二十笔实用成语 651

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二十笔实用成语 651

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 16, 2016 12:29 pm

二十笔实用成语 651

01. It's not known at this time.
[成语句型]在这个时候, 这事我们还不清楚.

02. it's not over till/until the last dog dies; it's not over till/until the fat lady sings
定义: 一个事务或比赛要到正式结束才算完结. (注: 意指不要提早放弃, 不要气馁, 不要早下断言)
例句: We just lost a battle not the war. It's not over till the fat lady sings. (我们只输了一场战斗并不是整场战争. 不要这么早就放弃)

03. it's not rocket science
定义: 这并不复杂或难懂. (注: 火箭科学经常用来比喻复杂或难懂之事)
例句: Look, all you need to do is reformat the flash drive as NTFS. It isn't rocket science! (听我说, 你所须要做的就是把这片闪存盘格式化为NTFS文件系统即可. 这个工作并不复杂!)

04. it's not the end of the world
定义: 这又不是世界末日, 别难过.
例句: It's not the end of the world. We can still bounce back from it, even though it's a tough loss. (这又不是世界末日. 我们仍然可以卷土重来, 虽然这次失败让我们损失惨重)

05. it's not too late to …
定义: ...还不太迟.
例句: It's not too late to catch up on your homework now. (现在赶紧做完你的功课还不太迟)

06. it's not up to you
定义: 这可不是由得你的. (注: 意指此事你没权选择)
例句: It's not up to you to decide whether or not I should get over something you did to me. I'm the victim, only I can decide whether justice is served and when I can move on. (我是否应该忘怀你对我做出某件事的伤害是由不得你的. 我是受害者, 只有我才能决定正义是否得到伸张以及何时我才会忘却伤害继续过我的日子)

07. it's not what you know, it's who you know
定义: 你知道什么没用, 而是你认识谁才管用. (注: 意指你凭本领没用而是要凭关系)
例句: In politics, it's not what you know, it's who you know. (在政治圈里混, 你知道什么没用, 而是你认识谁才管用)

08. it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it
定义: 你穿什么不重要, 而是你怎么穿才重要. (注: 意指你的洗练态度, 气质及梳理的外表才重要)
例句: I like it when people wear clothes from cheaper brands like they're Dior. It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. (我喜欢有些人把便宜的衣服穿着像似迪奥服饰一样. 你穿什么不重要, 而是你怎么穿才重要)

09. It's nothing to make a song and dance about.

10. It's nothing to write home about.

11. it's now or never.
定义: 千载难逢的良机; 把握现在, 稍纵即逝.
例句: If we're going to start a family, it's now or never. We can't wait. (如果我们准备要生小孩的话, 最好抓紧现在. 我们不能再等了. 注: 这里的to start a family = to begin having children)

12. It's OK.
[成语句型]还好; 可以(允许别人做某事); 让他去.

13. it's one of those days.
定义: 碰到了凡事都不顺心的一天.
例句: It was one of those days and right from early morning things went wrong. (碰到了凡事都不顺心的一天, 从一大清早起事事都不顺利)

14. it's only a matter/question of time
定义: 只是时间上的问题. (注: 意指某事迟早要发生的)
例句: I know that if I don't take proper measures, it's only a matter of time before my identity is stolen. (我知道如果我不采取适当措施的话, 我的身份被人盗窃只是时间上的问题)

15. it's only fair …
定义: 这才算公允; 算是公正地或公平地.
例句: She's not entirely to blame, but it's only fair to say that she handled the situation badly. (这事并不全部是她的错, 但是认为她对这个情况处理的手法相当拙劣还算是公允的评价)

16. it's only natural …
定义: 这是正常, 自然, 合理, 天经地义的.
例句: It's only natural that you would feel that way. (你有这种想法算是正常的)

17. it's over with; it's over
定义: 这件事已经结束.
例句: When the trial ended, I'm glad it's over with. (当这场官司终结的时候, 我很高兴它终于结束了)

18. it's part of my/the job
定义: 这是我该做事情的一部分或不得不面对的问题之一. (注: 常用于我只是尽我的责任, 既不是特意帮你也不是针对你的)
例句: Everyone who works here knows it's part of the job, and you just do what has to be done. (每个在这里工作的人都知道这是我们该做事情的一部分, 你就把该做的事做完即可)

19. It's personal. I don't want to talk about it.
[成语句型]这是私人事情. 我不想谈它. (注: 顺便提醒读者, 西方人不随便谈论自己的年龄, 体重及薪资收入)

20. It's really not all that complicated.
[成语句型]其实, 这不是那么复杂.



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