二十笔实用成语 675

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二十笔实用成语 675

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 11, 2017 5:27 pm

二十笔实用成语 675

01. knock back, to
定义: 花费大量金钱; 大口吞咽(酒).
例句: That car must have knocked you back quite a bit. (你肯定花了不少钱在那部车上)

02. knock cold, to
定义: 击晕, 击倒.
例句: If you touch her again, I'll knock you cold! (你再碰她一下, 我就把你打趴!)

03. knock dead, to
定义: 令人激赏; 击毙, 一拳打死.
例句: Her performance really knocked the audience dead. (她的表演着实让观众大大地激赏)

04. knock down, to
定义: 减价, 减少; 击倒在地, 撞倒; 将某物拍卖掉; 拆卸成零组件以便储藏或运输; 赚工资, 赚钱.
例句: They knocked down the price of the house by 10 percent. (他们把房价减去百分之十)

05. knock 'em/them dead, to
定义: [俚语]表演出色, 令人激赏. (注: 'em是them缩写)
例句: Go out there tonight and knock 'em dead! (今晚出场, 拿出全力叫观众看得如醉如痴!)

06. knock flat, to
定义: 击倒在地或击晕, 撞倒或撞晕.
例句: The flag pole was knocked flat by a truck. (这只旗竿被一辆卡车撞倒了)

07. knock heads, to
定义: 争论, 争吵; 训诫, 强制, 处罚某群人.
例句: I am going in there and knock some heads if they don't start behaving. (我准备进去那儿, 如果他们还不开始循规蹈矩的话我就要处罚这些学生)

08. knock into a cocked hat, to
定义: 彻底挫败某人; 完全破坏某事; 驳得某人体无完肤.
例句: This bad weather has knocked our plans into a cocked hat. (这个恶劣的天气已经把我们的计划彻底破坏了)

09. knock it off, to
定义: [命令语]停止! 别胡闹! (注: 常用于要某人停止戏弄别人之命令语)
例句: Knock it off! You are going to hurt yourself if you are not careful. (别再胡闹! 假如你不小心的话, 你将会伤害你自己)

10. knock off, to
定义: 仓促地或公式化地完成; 短暂休息, 停工; 减价, 减少; 杀死, 克服; 除去, 消灭; 持械抢劫或强夺; 未经允许拷贝, 模仿或冒充.
例句: We are planning to knock this project off in a weekend. (我们打算在一个周末内赶工做完这项工作)

11. knock on the door, to
定义: 敲门, 叩门.
例句: If you knock on the door of success long enough, the door will eventually open. (如果你不断地叩打成功之门的话, 这扇门终归会打开)

12. knock on wood, to
定义: [迷信语]希望心想事成; 希望不祥事别发生.
例句: I don't think that I will lose this job, knock on wood. (我不认为我会失去这份工作, 希望心想事成)

13. knock one down/over with a feather, you could
定义: 我非常的惊讶, 我几乎不能相信.
例句: When Joana told me she was married to my ex-husband, you could have knocked me over with a feather. (当乔安娜告诉我她跟我前夫曾经结过婚, 我听了非常地惊讶. 注: 如果乔安娜跟受话者的前夫仍是夫妻关系的话, 则原句那一段应改为…she is married to my ex-husband, …)

14. knock one's head against the wall, to
定义: 以头撞墙表达徒劳无功的挫折感.
例句: They have been knocking their head against the wall for years trying to find a solution to the problem. (他们多年来一直试图寻找这个问题的解决方案但仍旧徒劳无功)

15. knock out of the box, to
定义: [棒球术语]因为对方打击率很高, 造成投手被换掉; 造成某物被换掉.
例句: The starting pitcher was knocked out of the box in the fourth inning. (这名先发投手在第四局被更换掉了)

16. knock out power, to
定义: 瘫痪, 摧毁, 击倒或吹倒电力系统或供电系统. (注: 意指风灾或人祸所造成的停电问题)
例句: The utility officials say a falling fish knocked out power to nearly 200 customers in Seattle. (电力公司高级职员解释说从空中坠下的一条鱼只瘫痪了供电系统致使西雅图市几乎两百名客户无电可用. 注:这里的fish的复数可以是fish也可以是fishes但常用的复数是fish)

17. knock out, to
定义: 粗制滥造; 击倒, 击败, 击昏; 使(某物)无法工作; 消除, 排除; 尽力而为, 全力以赴; 精疲力竭; 造成投手被换掉.
例句: I knocked myself out to get the job done on time. (我拼命地赶工才把这件工作准时完成)

18. knock over, to
定义: 击倒, 打倒, 打翻在地; 压倒, 征服; 惊慌, 惊奇, 惊喜, 不知所措; 消除, 排除; 偷窃, 抢劫, 劫持.
例句: He was knocked over by the news. (他被这则消息震惊得不知所措)

19. knock seven bells out of someone, to
定义: 痛殴, 击倒某人.
例句: We were then taken to the parking lot to sort things out and we wound up knocking seven bells out of them. (我们随后被带到停车场来摆平双方冲突, 然而我们最终却把他们痛打了一顿)

20. knock some sense into someone; knock some sense into someone's head
定义: 跟某人讲道理, 劝导某人即时醒悟.
例句: I tried to knock some sense into the boy's head, but he just wouldn't see reason. (我试图劝导这个小男孩, 但他就是听不进去)



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