二十笔实用成语 560

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二十笔实用成语 560

帖子 royl » 周六 5月 30, 2015 9:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 560

01. honeymoon is over, the
定义: 蜜月结束了; 新总统与国会或两团体之间的友善期间结束了.
例句: The honeymoon was over for the new President after two months. (两个月之后这位新总统和国会之间的友善期间结束了)

02. honor-bound to do something, be
定义: 义不容辞. (注: 意指在道义上你感到有责任去做某件事并不代表你愿意去做)
例句: I felt honor-bound to defend my friend. (我感觉在道义上我有必要维护我的朋友)

03. hook up with ..., to
定义: [俚语]结识; 牵线, 介绍认识; 约会; 结婚; 与某人产生关系或交往; 取得别人的地址电话; 发生性关系.
例句: The guy I used to date keeps asking me to hook him up with my female friends. Well, I don't feel like doing it. How do I tell him nicely to stop? (这个我过去交往的男子不停地要求我给他介绍我的女性朋友. 然而我却不想做这件事. 我如何宛转地告诉他停止这种要求?)

04. hook up, to
定义: 合作, 联合; 接恰, 碰面; 供给, 提供; 接线; 连接; 结识; 牵线, 介绍认识; 约会; 结婚; 与某人产生关系或交往.
例句: As soon as we moved to our new apartment we had to hook up the phone system. (我们一旦搬到新公寓我们必须马上接通电话系统)

05. hook, line and sinker
定义: 没有保留地, 完全地.
例句: I gave them some ridiculous explanation, and they fell for it hook, line and sinker. (我给他们一个荒谬的解释, 他们居然毫无疑问地相信了)

06. hooked on, be
定义: 上瘾, 痴迷.
例句: She got hooked on gambling, and her habit led to losses in the tens of thousands of dollars. (她对赌博痴迷上瘾, 她这个恶习导致了她数万元的损失)

07. hop a flight; hop on a plane
定义: 搭乘飞机.
例句: Last week I hopped on a plane to LAX. That was an impromptu business trip brought me to the land of the rich and famous in the heart of Hollywood. (上个星期我搭乘航班飞往洛杉矶国际机场. 那是个临时起意的商务旅行把我带到位于好莱坞中心的富人与名人之乡)

08. hop in, to
定义: 跳进来; 上车.
例句: Friday afternoon, we hopped in the car and took a spontaneous trip to South Padre Island. (星期五下午, 我们跳上车, 自然而然地开往南帕德雷岛旅游)

09. hop into bed with someone, to
定义: 参与, 涉入, 共谋, 与某人紧密交往.
例句: When you're desperate for money, any investor will do, but you should be careful with who you hop into bed with because the wrong choice can make life a living hell. (当你急需钱的时候, 对你来说任何投资人都好, 但你应当谨慎选择参与人因为错误的选择会使你身败名裂)

10. Hop it!; Hop off!
定义: [命令语]走开! 滚开! 别烦我!
例句: She told her kid brother to hop it and leave her alone. (她要她的弟弟走开, 别烦她)

11. hop out of bed, to
定义: 仓促起床.
例句: I hopped out of bed, got dressed and headed off to work. (我仓促起床, 穿好衣服之后便赶去上班)

12. hop to it, to
定义: 加速全力赶工.
例句: We must hop to it and try to get this job done before dinner. (我们必须在晚餐之前全力赶工设法做完这个工作)

13. hop up, to
定义: 激励, 鼓动; 加强马力; 跳近.
例句: He hopped the crowd up with his fiery speech. (他的激烈演说把这群人煽动得群情激愤)

14. hop, skip and jump, a
定义: 短距离; [运动术语]三级跳.
例句: Her house is just a hop, skip, and jump from mine. (她的家离我家不远)

15. hope against hope, to
定义: 仍抱一线希望. (注: 虽然希望渺茫)
例句: The rescue team were hoping against hope that the lost hikers would be found alive. (救援队对这名失踪登山者的生还仍然抱着一线希望)

16. Hope it'll help.
[成语句型]希望这能对你有所帮助. (注: 经常在供给别人你手边资料之后所说的话)

17. Hope to see a good turnout.
[成语句型]希望能看到大家踊跃出席. (注: a good turnout指高出席率)

18. Hope you have a pleasant stay.

19. Hopefully, I can make it home.
[成语句型]我希望能开得回家. (注: 意指汽油剩得不多或汽车出问题, 希望开回家没问题)

20. hopes dashed
定义: 一切希望幻灭.
例句: Our hopes were dashed when it was announced that the company was closing down. (当这家公司被宣布它将关闭之时, 我们的一切希望都幻灭了)



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