二十笔实用成语 683

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二十笔实用成语 683

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 18, 2017 7:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 683

01. last fling, the
定义: 最后一次的自我放纵, 尽情欢乐.
例句: They had time for one last fling before going back to school. (他们在返校之前还有时间作最后一次的尽情欢乐)

02. last hours of one's life, the
定义: 寿数已尽, 生命最后一刻.
例句: If the patient is close to the last hours of his life, then do comfort care only. If death is imminent, it won't be possible to reverse the underlying causes. (如果病人已经接近生命最后一刻的话那么只提供安宁看护. 如果病人即将要死亡的话, 要想逆转根本致病原因是不可能的)

03. last hurrah, the
定义: 最后一次工作, 制作或出席尤其指一个生涯的结束.
例句: Frank is planning one more TV concert which is his last hurrah. (法兰克正计划再举办一次的电视音乐演奏会, 也就是他最后一次的演奏会)

04. last longer, to
定义: 可使用更久; 持续更久; 活得更久.
例句: While gas prices as a whole have fallen all over America, low fuel prices may not last much longer. (整的来说虽然汽油价格在全美国都已经降低了, 然而便宜的油价却不会再持续多久)

05. last March
[易混淆字或片语]今年三月或去年三月. (注: 如果你从今年四月到年底之间论及今年三月所发生的事件, last March等于"今年三月." 如果现在是今年一月或二月或三月你论及last March所发生的事件则这个last March等于"去年三月." 如果论及前年三月或多年前三月所发生的事件就不可以使用last March.)

06. last mile, the
定义: 最后一博; 最后一程 (注: 意指死囚走到执刑地点的最后路程); 最后线路连接 (注: 意指客户与电话, 有线电视或网路主线的最后连接线路)
例句: When I hear, "Go the last mile!" I think – go all the way, or get it done whatever it takes. (每当我听到, "贯彻始终!" 这句话我总是想到– 不半途而废, 或者不计一切代价完成任务)

07. last minute/moment, the
定义: 最后一刻. (注: 此名词片语具有截止日期之前的意思)
例句: Don't wait until the last minute to do your taxes. (别拖到最后一刻才开始做你的报税工作)

08. last out, to
定义: 坚持到底, 拖过, 度过; 有足够的...能够撑下去.
例句: How long will our money last out? (我们的钱还能撑多久?)

09. last resort, the
定义: 最后一招. (注: 意指能避免最好要不然也只好不得不使用的最后手段)
例句: "We may have to ask them for more money." "That should be our last resort." ("我们可能会向他们要求增加资金." "我们能够避免是最好要不然也只好被迫使用这最后一招.")

10. last thing, the
定义: 最后, 最后一项; 非常晚.
例句: Heat the vegetables last thing so that they don't get cold. (最后要把蔬菜加热这样才不会变冷菜)

11. last thing on one's mind, the
定义: 想都没想到.
例句: Right now work is the last thing on my mind. (这时候我想都没想到工作)

12. last thing you want/need, the
定义: 某样你决不想要做的事或想要的物件.
例句: Go home? That's the last thing I want to do! (回家? 我才不想回家!)

13. last word in ..., be the
定义: 成为...的最具代表性的典范.
例句: In the '70s, the magazine was widely viewed among young people as the last word in humor. (于七零年代, 这家杂志曾被年轻人群广泛视为幽默的典范)

14. last/final word, the
定义: 辩论会的结语; 结论性或权威性的声明; 最后决定的权威; 最现代的典范.
例句: She always expects to have the last word when she and her husband go to the store to buy something important. (每当她和她丈夫到店里采购一件重要的货品时, 她总是要求她拥有最后的决定权)

15. latch onto, to
定义: 紧抓不放, 攀附某人, 念念不忘; 明了; 加入新热潮或新流行.
例句: The news media has latched on to the scandal. (这些新闻媒体一直锲而不舍地追查这件丑闻)

16. latchkey child, a
定义: 父母上班自己带钥匙放学回家独处的小孩.
例句: Maybe being a latchkey child is not so bad. Ah-Tian and Xiao-Xiao are home alone every day after school. They have a snack then start on their homework. (也许作为一个放学后独自在家的小孩也没什么不好的. 阿天和小小每天放学后都独自在家. 他们先吃一点点心然后就开始做功课)

17. late bloomer, a
定义: 成熟或成功较晚的人; 大器晚成者.
例句: I'm what you might call a late bloomer. My first kiss wasn't until 19, I didn't have sex until 25, and at 27, I've never dated anyone longer than four months. (我就是别人所说的晚熟之人. 我直到19岁才跟人第一次亲吻, 直到25岁才发生性行为, 直到27岁我才跟别人约会超过四个月以上)

18. late for ..., be
定义: (去)...迟到.
例句: Get up, we're going to be late for school. (起床, 我们上学要迟到了)

19. late for one's own funeral, will/would be
定义: 习惯性迟到.
例句: Do we have to wait for him to come home and eat together? He'll be late for his own funeral, and I'm starving. (我们非要等他回家再一起吃饭吗? 他总是迟到,我已经饿坏了. 注: 意指你肚子太饿不想等他回家才一起吃饭)

20. late in life
定义: 晚年, 老年.
例句: Isn't it sort of late in life for your grandparents to start working out? (你爷爷奶奶到现在才开始锻炼身体是不是年龄有点老了些?)



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