二十笔实用成语 604

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二十笔实用成语 604

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 06, 2015 2:07 pm

二十笔实用成语 604

01. in behalf of ...
定义: 为了...利益, 支持...
例句: We raised money in behalf of the earthquake victims. (我们募款是为了援助地震受灾户)

02. in better shape
定义: 情况更佳, 更上一层楼.
例句: He was still in better shape than many young men. (他的身体状况比许多年轻人还好)

03. in between
定义: 两者之间.
例句: Ben and Jerry disagreed and I was caught in between. (班和杰瑞发生争执而我却夹在他们两人中间)

04. in between times
定义: 在此期间; 同时.
例句: John has written several books and teaches in between times. (约翰已经撰写了几本书而在这期间他还兼职教书)

05. in black and white
定义: 清楚易懂, 黑白分明; 白纸黑字, 书面.
例句: I have it in black and white that I'm entitled to two weeks of vacation each year. (我手中握有白纸黑字的雇用合同它显示出我有资格每年享有两个星期的假期)

06. in bounds
定义: [运动术语]在界线内.
例句: The receiver was still in bounds when he caught the pass. (当他接住了这记传球, 这名接球员仍然在界线内. 注: 意指这名球员没有出界)

07. in brief
定义: 简言之, 简短地, 摘要地.
例句: In brief, all flights have been canceled. (简单地说, 所有的航班都被取消了)

08. in broad daylight
定义: 大白天, 光天化日, 毫不掩饰.
例句: The man undressed right there on the street in broad daylight. (这名男子在街上光天化日之下脱光衣服)

09. in bulk
定义: 散装地, 大量地, 大批地.
例句: To cut costs, the restaurant buys rice and flour in bulk. (为了节省成本, 这家餐厅购买大批量的米和面粉)

10. in business
定义: 功能完备, 可以运作, 经营.
例句: All the repairs have been made, and all the programming has been done—we're now in business. (所有的修理已经完工了, 所有的程序也编制完成了—我们现在可以运作了)

11. in cahoots
定义: 勾结, 同伙, 密谋. (注: 意指密秘勾结犯罪)
例句: The supermarket was in cahoots with the vegetable producer to try and keep the prices high. (这家超市伙同那家蔬菜生产商试图维持高价位)

12. in camera
定义: 私下地; [法律术语]与法官私下交谈.
例句: I would like to speak to you in camera. (我想要私下跟你谈话)

13. in care of someone
定义: 由某人转交给你. (注: 常写在信封上, 缩写为c/o)
例句: I sent the parcel to her in care of her friend at the university. (经由她在这所大学的朋友转交, 我寄出这个包裹给她)

14. in case
定义: 假如; 预防, 为了万一要发生事件而准备.
例句: In case there is a fire, we keep our computer backup files in a fireproof safe. (为了预防火灾, 我们把我们电脑的备份文件储藏在一个防火保险柜里)

15. in case of
定义: 万一某事件要发生的话.
例句: Here is a number you can call in case of emergency. (这是一个万一紧急情况发生时你可以打的电话)

16. in case you didn't notice
定义: 万一/也许你没注意到, 为了怕你没注意到.
例句: In case you didn't notice, the posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited in this forum. (为了怕你没注意到, 本论坛禁止张贴广告, 脏话, 或者私人攻击的内容. 注:这句话是用来再次强调本论坛的规则)

17. in cases where/when/which/that
定义: 在...(一些)情况下.
例句: What can you do in cases where your personal values​​ conflict with the values​​ of your employer? (当你个人价值观和你雇主价值观发生冲突的情况下, 你会如何做?)

18. in cement
定义: 牢固地解决好或决定好, 不可改变的.
例句: We are told that all options are open and nothing is in cement. (我们被告知所有的选择都不排除, 没有任何事务是已经决定好了)

19. in chains
定义: (论及囚犯)带着手镣或脚链; 被束缚住无法脱身.
例句: The contract would keep the employees in chains, unable to leave the company for at least five years. (这份合同将束缚住员工, 让他们起码五年之内无法离开这家公司)

20. in character with
定义: 符合某人一贯的性格或个性.
例句: Supporting the other members of the staff is in character with her usual actions. (声援其他职员符合她一贯的行为模式)



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