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帖子 royl » 周二 6月 29, 2010 1:35 am


本文资料乃取自于韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/about

1a. 思考, 感觉, 行动的对象:
There has been a lot of anger about [=concerning] the decision. (关于这个决定惹出许多愤怒)
We did something about the problems. (我们曾著手解决这些问题)
That's what I like about you. (这就是我为什么喜欢你)
What are you so pleased about? (什么事让你这么高兴?)
I'm worried about her. (我担心她)
I forgot all about it. (我把这件事情忘得光光)
There's a question about [=as to] how the problem should be fixed. (有一问题有关如何解决这个问题)

1b. 说或写的主题:
I spoke about my past. (我谈到我的过去)
She told me all about her vacation. (她告诉我有关她的假期一切事情)
What's he yammering about now? = (Brit) What's he on about now? (他在唠叨些什么?)
books about birds (有关鸟类的书籍)
a novel about Spain (有关西班牙的一部小说)

2. 特质, 特殊之处:
There is a mature wisdom about her. [=she has a quality of mature wisdom] (她具有成熟智慧的特质)
What was the most exciting thing about your vacation? [=what part of your vacation was most exciting?] (你的假期哪一部分最令人兴奋?)
There's something weird about that guy. [=that guy is weird] (这个人有点奇怪)

3. 重点或本质:
A good marriage is (all) about trust. [=trust is the most important part of a good marriage] (一个成功的婚姻就是互信)
The work he does is all about helping young people. (他的工作就是帮助年青人)

4. 大约在某个时间点:
a night about [=around] midsummer (大约在午夜的晚上)

5a. 在某人或某物附近:
Fish are abundant about [=around] the reefs. (在珊瑚礁附近有丰富鱼群)

5b. 在某地方各处:
He traveled all about [=around] the country. (他到全国各处旅游)
He's a well-known figure about [=around, throughout] the town. (他在全城是众所周知)

5c. 某人或某物的周围:
A crowd gathered about [=around] him. (众人聚集在他四周)
They wrapped the blanket about [=around] her. (他们以毯子包住她)

6a. 某事完成的快或慢:
He was slow about doing his work. [=he did his work slowly] (他慢吞吞地做他的事)
If you're going to do that, you need to be quick about it. [=you need to do it quickly] (你如果要做那件事, 你需要动作快)

6b. (主要在英国)做事的行动中或过程中:
Do it well while you're about it. [=while you're at it] (当你做这事时, 你要做好它)
He seems to know what he's about. [=to know what he's doing] (他知道他在做什么)



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