二十笔实用成语 702

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二十笔实用成语 702

帖子 royl » 周六 8月 12, 2017 11:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 702

01. lie ahead, to
定义: 置于...之前, 展现在未来, 在前面等待.
例句: No one knows what lies ahead of us. (没人知道我们的未来将会如何)

02. lie around, to
定义: 散落满地; 大概位于某个地点附近; 无所事事, 逗留厮混.
例句: I spent the whole day today just lying around. (我今天整天都无所事事)

03. lie back, to
定义: 向后平躺.
例句: Just lie back and try to get comfortable. (你就躺下来吧, 试着让自己舒服)

04. lie behind, to
定义: 置于...之后, 造成(某事)的原因.
例句: I wonder what lay behind his decision to quit school. (我想知道他决定退学的原因是什么)

05. lie down on the job, to
定义: 怠忽职守, 推萎责任.
例句: Yes, I take longer lunch breaks sometimes, but I would never lie down on the job! (是的, 我有时在午休时间休息久了些, 但我决不会怠忽职守!)

06. lie down, to
定义: 躺下来; 罢工; 怠忽职守; 逆来顺受.
例句: I'm tired. I'm going to lie down. (我累了. 我要躺下来休息)

07. lie in one's hands/power, to
定义: 由某人裁决; 在某人权限之内.
例句: It does not lie in my power to turn this situation around. (我没有权力扭转他的情势. 注: 这句话里的情势也可以解释为劣势)

08. lie in state, to
定义: (遗体)供大众瞻仰再下葬.
例句: The President lay in state for three days after his death. (总统的遗体在死后供群众瞻仰三天)

09. lie in wait, to
定义: 埋伏等候; 埋伏准备突袭.
例句: The police decided to lie in wait for the bank robbers to appear at the bank. (警方决定埋伏等候这群银行抢匪出现于这家银行)

10. lie in, to
定义: 待产; 位于床或水坑; 分娩; 决定于, 取决于; 赖床, 晚起.
例句: I likes to lie in on Saturdays. (我喜欢在星期六晚起)

11. lie like a rug, to
定义: 明显地撒谎, 满嘴瞎话.
例句: I don't believe her. She lies like a rug! (我才不相信她. 她满嘴瞎话!)

12. lie low, to
定义: 卑躬屈膝, 委曲求全; 躲避不被发现, 避风头; 保持隐密, 伺机而动.
例句: He is very angry at you so I think that you should lie low for a few days until he calms down. (他对你非常愤怒, 所以我认为你该躲避他几天直到他情绪冷静下来再出来)

13. lie on/upon, to
定义: 对...造成影响, 压力或改变.
例句: Her years lie lightly upon her. (岁月没有在她身上留下痕迹. 注: 意指她看起来比她实际岁数显得要年轻)

14. lie through one's teeth, to
定义: 明知假的还睁眼说瞎话.
例句: He was lying through his teeth when he said he'd never seen Bettie before; they've known each other for years. (他明明跟贝蒂相识多年了还睁眼说瞎话地说他从未见过她)

15. lie with, to
定义: 归咎于; 与...发生性关系.
例句: The blame lies with their mother for not watching them closely enough. (这个责任应归咎给他们的母亲因为她没有严密地看顾他们)

16. lies upon lies
定义: 一而再, 再而三的谎言.
例句: He told lies upon lies, and he can't keep track of all the lies he told because there are too many of them. The worst part is he doesn't know where to stop. (他一而再, 再而三地扯谎, 他连他说的谎话都没法通通记住因为他说了太多的谎言. 最糟糕的是, 他也不知道到哪个程度他才可以停止说谎)

17. life experience, the
定义: 人生经验或知识.
例句: I think getting older and gaining more life experience helped me to be more understanding. (我认为年龄增长和增添人生经验帮助了我更加谅解别人)

18. life flashes/passes before you or your eyes
定义: 许多往事的回忆一幕一幕出现在你脑海前.
例句: All of those tales about your life flashing before you the moment before you die were not true. (所有的有关在死亡前一刻你一生的往事一幕一幕出现在你脑海中的传说都不确实)

19. life in the fast lane, a
定义: 节奏快速, 紧张忙碌的生活.
例句: We've tried life in the fast lane in New York City for five years, but my wife didn't like it. (我们试着在纽约市过了五年的紧张忙碌生活, 但是我的妻子并不喜欢它)

20. life in the raw, a
定义: 原始生活; 贫穷潦倒生活.
例句: Traveling on the cheap exposes you to local life in the raw. (低价的旅游使你接触到本地的穷困生活状况. 注: 这句话是指你的廉价旅游迫使你去租用座落在贫穷地区的平价旅馆同时也促使你体验了当地的生活状况)



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