二十笔实用成语 926

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二十笔实用成语 926

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 11, 2020 1:14 am

二十笔实用成语 926

01. relieve someone of, to
定义: 拿走, 抢夺走, 解除, 解职.
例句: The chief of police has been relieved of duty in the wake of the investigation into departmental corruption. (紧随着警政部门的腐败调查之后, 这名警察总局长被解职)

02. rely on, to
定义: 信赖, 依靠.
例句: He is someone you can rely on in times of crisis. (他是个你在危难时刻可以信赖的人)

03. in custody, to
定义: 被拘留; 被监禁.
例句: Of course I'm panicking, I just got a phone call that said my son is in police custody! (我当然慌张呀, 我刚刚接到了一通电话说我的儿子被警方拘留!)

04. remain loyal to ..., to
定义: 对...效忠, 保持忠诚.
例句: We remain loyal to the ideals for which this organization stands. (我们依然忠于这个组织所代表的理念)

05. remain on the sidelines, to
定义: 袖手旁观, 置身事外.
例句: Right or wrong, win or lose, this life is 100% yours. If you want to remain on the sidelines, and are happy with never trying to experience new things, then do that. (对或错, 赢还是输,这辈子全属于你的. 如果你想要置身事外, 而且满足于永不试着去体验新事物的话, 那你就这么做吧)

06. remain to be seen, to
定义: 拭目以待, 尚未决定, 尚要再看.
例句: We can see for ourselves the disaster's immediate impact, but the long-term environmental effects remain to be seen. (我们自己可以看见这个灾难的立即冲击, 但是长期的环境影响我们还要再察看)

07. remember me to someone, to
定义: 替我向某人问好.
例句: "My brother says hello." "Oh, good. Please remember me to him." ("我兄弟要我跟你打个招呼." "噢, 好呀. 请你替我向他问好.")

08. remind of, to
定义: 令人想起, 被提醒或回忆.
例句: You really remind me of your father at your age – headstrong and mischievous, just like you! (你确实让我想起在你这个年纪时候你的父亲 – 倔强, 调皮捣蛋, 跟你一模一样!)

09. remit to, to
定义: 寄出, 寄给, 缴交; 提出争议或诉讼给法院或官方裁决
例句: Please remit your rent to your landlady immediately. (请你尽快把房租缴交给你的房东)

10. remote possibility/chance, a
定义: 不太可能, 极微的可能性.
例句: There is a remote possibility that I'll be free Friday night. (星期五晚上我不可能有空)

11. Renaissance man, a
定义: 多才多艺的人.
例句: He worked as a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor and military engineer, which dubbed him the "Renaissance man". (他是个画家, 雕刻家, 建筑设计师, 发明家, 和军事工程师, 被大家起了"多才多艺的人"的绰号)

12. render it useless, to
定义: 弄坏, 摧毁, 导致它毫无用途或毫无作用.
例句: Ever since I accidentally dropped a brand new cell phone on a sidewalk and rendered it useless, I've wondered why this phone failed but others survived. (自从我在人行道上不小心砸坏了一只崭新手机之后, 我一直在想为什么这只被摔坏了但别的手机却能够摔不坏)

13. renege on a promise, to
定义: 不履行承诺, 食言, 毁约, 违约.
例句: What should I do if my boss reneged on a promise to place me in a managerial position because it was part of why I agreed to take this job? (由于这是我为什么同意接受这份工作的部分原因, 如果我的老板食言, 不履行他答应要派给我一个经理职位的承诺, 那我应该怎么办?)

14. rented lips
定义: 口吐怪异或听不懂的话; 失言, 说错话.
例句: Did I say ossifer? I meant officer. Excuse my rented lips! (我说了ossifer吗? 我其实是想说officer. 请原谅我的失言!)

15. repay in kind, to
定义: 以货物代替钱交易; 同样程度回报别人恩情; 以同样的手段回敬对方.
例句: If you help a neighbor, he may repay in kind. (如果你帮了一位邻居的忙, 他会以同样程度回报你的恩情)

16. repeat after me, to
定义: 跟着我念, 一起再念一遍.
例句: "Repeat after me: I solemnly swear." "I solemnly swear." ("跟着我念: 我庄严地宣誓." "我庄严地宣誓.")

17. repeat oneself, to
定义: 重申, 反覆说同样话.
例句: One, you don't have to repeat yourself so many times; I can read. Two, I'm not going to argue with you. (第一, 你没必要跟我反覆重申几十遍同样的话; 我自己会读. 第二, 我不想跟你争论)

18. replete with ..., be
定义: 充满了...
例句: Situated on a lake, replete with old-world fishing boats, guests board a water taxi from the jetty that takes them via a canal directly into the Park. (坐在充满了旧式渔船的湖边, 游客从小码头登上了一部水上出租船, 经由一条运河直接将他们带到了公园)

19. repo man, the
定义: 货物回收人; 车辆拖回人. (注: 意指以分期付款方式买车却付不出每月该付车款的时候, 银行便会派出车辆回收人将车辆拖回银行再作其他处理)
例句: I was a repo man at one time. You can't believe the amount of crap people would buy on credit when they had no realistic way of paying it back. (我曾经一度干过货物回收人的工作. 你真不敢相信人们以分期付款方式购买了大量的垃圾商品而他们却没有任何实际能力来偿还债务)

20. report an accident, to
定义: 报警, 报告车祸或意外事件.
例句: The only time when you should choose not to report an accident to your insurer is when it is a low-speed, single-car mishap, such as backing into a fence or garage. (唯一你可以选择不向你的保险公司报备你的汽车事故便是当它以低速行驶, 只有一部车受到伤害, 例如倒车撞上栏杆或车库)



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