families for the duration of the trial. (为了防止他们阅读或听到任何有关此案的新闻与言论, 一个被隔离的陪审团必须于审理期间与家人分开住)
编译者注: 此句的意思是在一些受人瞩目案件里, 为了不让外界言论影响其裁决, 陪审团员于审理期间被法院安排住在被隔离的环境里. 当然, 这些花费是由法院支付.

15. sequestration of witnesses / separation of witnesses
定义: (防止影响其他证人的)证人隔离命令
例句: Sequestration of witnesses is to keep all witnesses out of the courtroom except for their time on the stand, and caution them not to discuss their testimony with other witnesses. (证人隔离命令是命令所有证人除了他们在庭上作证之外必须离开法庭, 并警告他们不许与其他证人讨论他们的证词)

16. serious juvenile offender
定义: 案情严重的少年犯
例句: In Alabama, a child found to be a serious juvenile offender shall be committed to the custody of the Department of Youth Services, where he/she shall remain for a minimum of one year. (在阿拉巴马州, 一名被判为案情严重的少年犯应交由少年管训部监管, 他/她将接受至少一年的管训)

17. service
定义: (传票等法院文件的)递送
例句: Service is the delivery of a legal document that notifies the recipient of the commencement of a legal proceeding in which he/she is involved. (法院文件递送是递交法律文件以便通知涉及此案的收件者法律诉讼的开庭日期)

18. service of process
定义: (法院发出的)法院令状的递送
例句: Service of process is the delivery of a writ, summons or other legal papers to the person required to respond to them. (法院令状递送是送交法院令状, 传票或其他法律文件给收件者并要求此人做出回应)

19. settlement
定义: 庭内外和解; 赔偿
例句: In law, a settlement is a resolution between disputing parties about a legal case, reached either before or after court action begins. (依据法律, 一份和解是一件争议当事人之间的法律案件调解方案, 于法律诉讼开始之前或之后所达成的和解)

20. short calendar
定义: 简易审理日程表
例句: A short cause is a legal matter that will not take more than one day and the time permitted for a short cause is known as a short calendar. (一个简易案件是一件不需耗时超过一天便可审理完的法律事务, 简易案件的时间安排被称之为简易审理日程表)



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