二十笔实用成语 628

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二十笔实用成语 628

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 14, 2015 1:57 pm

二十笔实用成语 628

01. in the same boat
定义: 同病相怜, 都面临同一样困境, 处境相同.
例句: She's always complaining about how little money she makes, but we're all in the same boat. (她总是抱怨她赚的钱太少, 但我们大家都面临同样的处境)

02. in the same breath
定义: 同时地, 一举, 一下子, 一口气.
例句: You say he treats you badly but in the same breath you tell me how much you love him. Does that make sense? (妳說他对妳不好, 但同时妳却告诉我妳多么地爱他. 这话说得通吗?)

03. in the same league
定义: 同一技术水平, 同一个级别.
例句: Tom has made a lot of money, but his net worth is not in the same league as that restaurateur's. (汤姆赚了不少钱, 但他的财富净值跟那个餐​​馆老板的财富净值不是同一个级别. 注: 意指汤姆的财富根本比不上那个餐馆老板)

04. in the same vein
定义: 同样的风格或品质, 在同一话题上, 类似这样.
例句: Her second novel is a thriller, very much in the same vein as the first. (他的第二本小说是部惊悚小说, 跟第一本小说的风格非常相似)

05. in the scheme of things; in the grand/great scheme of things
定义: 跟更重要事务上看, 从大局来看. (注: 意指跟更重要事务比起来, 有些事情就显得不重要或渺小)
例句: In the great scheme of things, having lots of money isn't as important as having friends. (从大局来看, 拥有许多金钱并没有比拥有朋友还具有意义)

06. in the second place
定义: 第二名; (数算原因)第二个.
例句: I don't want to go yet, in the first place I'm tired, and in the second place it's raining outside. (我还不想离开, 第一是因为我累了, 第二是因为外面在下雨)

07. in the shadow of
定义: 活在...阴影下; 在...(不良)影响下; 在...之旁.
例句: Living in the shadow of his glamorous wife, John was quiet and shy. (活在他的艳光四射妻子的阴影下, 约翰表现得沉默与腼腆)

08. in the shape of …
定义: 呈...的形状; 以...形式.
例句: They offered help in the shape of a zero-interest loan. (他们以无息贷款的形式提供援助)

09. in the short run
定义: 短期内.
例句: Although gasoline prices may rise in the short run, they should begin to fall again by the end of the year. (虽然汽油价格短期内可能上涨, 它们应该会在年底之前开始再度下跌)

10. in the slightest
定义: 丝毫, 一点.
例句: That doesn't worry me in the slightest. (那件事我一点都不担心)

11. in the soup
定义: 陷入困难, 尴尬, 进退两难困境.
例句: My big mouth has landed me in the soup again! (我的多嘴又给我带来了麻烦!)

12. in the span of less than 3 years
定义: 在不到三年的一段时间内. (注: 这里的三年只是个举例, 读者可以换成任何时间)
例句: His YouTube channel has gained over 170,000 subscribers in the span of less than two years. (他的YouTube频道在不到两年的时间内获得了超过十七万个订户)

13. in the street
定义: 无事可做的, 失业的; 无家可归的, 流浪, 飘泊; 出狱的, 自由的.
例句: It's unbearable to be on the street in winter. (冬天的街头流浪生活实在令人不堪忍受)

14. in the stretch; in the final stretch
定义: (竞争, 竞赛)到了最后冲刺阶段.
例句: She's in the stretch. The baby's due next month. (她已经到临产阶段. 她的宝宝预计在下个月出生. 注: 虽然这里的in the stretch意为最后冲刺阶段, 因为我们的主题是生产宝宝所以翻译上还是要与主题息息相关)

15. in the swim of things; into the swim of things
定义: 参与活动; 熟悉情况.
例句: When he gets into the swim of things, he'll be relaxed. (当他逐渐熟悉了状况之后, 他就会放松下来)

16. in the tank
定义: [俚语]在监狱里服刑; 暴跌的, 不景气的, 衰落的.
例句: Our economy has been in the tank for years. (我们的经济已经萧条了好多年了)

17. in the thick of, be
定义: 处于某事最忙碌, 激烈的状况; 积极参与某事, 完全涉入某事.
例句: We're in the thick of our work right now. I'll call you back in an hour. (我们这一刻正忙得不可开交. 我过一个钟头再回你电话)

18. in the throes of
定义: 在困难中或痛苦挣扎中.
例句: We're in the throes of repairing this old house. What a job! (我们为了修缮这栋老房子吃了不少苦头. 真不是人干的活呀!)

19. in the toilet; into the toilet
定义: 处于恶化状况里; 付诸东流, 不幸损失.
例句: Our economy has gone into the toilet over the past 30 years, and you still think free trade is the solution? (我们的经济已经衰退了三十多年了, 你还认为自由贸易是个解决办法吗?)

20. in the train of
定义: 随...而来, 继...之后所发生之事件.
例句: Disease came in the train of war. (继战争之后, 疾病随之而来)



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