二十笔实用成语 659

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二十笔实用成语 659

帖子 royl » 周日 10月 09, 2016 2:30 am

二十笔实用成语 659

01. junk mail, a
定义: 垃圾邮件. (注: 意指广告, 推销各式各样东西的信件)
例句: Sam sifted through the junk mail, hoping to find a piece of Burger King coupon sheet. (山姆仔细翻阅这堆垃圾邮件, 希望找出一张汉堡王的优惠券)

02. jury is still out, the
定义: 决定尚未做出, 公众意见尚未得知.
例句: The jury is still out on Tom. Actually, we still don't know what we are going to do with him. (对汤姆的处分尚未决定好. 其实我们还不知道该如何处置他)

03. just a matter of time
定义: 只是迟早而已, 终会, 终究.
例句: It's just a matter of time before they'll find out the truth. (他们迟早终会发现这件事情的真相)

04. just a minute/moment/second
定义: 稍等一下.
例句: Just a minute, young lady! You can't park there! (等一下, 小姑娘! 妳不可以在这里停车!)

05. just a smidgen
定义: 只要一点点, 只要少量.
例句: "Would you like more cream?" "Just a smidgen, please." ("你要不要再加一点奶精?" "好, 只要一点点." 注: 第二句话里的please是个副词,意思是礼貌性的同意所以我将它翻译为"好")

06. just a taste of things to come, be
定义: 只是初步开端, 只是一个开始. (注: 意指只是牛刀小试, 后面还要来的更多的同样事情, 通常指对你不利的事情)
例句: This week's sales are just a taste of things to come. I feel we could be very profitable in the future. (这个星期的销售额只是一个开端. 我觉得我们未来能够赚大钱)

07. just about
定义: 差不多了, 快要好了, 几乎, 快到了.
例句: Please be little bit more patient. Your car is just about done. (请你再耐心地等一等. 你的车快要修理好了)

08. just about to ...
定义: 正准备要...
例句: We were just about to leave when she called. (我们正准备要离开的时候她打电话来了)

09. just another ...
定义: 只不过是另一个...而已 (注: 意指某...没有出奇之处, 只不过是另一个...而已)
例句: It's just another scam out for your hard-earned money! (这只不过是另一个诈欺你辛苦赚来钱的骗局!)

10. just anyone
定义: 任何人, 张三李四, 阿猫阿狗. (注: 常用于否定语气, 例如: I don't lend money to just anyone, 我可不随便借钱给任何人)
例句: You have to be a member to go there. They won't let just anyone in. (你必须是个会员才能去那里. 他们不会随随便便让任何人进入)

11. just as
定义: 就像..., 正如..., 正当...
例句: Just as I suspected, he didn't go home last night. (正如我所怀疑的一样, 他昨晚没回家)

12. just as well (as)
定义: 跟...一样的好, 跟...做得一样地好.
例句: She speaks English just as well as he does. (她说的英语跟他一样好)

13. just as well, be
定义: 幸好, 还好.
例句: I really didn't want to stay home this weekend. But it's just as well; I have a lot to do. (这个周末我实在不想待在家里. 但是还好; 我还有许多事要做. 注: 意指我虽然不想留在家里但我还是留下来了, 由于我还有许多事情可以做, 所以不至于无聊)

14. just be yourself
定义: [鼓励语]你只要表现正常, 自然即可. (注: 意指鼓励别人在某状况中放轻松, 表现自然)
例句: Just be yourself in a job interview. The person vetting you for the job does want to get to know the real you. (在一个工作面试里你只要表现自然即可. 审查你是否胜任这份工作的人确实想要了解真实的你)

15. Just because ... doesn't mean ...
定义: 只因为如此…并不意味(表示)… (注: 请读者善用此类句型)
例句: Just because the little boy is autistic, doesn't mean he's stupid (只因为这个小男孩患了自闭症并不代表他愚蠢)

16. just between us/ourselves
定义: 只有你我知道, 别告诉别人, 别说出去.
例句: Just between us, I think he's wrong. (我认为他是错的, 但你别告诉别人)

17. just do it
定义: [鼓励语]别犹豫, 做了就是.
例句: What are you waiting for? Just do it! (你还在等什么? 别犹豫, 做了就是!)

18. just ducky
定义: 很好, 很令人满意; 有时候也可以作为讽刺性的反话.
例句: "Our flight is delayed." "Well, isn't that just ducky!" ("我们的航班被延迟了." "好啊, 真好啊!")

19. just for a laugh
定义: 只是博君一笑; 只为了好玩或逗乐.
例句: I don't impugn the virtues just for a laugh. I take ethics very seriously, especially when it comes to codes of conduct. (我不会为了逗乐质疑这些美德. 我非常重视道德规范, 尤其是论及行为准则的时候)

20. just for fun
定义: 纯粹是为了好玩. (注: 意指并没其他特殊目的)
例句: I didn't do all that work just for the fun of it. (我做了这么多的努力可不是只为了寻开心)



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