二十笔实用成语 671

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二十笔实用成语 671

帖子 royl » 周一 1月 02, 2017 5:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 671

01. key to a long life, the
定义: 长寿的关键.
例句: Keeping busy is the key to a long life. (保持忙碌是长寿的关键)

02. key to success, the
定义: 成功的关键.
例句: He said the key to success in business is customer service. (他说客户服务是事业成功的关键)

03. key to, to
定义: 使...适应或符合...的需求, 随着...而改变.
例句: The educational program is keyed to the needs of high school grads. (这个教育项目乃是为了符合高中毕业生的需要所制作的)

04. key up, to
定义: 造成紧张, 激烈, 兴奋.
例句: Thinking about the party tonight has keyed up the kids. (想到今晚的派对, 这些小朋友好兴奋)

05. keynote address/speech, a
定义: 主要演说, 主题演说, 基调演讲. (注: 意指在大会陈述主题的演说)
例句: Many of the convention guests left after the keynote address. (许多大会来宾听完主题演说之后就离开了)

06. kick a/the habit, to
定义: 戒除恶习尤其指戒烟, 戒酒及戒毒品等恶习.
例句: I've been smoking for years, but this year I'm determined to kick the habit. (我已经抽烟多年了, 但今年我决心要戒烟)

07. kick about/around, to
定义: 欺压, 凌虐; 从不同的角度考虑; 流连, 无所事事, 游手好闲; 弃置一旁, 久不使用.
例句: I don't like her very much because she is always kicking other people around. (我很不喜欢她因为她总是欺压别人)

08. kick against the pricks, to
定义: 螳臂挡车, 徒劳无功地抗争; 跟权威抗衡; 力挽狂澜.
例句: People in this country tend to follow rather than lead. It takes courage to kick against the pricks. (这个国家的人们比较倾向于跟随而不是引领. 跟权威抗衡是需要勇气的)

09. kick and scream, to
定义: 大吵大闹地抗议或抱怨.
例句: The boy kicked and screamed as his mother carried him out of the room. (当这个小男孩被她妈妈抱出房间的时候他大吵大闹)

10. kick ass/butt, to
定义: [不雅语]令人兴奋; 令人激赏; 效力强大; 施压, 裹胁或使用暴力来达成目的; 痛殴某人; 获得大胜.
例句: If they don't start answering my questions, I'm going to go over there and kick some ass. (假如他们不开始回答我的问题, 我准备要去那儿, 揍几个混蛋, 不得到答案不罢休)

11. kick away the ladder, to
定义: 剥夺别人所需的支持或援助, 置人于孤立无援之境.
例句: Tom kicked away the ladder when he refused to help Bob. Mind you, he had been greatly indebted to Bob. (汤姆拒绝帮助鲍伯使鲍伯孤立无援. 请注意, 汤姆曾受过鲍伯天大的恩惠)

12. kick back, to
定义: 送回扣; 突然激烈地反弹; 将赃物送还原主; 轻松, 躺下休息.
例句: I'm going to kick back this evening and stay home and watch television. (我今天晚上要轻松一下, 待在家里看电视)

13. kick downstairs, to
定义: 降职, 降级.
例句: I was kicked downstairs because I always speak up. (由于我老是勇于发表意见, 我被降职了)

14. kick in the ass/breech/rear/teeth, a
定义: 羞辱性的挫折或刁难; 强硬的提醒或敦促.
例句: Losing that game was a real kick in the teeth to me. (输掉那场比赛对我来说无异是一个羞辱性的挫折)

15. kick in, to
定义: 贡献自己一份心力; 开工; 死亡; 生效.
例句: We each kicked in a few dollars for her gift. (我们每个人拿出几块钱给她买礼物)

16. kick it up a notch, to
定义: 推升一级; 使事情更加紧张; 加强趣味, 风味, 或刺激.
例句: He's adding a clove of garlic to kick it up a notch. (他放了一瓣大蒜来增加它的香味)

17. kick off, to
定义: 正式开始, 展开; 开赛; 死亡; 驱逐, 赶走; 踢掉.
例句: The conference kicked off with a speech by the chairman. (这场会议是由总裁的一席谈话而正式展开)

18. kick one's heels, to
定义: 久等, 空等.
例句: I was left kicking my heels for half an hour. (我被人放鸽子, 空等了半个钟头)

19. kick oneself, to
定义: 懊悔自己未能抓住机会, 懊恼自己做出傻事.
例句: I could kick myself for selling that car. I wish I hadn't sold it! (我很懊悔自己把那部车给卖了. 我真希望我没卖掉它!)

20. kick out, to
定义: 把人赶出去; 开除; 辞退.
例句: He was kicked out of school because of his bad behavior. (由于他的恶劣行为, 他被学校开除)



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