二十笔实用成语 682

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二十笔实用成语 682

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 15, 2017 11:43 pm

二十笔实用成语 682

01. language barrier, a
定义: 语言隔阂.
例句: Three coworkers volunteered to train as teachers in ESL so language barriers could be broken down more speedily through intensive training in office. (三名同事志愿接受训练成为英语为第二语言的老师因此经过密集的培训可以加速消除语言隔阂. 注: 这里的ESL是English as a Second Language的缩写)

02. lap at/against, to
定义: 浪水不停替拍打.
例句: The waves lapped against the side of the boat all night long, and I couldn't sleep. (一整夜里浪水不停地拍打船边, 弄得我没法睡觉)

03. lap of honor or victory lap, a
定义: (比赛胜利者向欢呼观众答礼的)绕场一周
例句: "Thank you so much for all the support," she said after doing a lap of honor draped in her national flag. (她把国旗披在身上绕场一周之后向群众说, "很感谢你们给予的一切支持.")

04. lap over, to
定义: 把一片东西铺在另一片上. (注: 意指像铺瓦片一样, 并不是上面一片完全遮盖住下面一片, 而是部分遮盖而已)
例句: The blanket did not lap over enough to keep me warm. (这张毯子没盖严实, 我还觉得冷)

05. lap up, to
定义: (动物)用舌头舔食; 热切或渴望地接受.
例句: The dog lapped the ice cream up off the floor. (这只狗舔食掉在地上的冰淇淋)

06. lapse in table manners, a
定义: 餐桌礼仪的疏忽.
例句: I swallowed a mouthful and reached for a napkin, thinking that a lapse in table manners might give her a bad impression. (我塞了满口食物随后伸手拿了一张餐巾, 我想到我在餐桌礼仪上的疏失可能会给她一个不良的印象. 注: 这句话是指吃饭不要塞得满嘴食物如此做有失餐桌礼仪)

07. lard-butt or lard-ass, a
定义: [不尊重语]大臀或肥胖的人.
例句: When I was young and chubby, my brother called me a little lard-butt. (我小时候比较肥胖, 我哥哥叫我小肥猪)

08. lard with, to
定义: 大量加入或列入.
例句: Her comments were larded with phony sentiment. (她的话里充满了虚情假义)

09. large as life, be (as)
定义: 本人的, 实际的; 事实上, 确实如此.
例句: He was standing nearby, large as life. (他本人确实就站在附近)

10. large cache of ..., a
定义: 藏匿了大量的...
例句: Police found a cache of incriminating documents in the basement. (警方在地下室内发现了大量的犯罪资料)

11. large number of ..., a
定义: 一大群..., 大量的...
例句: Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke all over the world. (尽管有许多不利健康的警告, 全世界仍有大量的人们还再抽烟)

12. lark about/around, to
定义: 喧哗, 活力十足地玩耍.
例句: The girls were larking about in the backyard. (那些小女孩在后院欢乐地玩耍)

13. lark it up, to
定义: 喧哗, 活力十足地玩耍.
例句: The kids were larking it up when the I walked in. (当我走进屋子的时候这些小朋友正在尽兴地玩耍)

14. lash (a group of people) into a fury, to
定义: 激起众人狂怒情绪, 煽动暴民.
例句: He lashed the mob into a fury with his violent words. (他以暴力的语言煽动这群暴民的忿怒情绪)

15. lash (away) at, to
定义: 鞭打, 抽打; 猛烈地攻击, 拍打或刮风.
例句: The rain lashed at the windows. (这阵雨拍打着窗子)

16. lash down, to
定义: 以绳索捆绑.
例句: Everything was lashed down securely so that it wouldn't blow away. (所有的东西都被牢靠地绑好所以它们不会被刮走)

17. lash out (at), to
定义: 突然攻击; 严厉地口头攻击; 奢华地花费.
例句: He suddenly lashed out and hit the man who was sitting beside him. (他突然攻击并殴打坐在他旁边的男子)

18. last but not least
定义: (顺序上)最后一个但也一样重要的. (注: 意指在演讲中最后的一段话)
例句: The speaker said, "And now, last but not least, I'd like to present Bill Morehouse, who will give us some final words." (这个主持人说, "接下来, 最后一位但也是一样重要的来宾, 我要介绍的是比尔•摩尔豪斯, 请他在结束之前跟我们说几句话.")

19. last call, the
定义: 最后一次宣布. (注: 意指在pub收工前10-15分钟作最后一次宣布, 要求客人如要点酒要快否则太迟了)
例句: Dan stood on the back porch and shouted, "Last call for supper!" (丹站在后院阳台大声喊到, "最后一次宣布来吃晚餐!")

20. last-ditch effort/attempt, a
定义: 最后的努力(拼搏).
例句: We made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement with the buyer. (我们做出最后的努力与买方达成协议)



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