二十笔实用成语 241

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二十笔实用成语 241

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 23, 2011 2:08 am

二十笔实用成语 241

01. computer geek, a
定义: 电脑专家; 电脑发烧友.
例句: Some people think Bill Gates is a wise businessman. Others think he is just a lucky computer geek. (有些人认为比尔•盖兹是个明智的商人. 另外有些人认为他只是一个幸运的电脑发烧友)

02. computer is hung up, the
定义: [电脑术语]当机, 电脑不动或悬而未决. (注: 意指电路并未切断, 但无反应)
例句: My computer is hung up from installing automatic updates. It had been stuck on 6 of 19 for about eight hours before I shut it off. (我的电脑在安装自动更新时候当机了. 在我切掉电源之前它一直卡在十九个更新的第六个更新将近八个钟头之久)

03. comrade-in-arms, a
定义: 战友.
例句: Nay, it would ill become me to cast a slur upon a lady who is both my guest and the wife of my comrade-in-arms. (不行, 对一位同是我的客人和我战友妻子的女士说出一句伤人的话是不适当的)

04. con into, to
定义: 诱使, 哄骗, 误导某人去做某事; 欺骗, 骗取.
例句: Adam Wheeler, 24-year-old, conned his way into Harvard and benefited from more than $40,000 in grants and prizes. (亚当•惠勒, 二十四岁, 以欺骗方式混入哈佛大学, 他取得超过四万元的助学金及奖金的补助)

05. con out of, to
定义: 诈骗某人的金钱或财物.
例句: Three men are arrested after an elderly man from Solihull is conned out of £800 by rogue traders. (在一名索利赫尔老人被不肖商人诈骗了八百英磅之后, 三名男子被警方逮捕)

06. con someone into doing something, to
定义: 哄骗, 诱使, 鼓动某人去做某事; 设骗局诱某人上当.
例句: Crime refugee Brandon Huntley's estranged wife believes he conned her into marriage, in a bid to gain permanent residency in Canada. (罪犯难民布兰登•亨特利的离异妻子相信他哄骗她跟​​他结婚, 试图取得加拿大永久居留权)

07. con/confidence game, a
定义: 骗局.
例句: If you become a victim of a con game, report it. Do not be afraid or embarrassed, because you are not the first person to fall victim to a scam. (如果你成为了一个骗局的受害者, 你要报警. 别害怕或不好意思, 因为你并不是上当受骗的第一个牺牲者)

08. con/confidence man, a
定义: 骗徒, 金光党徒. (注: 请参考confidence man)
例句: A con man who failed in his bid to take over an empty Montana jail testified Friday that he is out of money and can't even pay his own rent. (一个未能成功地接管一座空置无用蒙大拿州监狱的骗徒于星期五作证时说他根本就没钱而且连他自己的房租都缴不出来)

09. conceited as a barbers/barber's cat, be (as)
定义: 自负的, 狂妄的, 眼高于顶.
例句: My friend became as conceited as a barber's cat after she won the award at school. (在她赢得学校奖状之后, 我这个朋友变得眼高于顶)

10. concentrate the/one's mind, to
定义: 专心, 聚精会神.
例句: The person that is feebleminded cannot concentrate his mind, because of lack of will. (由于意志薄弱, 弱智的人无法聚精会神)

11. concern oneself with, to
定义: 对...关切, 关怀..., 在意/在乎...
例句: He never concerns himself with hurting someone's feelings unless he feels it will tarnish his image as a "noble terrorist." (他从来不在乎伤害别人的感情除非他觉得这个行为会玷污他的"高贵的恐怖份子"形象)

12. conclusively proved, be
定义: 毫无疑问地被证实, 结论性地被证实.
例句: It has been conclusively proved that the Earth goes around the sun. (地球围绕着太阳运行已经毫无疑问地被证实了)

13. concrete jungle, the
定义: 水泥丛林, 都市里的高楼大厦.
例句: Spain plans to restore a fifth of its coastline from overdeveloped concrete jungle to a more natural state. (西班牙计划要恢复五分之一的海岸地区从过度开发的水泥丛林回归到一个更自然的状态)

14. concrete ways, the
定义: 具体的, 实在的办法, 方法.
例句: Several groups are working behind the scenes to find concrete ways of helping us obtain wealth and leave more of our assets to future generations. (数个团体正在幕后努力地寻找具体的方法来帮助我们取得财富以及留给子孙更多的资产)

15. concussion grenade, a
定义: 震撼手榴弹.
例句: The concussion grenade is an anti-personnel device that is designed to damage its target with explosive power alone. (震撼手榴弹是一种杀伤人员的爆炸装置, 它被设计为单独以爆发力来伤害它的目标)

16. condition has changed very little, the
定义: 情况几乎没什么变化.
例句: The doctors work hard with various treatment approaches, only to find that their patient's condition has changed very little. (这些医师正在努力地使用不同的治疗方法来医治, 居然发现他们病人的情况几乎没什么变化)

17. conducive to, be
定义: 推动, 促成, 有助于.
例句: It reaffirms that continuance of tension and hostility is not conducive to fruitful relations between the two countries. (它再度证明持续的紧张与敌对的状态无助于两国之间的关系会产生成果)

18. conduct of the war, the
定义: 战争的行为; 作战的行为, 方式或作业程序.
例句: I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed. (我并不是在抗议战争的行为, 而我所反对的是把士兵作为牺牲品的政治错误和虚伪)

19. conduct oneself, to
定义: (个人)表现的行为举止.
例句: The way you conduct yourself in an interview often determines whether or not you get the job. (你在面试所表现的行为方式经常决定你是否能够取得这个工作)

20. confer any legitimacy, to
定义: 给予任何的合法性或正当性. (经常使用在否定语气)
例句: However, the provided links should not be considered an endorsement, nor do they confer any legitimacy to the content of those websites. (但是, 我们所提供的连接不应被视为对它们的一个支持, 也不意味这些网站的内容被赋予了正当性)



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