二十笔实用成语 588

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二十笔实用成语 588

帖子 royl » 周一 7月 27, 2015 12:34 am

二十笔实用成语 588

01. if nothing else
定义: 起码, 如果没有别的, 只要...就好, 否则.
例句: The meal was hot, if nothing else. (起码这餐饭是热腾腾的. 注: 意指这餐饭也许并不可口好吃, 但它起码是餐热食)

02. if only
定义: 但愿, 假如...就好, 只要...就好.
例句: If only she loved me in return! (但愿她以爱我为回报! 注: 由于这句话是个虚拟语气所以loved这个动词是过去时态)

03. if possible
定义: 假如可能的话. (注: 常用在希望你越...越好, 假如可能的话)
例句: If possible, I would like to make a reservation for 4 for Friday, at 7:00 pm. (如果可能的话, 我想要预订一个星期五晚上七点的四人坐桌位)

04. if/when push comes to shove
定义: 在紧要关头的时候, 在决定性时刻; 在关键时刻. (注: 意指非常时期所采取必要措施)
例句: Don't worry, he'll back down when push comes to shove. (你放心, 在关键时刻他会让步的)

05. if so ...
定义: 如果是/有的话...
例句: Do you happen to have the contact information for Mr. Zhang? If so, could you please send it to me? (你是否正好手边有张先生的联络资料? 如果有的话, 可不可以请你发给我?)

06. If so, take heart.
[成语句型]假如是这样的, 你要鼓起勇气与决心.

07. If some of you think your whining is going to make a difference, think again.
[成语句型]如果你们中间有人认为哼哼唧唧地抱怨能够扭转颓势的话, 你错了.

08. if that doesn't beat all
定义: 这是我所见到的最. (好的, 坏的, 大的, 等等)
例句: Well blow me down if that doesn't beat all! (唉呀, 想不到这真是令人惊奇!)

09. if that was the case
定义: 如果是这样的话, 假如这事是真的话.
例句: Fred may have forgotten his GPS. If this was the case, it would explain why he drove east instead of west. (弗来德可能忘了带他的卫星导航器. 如果是这样的话, 那就可以解释他为什么往东行驶而不是往西走)

10. if the cap/shoe fits (, wear it)
定义: 假如别人批评得有道理, 就接受吧.
例句: "Are you calling me a liar?" "If the shoe fits, wear it." ("你在骂我骗子吗?" "如果我说得对, 你就认了吧.")

11. if/when the going gets tough
定义: 当情势变为艰难.
例句: In the second year, you study law. That's when the going gets tough. (到了第二学年你将会研读法律. 那就是情势变为艰难的时候)

12. if the need arises
定义: 假如有需要的话, 假如有必要的话.
例句: If the need arises, you can turn on your hazard lights. (假如有必要的话, 你可以打开你的警示灯)

13. If this keeps up, ...
定义: 如果这样情形继续下去, ...
例句: I have drawn most all I have in the bank, and will soon be flat broke if this keeps up! (我已经提走我银行大部分的存款, 如果这个情形继续下去的话, 我很快​​就会身无分文!)

14. if truth be told/known
定义: 说句实话, 事实上.
例句: If truth be told, I've never liked Tom. (说实话, 我从来就没喜欢过汤姆)

15. if vs. whether
[易混淆字或片语]I wonder if...是较随便的使用语但并不是错误用语, 其实应该正式地使用I wonder whether...

16. if worse comes to worse; if (the) worse comes to (the) worst; if (the) worst comes to (the) worst
定义: 假如最糟情况发生时.
例句: If worst comes to worst, you can always ask me for help. (假如最糟情况发生时, 你随时都可以找我帮忙)

17. it would be remiss (of me) if I…
定义: 如果...将是我的疏忽或失礼.
例句: It would be remiss of me if I forgot to mention them in my lecture. (如果我在演讲中忘了提及他们的话, 这将是我的疏忽)

18. if you are having trouble, you can ...
定义: 假如你遇见麻烦时, 你可以...
例句: If you are having trouble, you can contact our tech support. (如果你遇见麻烦的时候, 你可以跟我们​​技术支援部门联络)

19. if you are serious about it
定义: 如果你认真地做这件事; 如果你以严肃的态度对待它; 假如你对这个真心, 有诚意的话.
例句: It'll bring out the best in you if you are serious about it. (如果你认真地做这件事, 它会让你尽展所长)

20. if you ask me
定义: 依我的看法, 我认为. (注: 意指在别人没有询问我的看法前题之下我自己主动提出我的看法)
例句: She didn't really want that job in the first place if you ask me. (依我的看法, 她压根儿就不想要那个工作)



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