二十笔实用成语 549

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二十笔实用成语 549

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 26, 2015 8:16 pm

二十笔实用成语 549

01. high on the agenda/list, be
定义: 被列为优先的或重要的议程/考虑事项/条件/要求/工作/任务.
例句: If you could, stay somewhere else because cleanliness is not on the agenda here. (如果你能够的话, 到别的地方住, 因为这裡的卫生工作并不列为优先的任务. 注: 意指这家旅馆卫生工作不到位)

02. high on the hog, be
定义: 生活富裕奢华.
例句: If I win the lotto, we'll live high on the hog - in a mansion! (如果我赢得了乐透奖, 我们将可以过着富裕的生活 – 住在豪宅裡!)

03. high price (to pay) for, a
定义: 付出昂贵的代价. (注: 意指犯下错误或为了取得另一事或物所付出高代价)
例句: Five years in prison is a high price to pay for one mistake. (为了一个错误在监狱裡服刑五年可算是付出昂贵的代价)

04. high school dropout, a
定义: 高中逃学生, 辍学生, 退学生或高中没毕业的人.
例句: The stigma of being a high-school dropout followed me throughout the rest of my life, even if some of it is imagined. (作为高中辍学生所带给我的耻辱一直跟随着我的下半生儘管有些羞辱是我自己想像出来的)

05. high, wide and handsome, be
定义: 无忧无虑, 轻鬆潇洒的.
例句: Willy is high, wide, and handsome after his great triumph over his opponent. (在大胜他的对手之后, 威利展现出轻鬆潇洒的风度)

06. higher than a kite, be
定义: 喝醉了, 喝高了, 喝酒/吸毒时带来腾云驾雾感觉; 乐不可支, 喜不自胜.
例句: He's higher than a kite. Don't let him drive! (他喝得醉醺醺. 别让他开车!)

07. highest bidder, the
定义: (拍卖场)最高价的投标者.
例句: The item will be sold to the highest bidder. (这件物品将被卖给最高价的投标者)

08. highlight the issue, to
定义: 凸显这一问题.
例句: The movie highlights the issue of gang violence in our city. (这部电影凸显出我们这个城市所面临的帮派暴力问题)

09. highly conducive to, be
定义: 高度地有助益, 高度地促成.
例句: The school tries to create an atmosphere that is highly conducive to learning. (这所学校努力地创造一个对学习有高度助益的环境)

10. highly unlikely, be
定义: 极为不可能的, 可能性很小.
例句: It's highly unlikely that she'll get into university with the test scores she has. (以她的考试分数想要进入大学是极不可能的)

11. high-profile case, a
定义: 高曝光或高知名度的桉件.
例句: In any high-profile case you're looking for those who, despite whatever they've heard, read or seen, they can still keep an open mind. (在任何的高曝光桉件下你要寻找那些儘管他们已经听说, 读过或看过此桉件的报导但仍能保持无偏见的人们. 注: 意指接下高曝光桉件的律师仍要寻找无偏见的陪审员)

12. highs and lows, the
定义: 高点与低点, 好处与坏处, 快乐与忧伤时光, 顺利与不顺遂的经历, (人生的)起伏迭宕.
例句: Basically I relate the rising and lowering of tides to the highs and lows of our lives. (基本上我把潮汐的涨落跟我们的人生的起伏迭宕联想成一起)

13. hightail it, to
定义: 快速逃逸或撤退.
例句: When we heard the night watchman, we hightailed it out of there as quick as we could. (当我们听到巡夜守卫的声音, 我们便拼命地迅速逃离那个地方)

14. highway robbery, a
定义: 公路抢劫, 敲竹槓, 贵得离谱, 高价强卖.
例句: The price that we had to pay for that diamond ring was highway robbery! (我们不得不付的那隻鑽戒的价钱贵得离谱简直跟抢劫一样!)

15. highway vs. freeway
定义: [易溷淆字或片语]由于不同国家的差异, highway有可能是包括freeway和其他型式的干道. 在美国, Highway是连接两座城市或乡镇的干道, 它是有十字路口的. Freeway因为是个封闭式的高速公路, 也就是有固定入口和出口. 除了未完工的路段, freeway几乎没有十字路口.

16. hinge on/upon, to
定义: 要看...才能决定, 取决于, 因...而定.
例句: The outcome of your college applications hinges on how well you do on the SAT. (你申请大学的结果取决于你SAT成绩的优劣)

17. hint at, to
定义: 暗示, 暗指, 影射.
例句: "What are you hinting at?" "I am not hinting at anything. I am telling you to do it!" ("你在暗示什麽?" "我什麽都没暗示. 我就是叫你做这件事!")

18. hip, hip, hurrah!
定义: [欢呼语]大声叫喊表达兴奋与鼓舞.
例句: Hip, hip, hurrah! We've done it! (真棒! 我们做到了!)

19. hire out, to
定义: 受雇工作, 替人打工; 给与服务或出租并取得费用.
例句: He decided to hire himself out as a tour guide while he was going to school. (当他仍在上学的时候, 他决定作一名导游来打工赚钱)

20. His ability to do that is just uncanny.
[成语句型]他做那件事的能力简直是神奇. (注: uncanny是神秘的, 离奇的)



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