二十笔实用成语 673

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二十笔实用成语 673

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 26, 2017 12:47 am

二十笔实用成语 673

01. kill oneself with laughter, to
定义: 捧腹大笑, 笑死了, 笑岔气, 乐坏了.
例句: The third movie is infinitely better than the first two in series and I killed myself with laughter throughout the 90 minutes. (这个第三部电影要比它同一系列的前两部电影要好看得太多了, 在这九十分钟里我从头到尾都捧腹大笑)

02. kill or cure, a
定义: 生死关头; 成败在此一举; 要不就是彻底失败要不就是很成功.
例句: Having a baby can be kill or cure for their troubled marriage. (生个小孩对于他们问题重重的婚姻来说, 可能成败就在此一举)

03. kill someone with a borrowed knife, to
定义: 借刀杀人.
例句: In a situation where using your own force is not favorable, by employing killing the enemy with a borrowed knife stratagem, you can attack the enemy using the strength of another. (当动用你自己的武力并不对你有利的情况之下, 运用借刀杀人的谋略, 你可以借用别人的力量来攻击你的敌人)

04. kill someone with/by kindness, to
定义: 溺爱, 纵容某人.
例句: Tom's killing his wife with kindness. He phones her all the time to see if she's alright when really she just needs to be left alone. (汤姆很溺爱他的妻子. 当她其实只想安静独处的时候, 他却不时地打电话给她察看她是否安好)

05. kill the clock, to
定义: [运动术语]拖延时间. (注: 意指为了保护领先尽量拖延比赛时间, 减少对方进球的机会)
例句: We kept moving the ball to try to eat up the clock. (我们不停地运球或传球到各处来拖延时间)

06. kill the fatted calf, to
定义: 隆重欢迎睽违以久的亲友; 拿出丰盛食物来庆祝.
例句: When Bob got back from college, his parents killed the fatted calf and threw a great party. (当鲍伯从大学回家的时候, 他的双亲拿出丰盛食物并举行隆重盛会来庆祝)

07. kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, to
定义: 杀鸡取卵. (注: 意指为了眼前的短利, 扼杀了长期利益)
例句: They sold part of their business but it was the most profitable part. I think that they have killed the goose that lays the golden egg. (他们卖掉生意的一部分但那是他们生意最赚钱的一部分. 我认为他们已经是杀鸡取卵)

08. kill the light(s), to
定义: 关灯.
例句: I killed the lights right away and peeked through the front blinds. I didn't see any car parked in front of my house. (我立即把灯关掉, 从前面的百叶窗缝隙窥视外面情况. 我没看见任何车辆停在我房子前面)

09. kill the motor, to
定义: 关引擎, 停车.
例句: I killed the motor, shut the lights, got out the car and closed its door. (我把引擎关掉, 关上车灯, 走出车子并且把车门关上)

10. kill time, to
定义: 消磨时间.
例句: He was killing time waiting for a plane, so he phoned a friend. (他一面在等候飞机一面在消磨时间, 因此他就打电话给一个朋友)

11. kill two birds with one stone, to
定义: 一石两鸟, 一箭双雕, 一次解决两个问题.
例句: I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. I'll kill two birds with one stone by doing them both in one trip to the bank. (我必须要兑现一张支票和支付我的银行贷款. 我去一趟银行同时办好这两件事正将是一石两鸟)

12. killer instinct, a
定义: 杀手直觉, 强烈的求胜决心或意志.
例句: Mel is a fine tennis player, but he lacks the killer instinct. (梅尔是个优秀的网球员, 但是他缺乏强烈的求胜意志)

13. kind of
定义: 有点, 稍微; 差不多, 或多或少.
例句: A guinea pig looks kind of like a rabbit but it has a pair of short ears. (天竺鼠长得有点像兔子但它有一双短耳朵)

14. kindred spirits/souls, the
定义: 志同道合, 同仇敌忾.
例句: They are kindred spirits; they both like to go on long walks in the forest. (他们志同道合; 他两人都喜欢在森林里远足)

15. king of the castle/hill, the
定义: 一群人中最成功或最强势的人.
例句: Jim, meet Danny. He is the king of the castle around here, the regional manager in charge of all of our supermarkets in southeastern Texas. (吉姆来见见丹尼. 他是这一地区最强势的人, 也就是主管我们东南德州这一带所有超市的地区经理)

16. king shit (of /on Turd Island), the
定义: [不雅语]自以为是老大可以对别人颐指气使.
例句: He's been promoted to the foreman position, and he really thinks he's king shit already! (他被升迁为工头的职位, 他真已经把自己当成老大一样地对别人颐指气使!)

17. kiss and make up, to
定义: 和解纷争, 言归于好.
例句: I apologized to my wife for disagreeing with her, and we finally kissed and made up. (由于跟她意见不合, 我跟我妻子道歉, 最后我们言归于好)

18. kiss and tell, to
定义: 公开的谈论与某人亲昵的私密事情.
例句: A real gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. (一个真正的绅士是不会公开谈论他与某人亲昵的私密事情)

19. kiss ass, to
定义: [不雅语]拍马屁, 无耻谄媚.
例句: He says he doesn't want a promotion if he has to kiss ass to get it. (他说如果他必须要逢迎拍马才能得到升迁的话, 他宁愿不要它)

20. kiss it off, to
定义: 忽视, 漠视; 拒绝; 不当一回事.
例句: We're fighting for equal pay for equal work. We won't let them kiss it off. (我们为了同工同酬而战. 我们决不会容许他们把我们不当一回事)



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