二十笔实用成语 129

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二十笔实用成语 129

帖子 royl » 周日 7月 03, 2011 12:16 am

二十笔实用成语 129

01. booze cruise, the
定义: 游艇酒会; [英国俚语]买酒航游. (注: 因为英国酒价比欧洲高昂, 许多英国人从英国坐船到欧洲大陆买酒)
例句: Get some friends to pitch in and book a booze cruise. But the yacht operators won't market it as a "booze cruise" per se. (找些朋友每人捐助一些钱再订艘船来举办一个游艇酒会.但这些游艇业者不会把这个活动本身促销为"游艇酒会." 注: 游艇业者不会笨到公开地促销游艇酒会以免触法)

02. booze up, to
定义: [俚语]过量地饮酒.
例句: They boozed it up the night before the wedding. (他们在婚礼前一晚喝得酩酊大醉)

03. booze, the
定义: [俚语]烈酒或酒精饮料.
例句: We bought some chips and soda for the party; this was a birthday party without booze. (我们给派对准备了一些薯片和汽水; 这是一个没酒的庆生会)

04. boozehound, a
定义: [俚语]醉鬼.
例句: Tom is quite a boozehound—he has half a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red for lunch! (汤姆真是个醉鬼—他每天喝半瓶红牌威士忌作午餐! 注: 提醒读者, 一般现在时态的has代表习惯或经常发生的事, 也就是汤姆几乎每天喝半瓶红牌威士忌作午餐)

照片上显示出的就是Johnnie Walker Red, 红牌威士忌

05. boozer, a
定义: [俚语]醉鬼, 有酒瘾的人; [英国俚语]酒吧.
例句: You didn't refer to a certain group of people; you just broadly stated that anyone in America who is poor is either a boozer or a junkie. (你原先并没指出某一个群体; 你只是概括地说任何美国穷人不是醉鬼就是吸毒者)

06. booze-up, a
定义: [英纽澳俚语]让人开怀畅饮的酒局.
例句: In fact, this inept Congress couldn't organize a booze-up in a brewery, so it is up to us to deal with this new situation even though we are at a disadvantage. (事实上, 这个无能的国会连在酒厂安排一个酒会都做不到, 所以应该由我们来处理这个新情况尽管我们处于劣势)

07. boozing buddies, the
定义: [俚语]酒友.
例句: You and your boozing buddies screwed the pooch this time. (你跟你的酒友这一次出了大纰漏了)

08. border on, to
定义: 滨海, 接壤, 接近到. (例如: "bordering on extortion"就是指某人的强求已接近到勒索的行为)
例句: Its quite difficult to describe the extent of this problem without bordering on lewdness. (描述这个问题的程度而不触及到淫诲内容是相当困难的)

09. bore someone stiff, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: Frankly, after about episode 3, the shows with Max and Liz bored me stiff and it only got worse. (老实说, 看到大约第三集之后, 麦克斯和丽姿的节目让我感到极端无聊而且后来越来越糟)

10. bore someone to death, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: I feel like the verbosity of my latest posts which has bored everyone to death; so this time, all you get are tons of images and a few words. (我感觉好像我最新贴​​文的长篇大论让大家索然无味; 所以这次, 你们所看到的是一大堆图片和短短几个句话)

11. bore someone to tears, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: As usual, I was bored to tears. I was just hanging out when I spied this really fantastic looking woman. (跟往常一样, 我感到极端无聊. 我只是在闲逛之时我突然发现到这位让我惊为天人的女子)

12. bore the hell out of someone, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: I understand he's a big influence on a lot of my favorite artists but his music just bores the hell out of me. (我知道他对许多我喜爱的艺人有很大的影响, 但他的音乐真的让我感到呆板无味)

13. bore the pants off someone, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: WW2 bores the pants off of me. Near-future war is where it's at—funky gadgets, sniper rifles that punch through walls, and all those good stuff. (二战历史让我感到索然无味. 近未来战争才是我真正喜欢的—时髦帅气的小机器, 射穿墙壁的狙击枪, 还有那些好玩意)

14. bore the socks off someone, to
定义: 令人感到极端无聊, 呆板, 索然无味.
例句: I want to make it fun and interactive and I don't want to bore the socks off you by giving you a repeat of what you already know. (我想要让它有趣味和互动的, 我不想给你已经知道的重复资料让你感觉索然无味)

15. bored out of one's mind, be
定义: 感到极其无聊, 索然无味的.
例句: Jeanne moved to a small town in New York State, and she was bored out of her mind. (珍搬到纽约州的一个小镇, 她感到极其无聊)

16. bored vs. boring
[易混淆字或片语]being bored(形容词)是你对...感到单调无趣; being boring(形容词)是...本身表现出单调无趣.

17. born and bred in ..., be
定义: 在某地出生长大的. (注: 意指你是在某地土生土长的在地人或当地人)
例句: When I prodded Hai-Yin to try it, she confessed that, though born and bred in China, she had never tried ribbon dancing. (当我怂恿海英试试看, 她承认, 虽然在中国出生长大, 她从来没跳过彩带舞)

18. born and bred, be
定义: 出身, (土生土长及受教育)于某地或某社会阶层.
例句: But I'm born and bred middle class—pretending to have a harder time than I do isn't going to win me any friends. (但是我出身于中产阶级—假装经历过我根本没碰到过的苦日子不会让我赢得任何朋友)

19. born and raised here, be
定义: 生于斯, 长于斯.
例句: I'm born and raised here, my parents emigrated here over 30 years ago and I will tr​​y to live in here the rest of my life. (我生于斯, 长于斯, 我双亲三十多年前迁移到这里, 我也会试着在这里度过我下半生)

20. born in the gutter, be
定义: 出身贫贱.
例句: I was born in the gutter facing life or death. I was a thug ever since my momma gave me breath. (我出身贫贱面对生存或死亡. 自从我妈妈生下我, 我就是一个暴徒)



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