二十笔实用成语 669

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二十笔实用成语 669

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 31, 2016 7:00 am

二十笔实用成语 669

01. keep the conversation going, to
定义: 维持这个聊天继续下去, 不中断, 不冷场.
例句: I want to keep the conversation going by getting her talking about herself so I can get to know her more. (我希望经由维持这个交谈继续下去, 促使她谈论到她自己, 这样我可以更加了解她)

02. keep the faith, to
定义: (尽管情况不乐观)仍保持信心, 信任或支持.
例句: Although I have been doing poorly this semester, my mom has kept the faith. (尽管我这个学期成绩不好, 我母亲仍对我保持信心)

03. keep the home fires burning, to
定义: 当某人离家, 家人仍保持家庭温馨和谐气氛等待他/她回家.
例句: Don't worry about anything. I will stay home and keep the home fires burning while you are on your holiday. (别担心任何事情. 当你们去渡假的时候, 我会留在家里, 维持家庭的温馨等着你们的回家)

04. keep the laughs up, to
定义: 维持大家欢笑与场面的热络气氛.
例句: Some TV shows hire a comedian to keep the laughs up for the studio audience when there is a commercial break. (每当遇到一个电视广告播放的空档, 有些电视节目雇用了喜剧演员来维持摄影棚内观众的欢笑气氛)

05. keep the lid on, to
定义: 终止, 禁止, 压制, 隐瞒, 遮盖.
例句: I was no longer able to keep the lid on my simmering anger. (我无法再压抑我难以平息的愤怒)

06. keep the party clean!
定义: [命令语]保持派对气氛干净. (注: 意指要派对参与者不要使用脏话或不雅言语以保持气氛得体)
例句: There are quite a few places in town that you can have a great time and still keep the party clean. (这个城市里有很多地方你可以玩得尽兴而且仍旧保持派对的纯净气氛)

07. keep the peace, to
定义: 维持公共秩序, 防止冲突.
例句: It's not my job to maintain order. It is the police who play a crucial role in keeping the peace. (维持秩序不是我的工作. 警察才是扮演维持公共秩序的主要角色)

08. keep the wolf at bay, to
定义: 维持生计, 得以温饱, 不至于负债累累.
例句: Now he was paying for his irresponsible spending in a day to day struggle to keep the wolf at bay. (这时他正在日复一日艰苦地维持温饱来承担他胡乱花费的后果)

09. keep the wolf from the door, to
定义: 维持生计, 得以温饱, 不至于负债累累.
例句: They offered him support until the time when he was finally able to keep the wolf from the door. (他们给予他援助直到他最终能够维持温饱为止)

10. keep time, to
定义: 显示正确的时间; 保持正确的节拍及韵律; 用脚踏地或拍手以保持韵律.
例句: It is difficult for him to keep time with the other members of the band but at least he tries. (保持跟乐队其他成员的节拍一致是困难的但起码他努力尝试过了)

11. keep to oneself, to
定义: 内向, 不爱交际; 守密, 不与人分享自己的想法或秘密.
例句: He knew what the facts were but kept them to himself. (他知道这件事的真相但他却不告诉任何人)

12. keep to, to
定义: 待在家里, 足不出户; 坚持, 遵循; 不脱离, 不逾越; 内向, 不爱交际; 守密, 不与人分享自己的想法或秘密.
例句: He keeps to the house most of the time. (他大部分的时间都待在家里)

13. keep track, to
定义: 追踪, 记录下, 保持消息灵通, 注意某事的发展.
例句: Keep track of your little brother for me, will you? (帮我看好你的小弟弟, 好吗?)

14. keep under one's hat, to
定义: 守口如瓶, 保密不说.
例句: I'll tell you about it if you promise to keep it under your hat. (如果你答应我你不会说出去的话我就会告诉你这个秘密)

15. keep under wraps, to
定义: 守口如瓶, 保密不说.
例句: I don't know why the information was kept under wraps and then released only days before the trial. (我不知道为什么这个消息被加以保密然而却在开庭审理仅剩的几天前被公布出来)

16. keep up appearances, to
定义: 摆体面, 维持门面, 装阔佬.
例句: They have been trying to keep up appearances even though he has lost his job. (他们家总是在外表上装体面虽然他已经失业了)

17. keep up on, to
定义: 维持关系或连络; 跟上时代, 时势或时局发展.
例句: He reads the newspaper every morning in order to keep up on the current events. (为了跟上时局发展, 他每天早上阅读报纸)

18. keep up the good work, to
定义: [鼓励赞扬语]做得好! 再接再厉.
例句: I like to hear my supervisor say, "Keep up the good work." (我喜欢听我的主管说, "做得好! 再接再厉.")

19. keep up with the Joneses, to
定义: 跟别人攀比. (注: 意指不愿落后富裕街坊或友人的生活水平)
例句: I can't afford to keep up with the Joneses. I'm not rich! (我没法跟别人攀比. 我没钱!)

20. keep up with the times, to
定义: 跟上时代, 时势或时局发展. (注: 意指不断接受新消息, 新方法, 新趋势)
例句: Reading online news will help you keep up with the times. (阅读网上新闻将会帮助你跟上新趋势)



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