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帖子 royl » 周四 6月 03, 2010 6:25 pm

礼运大同篇 – 孔夫子

根据一位全球华文网的作者, 正确说法应该是: 礼记(书籍名称,五经之一)礼运篇(篇名,共有49 篇,此篇为第九篇)大同章(章节), 一般简称" 礼运大同篇".

大道之行也, 天下为公.
When the great principle is implemented, the world is shared by all.

Those with virtues and abilities are chosen for the right jobs,

People hold dear trustworthiness and cultivate harmony among each other.

故人不独亲其亲, 不独子其子, 使老有所终, 壮有所用, 幼有所长, 矜寡孤独废疾者, 皆有所养.
Hence, people love their own parents and children as well the ones of others; the aged enjoy their golden years; people in their prime can fully apply themselves; the young ones get nurtured, schooled, and cherished; widowers, widows, orphans, elders without children, the disabled, and people with ill health are all properly taken care of.

男有分, 女有归.
Every man is committed to his job, and every woman will be able to find her own family.

货恶其弃于地也, 不必藏于已; 力恶其不出于身也, 不必为已.
People reluct leaving resources wasted, yet they don't necessarily keep them without sharing with others. People loathe not making use of their own efforts, yet they don't necessarily work for their own self-interest.

是故谋闭而不兴, 盗窃乱贼而不作, 故外户而不闭, 是谓大同.
Thereupon, collusions are nipped in the bud and can not thrive; thieveries and crimes do not strike; thus, people leave their homes without locking up their doors; this is called "Great Harmony".



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