二十笔实用成语 626

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二十笔实用成语 626

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 11, 2015 2:35 am

二十笔实用成语 626

01. in the making
定义: 在形成中, 在创造中.
例句: Min is a talented pianist. Is he a Glenn Gould in the making? (明是一个才华横溢的钢琴家. 难道他是个正在形成的格兰•古尔德吗? 注: Glenn Gould乃是一位二十世纪加拿大籍的钢琴奇才)

02. in the market for
定义: 想要购买, 准备要购买.
例句: I am in the market for a new computer as my old one is too slow. (我准备要购买一套新电脑因为我的旧电脑速度太慢了)

03. in the meantime/meanwhile
定义: 同时, 在此时. (注: 意指介于两事发生之间)
例句: The news will be on in five minutes. In the meantime, I'll make a couple of cups of coffee. (再等五分钟新闻节目就开始了. 在此同时, 我煮两杯咖啡吧)

04. in the medium/short term
定义: 在中/短期阶段内.
例句: In the short term, you will be better off if you rent an apartment. (在短期内, 你如果租间公寓会比较划算)

05. in the middle of (doing) something
定义: 正忙于某工作, 正在做某事当中.
例句: She called me when I was in the middle of taking a nap. (她打电脑给我的时候, 我正在打盹儿)

06. in the middle of nowhere
定义: 荒野无人之地.
例句: He went vacationing with his hunting pals but I can't get hold of him right now because they are in the middle of nowhere. (他跟他的打猎伙伴一起去渡假, 但我现在找不到他的人因为他们身在荒野无人之地)

07. in the middle of the night
定义: 在三更半夜里.
例句: Why did you come all the way out here, in the middle of the night, just to tell me what you've been up to? (你干嘛三更半夜, 从大老远跑到这儿只为了告诉我你最近都在干些啥事?)

08. in the midst
定义: 处于...中, 被...所环绕, 正在做某事当中.
例句: We are in the midst of the worst recession in ten years. (我们正处在十年来最糟的经济衰退)

09. in the mire
定义: 陷入泥淖, 进退维谷, 一筹莫展.
例句: The poor are so deep in the mire of poverty that simple solutions like education don't work. (这些穷人陷入贫穷的泥淖太深了, 凭一些例如教育之类的简单解决方法是不会有效果的)

10. in the mistaken/erroneous belief that
定义: 基于(某人)误认或误信...是真的或对的. (注: 意指某人做了某件事情是因为他认为做得是对的, 虽然他所基于的原因不一定是对的)
例句: The juvenile thieves broke into the building in the mistaken belief that there was expensive computer equipment inside. (这些少年窃贼闯进这栋大楼误以为这里面有昂贵的电脑设备可偷)

11. in the money
定义: 富有; 赛马赌注上得到前三名.
例句: One of these days I'll be in the money! (总有一天我会发财!)

12. in the mood for
定义: 有心情想要(做某事).
例句: I'm in the mood for pizza today. ​​Let's order a large one, loaded! (我今天想要吃比萨饼. 那我们就叫一客大片的比萨饼, 叠着满满的配料!)

13. in the name of
定义: 以...为由请求或呼求; 由...授权; 由...指派; 由...所持有; 以...为理由或借口.
例句: They're tearing down these historic buildings in the name of progress. (他们以进步作借口拆除这批具有历史意义的建筑)

14. in the name of Christ/God/heaven
定义: 以神之名请求或呼求.
例句: In the name of God, stop that noise!​​ (天啊, 停止这个噪音!)

15. in the near future
定义: 不久, 没多久, 很快的, 在短时内.
例句: We'll be needing a new car in the near future. (我们没多久就会需要一部新车)

16. in the neighborhood/region of
定义: 大约在某个数字左右, 在某个地点或地区的附近.
例句: I don't know exactly what the exchange rate is – somewhere in the neighborhood of 95 yen to the dollar. (我不知道准确的汇率是多少– 大约是95日元对一美元吧)

17. in the nicest possible way
定义: 以最和气, 委婉的态度.
例句: I asked him in the nicest possible way to put his cigarette out. (我以最委婉的态度要求他把他的香烟熄灭)

18. in the nick of time
定义: 在最后一刻, 千钧一发时刻, 差一点就迟了.
例句: I was able to board the airplane just in the nick of time. (居然在最后一刻, 我还能够登上了这班飞机)

19. in the normal/ordinary course of events
定义: 在一般情况下, 通常; 按理; 按说.
例句: In the ordinary course of events, they wouldn't go to court over something like this. (在一般情况下, 他们是不会为了这种事情告上了法庭)

20. in the not too distant future
定义: 很快, 不久, 在不久的将来.
例句: I expect him to show up for work if not today then certainly in the not too distant future. (我预计他如果今天不来上班的话, 他肯定也会在不久的将来回来上班)



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