二十笔实用成语 656

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二十笔实用成语 656

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 26, 2016 8:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 656

01. jib at, to
定义: 不赞同, 厌恶, 拒绝接受.
例句: I jib at sending our children to expensive private schools. (我不赞成把我们的儿女送到昂贵的私立学校读书)

02. Jiminy crickets!
定义: [惊叹语]表示惊奇之意.
例句: Jiminy crickets, it's so hot! Forty degrees Celsius! (哎呀, 天气真热! 摄氏四十度!)

03. jive turkey, a
定义: [美国黑人骂人俗语]不可信任的人, 只会吹牛的人, 骗子.
例句: Tom is a jive turkey and always has been. He had the nerve to pull the wool over our eyes. (汤姆是个骗子, 他一直是个骗子. 他居然敢蒙骗我们​​)

04. jobs for the boys, the
定义: 以权势给予亲友安排的工作. (注: 意指一人得道, 鸡犬升天)
例句: It is traditional for a political party that wins elections and assumes power to provide sinecures of jobs for the boys. (传统上, 一个政党赢得了选举并接掌了政权之后就会给亲友安排工作清闲和报酬优厚好差事)

05. jockey for position, to
定义: 卡位战, 谋取有利位置, 竞逐某个职位.
例句: Several companies are jockeying for position in the market. (几家公司正在竞逐这个市场的有利地位)

06. Joe Blow, a
定义: 泛指一个普通男人例如张三或李四.
例句: To them, he's just another Joe Blow. All they're interested in is how much they can take advantage of him. (对于他们来说, 他只是一个普通人. 他们所想要做的是如何能够占尽他的便宜)

07. joe job, a
定义: 网路上使用盗来地址送出攻击某人的电子邮件; 枯燥无味, 低所得, 没前途的工作.
例句: If you're the junior employee, you'll have to do the joe jobs. (如果你是个新进员工的话, 你则必须做这些枯燥无味的工作)

08. Joe Six-Pack, a
定义: 教育水平普通的男子, 中低阶层的男子, 蓝领阶级者.
例句: This is so simple, even a Joe Six-Pack can understand. (这个道理非常简单, 连一个教育水平普通的人也都能听得懂)

09. jog someone's memory, to
定义: 唤起或激起某人的记忆.
例句: This photo of your pet dog may jog your memories of the olden days. (这张你宠物狗的照片或许能唤起你对旧时的记忆)

10. John Doe, a
定义: 一个不知名或为了保密所使用的男人的代名称. (注: 警方常用的一个身份不明男性嫌疑犯或受害者的代称)
例句: The judge issued a John Doe warrant so the police could arrest the culprit when they identified him. (法官对一名身份不明的男性嫌犯发出了拘捕令以便当他被指认出来之后警方能够逮捕这名肇事者)

11. John Hancock
定义: 签字, 签名. (注: John Hancock是第一位美国独立宣言的签名的人)
例句: To give you a refund, we need your John Henry on this form. (我们需要你的签字才能把退费发还给你)

12. John is expected to object vehemently.

13. John Q. Public, a
定义: 一般民众, 普通民众.
例句: Even careful safety precautions in the factory do not make it a good place for John Q. Public to wander unattended. (即使这间工厂采取了谨慎的安全措施也无法保护一般民众的安全如果他们在没有人陪同的情况下走进厂房的话)

14. Johnny-come-lately, a
定义: 新来的人或迟到的人.
例句: He's a Johnny-come-lately and doesn't really know what he is talking about. (他是个新来的人, 对情况一点都不了解)

15. join battle, to
定义: 开战, 参战, 交战.
例句: In the summer of 1941 America edges closer to joining battle against Hitler's victorious armies in Europe. (一九四一年夏天, 美国越来越接近对希特勒在欧洲战无不胜军队的开战)

16. join hands, to
定义: 携手, 联手, 与别人或别团体结合.
例句: We can accomplish great things if we all join hands and work together. (如果我们每个人都携手合作, 我们可以取得重大成就)

17. join in, to
定义: 加入, 一起, 一同.
例句: All of us join together in congratulating you on a job well done! (我们一同恭贺你取得出色的成绩!)

18. join someone in marriage/matrimony, to
定义: 与某人结婚, 与某人永结百年好合.
例句: Before you are joined in matrimony, I have to remind you both of the solemn an​​d binding character of the vows you are about to make. (在你婚礼前的一刻, 我不得不提醒你将要发出的誓言所意味着庄严和具有约束力的双重特质)

19. join the club; welcome to the club
定义: 不是只有你一个人; 欢迎同上一条船. (注: 意指同病相怜; 告诉跟你诉苦的人你也有同样的问题, 你也同是受害者之一)
例句: So you think you deserve to be paid more money for your work? Well, join the club! (你认为你这个工作配得更高的薪水吗? 不只你一个人有这个想法! 注: 意指其他人也觉得他们配得更高薪水)

20. join up, to
定义: 参加, 加入, 聚会, 会合.
例句: We're planning to join up with each other and have a few drinks after the game. (球赛之后, 我们计划跟大家一起会合, 大伙一起喝几杯酒)



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