二十笔实用成语 668

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二十笔实用成语 668

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 10, 2016 10:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 668

01. keep/put someone in the picture, to
定义: 向某人解释事件的来龙去脉; 让某人了解最新状况.
例句: I'll keep you in the picture as soon as a final decision has been made. (一旦最后的决定做成之后我会马上通知你)

02. keep someone on a short/tight leash, to
定义: 严加约束某人, 给予很少活动空间.
例句: My wife kept my son on a short leash throughout his high school senior year. (我太太在我儿子读高三的整个期间对他严加约束. 注: 由于美国教育系统的高级中学多为四年制,所以高中的第四年, 即senior year, 也可称为高四)

03. keep someone on the go/hop/trot, to
定义: 使某人忙得不可开交.
例句: Working full-time and raising children keeps her on the trot from morning till night. (全职地工作再加上抚养子女使她从早做到晚忙得不可开交)

04. keep someone on their toes, to
定义: 造成某人保持机警, 随时应付问题, 或兢兢业业地工作.
例句: The boss made regular inspections in order to keep us on our toes. (为了使我们兢兢业业地工作, 老板定时地巡查我们)

05. keep someone on track, to
定义: 提醒某人不要离题; 监督某人依循正确步骤, 预定方针或预定进度表; 督导某人循正轨发展.
例句: The project manager kept us on track to meet a very tight schedule. (这位项目经理督导我们遵循进度表来达成紧凑的预定进度指标)

06. keep someone posted, to
定义: 不断地通知某人最新消息尤其某事情的发展.
例句: I'm planning to stay in Dalian for six months, but I'll keep you posted if I change my plan. (我计划将在大连待六个月, 但如果我改变计划的话, 我会通知你)

07. keep someone sweet, to
定义: 讨好某人或与某人保持良好关系(以确保为来的合作).
例句: I like to keep the neighbors sweet in case we have to borrow tools or something else from them. (我想跟我的邻居们保持良好的关系以备我们不得不跟他们借工具或其他东西)

08. keep someone up, to
定义: 使某人一夜不睡.
例句: The noise from the construction site kept me up all night. (这个工地发出的噪音吵得我一夜没法睡)

09. keep someone waiting, to
定义: 令人久等.
例句: I'm on a tight schedule, so don't keep me waiting too long. (我的行程紧凑, 所以别让我久等)

10. keep someone's attention, to
定义: 吸引, 抓住或维持某人的注意.
例句: Your goals are to spark a positive response in the interviewer, to arouse her interest and keep her attention. (你的目标是激起面试者对你的正面反应, 引起她的兴趣以及掌握住她的注意力)

11. keep something dark, to
定义: 将某事保密, 隐瞒不宣.
例句: The painting was bought by someone who wants to keep his name dark. (这幅画是被一位匿名买家所购得的)

12. keep something hush-hush, to
定义: 隐瞒某事不提; 秘密进行某事.
例句: She wants to keep our secret relationship hush-hush. (她想要隐瞒我跟她的秘密恋情. 注: 这里的relationship也可以翻译为恋情, 也就是: a romantic or sexual friendship between two people)

13. keep something in check, to
定义: 控制好某问题使其不至扩大.
例句: I've been spending all my salary each month for the last three months. I've got to find a way to keep my expenses in check. (过去三个月我把每个月的薪水都花的光光. 我必须要想办法控制住我的花费)

14. keep something in proportion, to
定义: 恰如其分地对待事务, 不卑不亢地面对状况.
例句: Don't make a mountain out of a molehill, let's keep things in proportion. (别小题大做, 我们最好恰如其分地对待事情)

15. keep something where it is, to
定义: 保持某事或物留在原来状态或原处, 不要改变它或移动它.
例句: If you want to lose weight and to keep it where it is, all you need to do is to quit your old eating habits. (如果你想要减肥并且控制住体重使它不再增长的话, 你所须要做的是戒掉你的旧饮食习惯)

16. keep straight, to
定义: 弄清楚, 分清楚.
例句: These two girls look so much alike. It's hard to keep them straight. (这两个女孩长得太像. 真难分清楚谁是谁)

17. keep switching back and forth between, to
定义: 不停地在两个...交互切换或来回游移.
例句: My mind was in turmoil during this time, and I kept switching back and forth between imagination and reality. (这个时候我的脑子一团混乱, 我不停地在梦幻世界和现实世界来回飘移)

18. keep tabs (or a tab) on, to
定义: 密切注意某人或事态的发展.
例句: We are keeping tabs on their movements. (我们正密切注意他们的各种举动)

19. keep the ball rolling, to
定义: 炒热气氛, 保持活动热络, 振兴一个低落的事业.
例句: Reggie will keep the ball rolling. He won't allow the work to stop. (瑞奇将会力图振兴这个低落的事业. 他不会让这份事业结束)

20. keep the change, to
定义: 不用找零钱.
例句: "It costs $9." "Here's $10. You can keep the change." ("它要九块钱." "这是十块钱. 你不用找零钱了.")



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