二十笔实用成语 609

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二十笔实用成语 609

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 21, 2015 9:36 am

二十笔实用成语 609

01. in for a penny, in for a pound
定义: 一旦涉入, 干脆做到底; 一不做, 二不休. (注: 原译为欠人一毛也是欠钱, 干脆欠人一块钱算了)
例句: I've put all my savings into this venture. In for a penny, in for a pound; I ​​might as well go all the way. (我已经把我所有的积蓄投进了这个新事业. 一不做, 二不休; 我不如干脆干到底算了)

02. in for it
定义: 支持, 赞成某事; 承诺或投入某事业; 肯定会遇到麻烦或惩罚.
例句: I forgot our anniversary again, and I'll be in for it soon. (我又忘了我们的结婚周年纪念日了, 不要多久我老婆肯定会找我麻烦)

03. in force
定义: 大量的; 有效力的.
例句: Negotiations are currently ongoing for the reestablishment of diplomatic ties between both countries. Nevertheless, the overall tr​​ade embargo still remains in force. (恢复两国之间邦交的谈判目前正在进行. 然而, 全面贸易禁运令仍然有效)

04. in front
定义: 居于空间或地区的前沿部分, 居于领先地位.
例句: There was room for one passenger in front, so the rest of us sat in back. (前面只有一个乘客的空位, 因此我们都坐在后面)

05. in front of
定义: 在...之前; 未来; 在...面前.
例句: He was rather uncomfortable about speaking in front of a large audience. (在大量的听众面前演讲让他相当不自在)

06. in front of one's eyes
定义: 在某人眼前.
例句: It happened before my very eyes. (它正巧发生在我的眼前)

07. in full
定义: 完全地, 完整地.
例句: Please write your name and address in full. (请你写出你的全名和完整地址)

08. in full cry
定义: 大声批判; (猎犬)紧追不舍; 全力进行中.
例句: The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits. (在此同时, 左派正在大声批判这个委员会被人所指控地苛刻的社会安全福利削减. 注: 这里的allegedly是意义为"被人指控但尚未被证实地"的副词, 它有点"被栽赃"的意味)

09. in full feather
定义: 穿着华丽; 羽翼丰满或亮丽; 处于极佳健康状态, 神采奕奕.
例句: There were girls in full feather posing for souvenir photographs taken by a on-site professional photographer. (那里有穿着华丽服装的女郎们提供由现场专业摄影师所拍摄的纪念照片上的模特儿服务)

10. in full force
定义: 全面执行, 全面实施, 全面出动, 倾巢而出.
例句: The police were present at the demonstration in full force. (警方全面出动在这场示威游行的现场上)

11. in full swing
定义: 全力进行中, 进入最热烈活动中.
例句: When we arrived, the party was in full swing. (当我们到达的时候, 这场派对正进入活动的高潮)

12. in fun
定义: 开玩笑地, 逗着玩地.
例句: Don't take offense, I was only saying it in fun. (别恼怒呀, 我只是说着玩地)

13. in general
定义: 整体, 大致, 普遍, 通常.
例句: In general, it takes about a month for the shipment to arrive. (通常需要一个月的时间这件货品才会寄到)

14. in glowing terms
定义: 赞誉有加, 盛赞不绝.
例句: Your manager spoke of you in glowing terms. He thought highly of you! (你的经理对赞誉有加. 他很器重你!)

15. in God's name
定义: 以神之名祈求神; 表达不耐烦, 惊讶及急切恳求; 究竟, 到底.
例句: What in God's name were you thinking? (你到底在想什么? 你疯了吗? 注: 这句话并不是一句询问语, 它其实是句谴责语)

16. in good company
定义: 有好人为伴(不必担心); 跟某名人一样的情形. (注: 意指不只你一个人有此情况, 也有别的名人面临同一情况)
例句: Einstein didn't do so well in school, so you're in good company. (爱因斯坦在学校也表现不好, 所以不只你一个人有这个问题)

17. in good faith
定义: 真诚地, 善意地.
例句: The union president said that he always bargained in good faith. (这名工会主席说, 他一直是真心诚意地与资方谈判)

18. in good hands
定义: 在能干的安全的照顾之下.
例句: Don't worry, your children are in good hands. (别担心, 你的儿女会受到悉心地照顾)

19. in good part
定义: 宽容地, 有风度地, 欣然接受地; 大多, 很大程度上.
例句: His success is in good part ascribable to dogged determination. (他的成功很大程度上归功于他的不屈不挠决心)

20. in good spirits
定义: 充满活力; 心情愉快乐观; 不失风度地, 有风范地.
例句: The patient is in good spirits and that will speed her recovery. (这个病人乐观愉快, 这样的心情将会加速她的康复)



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