二十笔实用成语 707

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二十笔实用成语 707

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 07, 2017 2:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 707

01. laugh a minute, a
定义: 非常好笑, 有趣的. (注: 也有人以挖苦的口气形容某人或某事并不好笑, 无趣或难过)
例句: Bob has been so morbid lately. Spending time with him is a laugh a minute. (鲍伯近来表现相当病态. 跟他在一起真没意思)

02. like crazy
定义: 很快地, 拼命地, 强烈地.
例句: I was running like crazy but still I couldn't catch up with my friend. (我一直拼命地跑但我还是没法跟得上我的朋友)

03. like death warmed over/up
定义: 脸色苍白, 病奄奄, 身心俱疲, 感觉快要死了.
例句: I'm feeling like death warmed over this morning. There's no way I can make it to work. (我今天早上很不舒服都觉得快要死了. 我根本没法来上班)

04. like dog's breath
定义: 不愉快, 不受欢迎.
例句: This idea smells like dog's breath. It's a bad idea! (这个点子真不怎样. 它是个馊主意!)

05. like enough
定义: 很可能, 大概会.
例句: Like enough he'll file for unemployment immediately. Thanks to his salary he'll receive the maximum. (他很可能会马上去申请失业救济. 由于他的薪资, 他可以领到最高额的失业金. 注: 这句话里的unemployment并不是失业而是失业救济)

06. like fuck/hell
定义: [粗俗语]很快地, 疯狂地, 强烈地; 决不, 才不会, 决不是, 相反地.
例句: We ran like hell to catch the bus. (我们拼命地追赶这班公车)

07. Like fuck/hell he will!
义: [粗俗语]他决不会! (注: 意指他决不会去做某事)
例句: "You want to apologize to her for what you said?" "Like hell I will!" ("你要不要为了你所说的话向她道歉?" "我决不会道歉!")

08. like fury
定义: 全力以赴, 迅雷不及掩耳, 激烈地.
例句: We need to drive like fury in order to get there on time! (为了准时到那儿咱们得拼了命地赶路)

09. like gangbusters
定义: 活力十足地; 动作快捷地; 霸气十足地, 强势地, 霸道地.
例句: Mary works like gangbusters and gets the job done in time. (玛莉活力十足地工作, 及时将任务达成)

10. like gold dust, be
定义: 稀世珍品, 抢手.
例句: Even with so many people looking to rent in the city at the moment, good tenants are still like gold dust here. (此时虽然许多人指望在这座城市租房, 好房客仍然是稀世珍品可遇不可求)

11. like greased lightning
定义: 电掣风驰, 疾快.
例句: The news traveled across the country like greased lightning. (这则消息在国内飞速地传开)

12. like herding cats, be
定义: 极其艰难, 徒劳无功的.
例句: Getting all of the extended family into their right places for the reunion photo was like herding cats! (安排整个大家庭成员站在他们的正确位置来拍摄家庭团圆照片真是一份极其艰难的差事)

13. like I said
定义: 就跟刚才我说的那样.
例句: Like I said, the employees aren't the problem; it's the upper management dictating the policies who are to blame. (就像我说的那样, 那些员工根本不是问题; 而是那些决定这些政策的高层管理人员才应为此负责)

14. like it or lump it, to
定义: 不管你喜不喜欢都要接受.
例句: Like it or lump it, this is the supper dad cooked for us. (不管你喜不喜欢都要接受, 这是老爸烧的晚餐)

15. like it or not
定义: 不管你喜不喜欢.
例句: Like it or not, we have to get up early tomorrow. (不管你喜不喜欢, 我们非得明天一大清早就得起床)

16. like mad
定义: 很快地, 拼命地, 强烈地.
例句: I worked like mad but I was unable to finish the project by noon as I had hoped. (我拼命地工作但是我还是没法在我所冀望的中午之前完成这件工作项目)

17. like nailing Jell-o to a tree, be
定义: 根本办不到的, 徒劳无功的. (注: 原译为像似要将果冻钉上树)
例句: Reasoning with a narcissist is like nailing Jell-o to a tree. (跟自恋狂讲道理是徒劳无功的)

18. like new
定义: 像新的一样.
例句: Your watch just needs cleaning and it'll be like new again. (你的表只需要清洗就可, 洗好之后会跟新的一样)

19. like no one's business; like nobody's business
定义: 极为, 极端地; 非常迅速, 轻而易举地; 好得不得了; 极多.
例句: My mom can cook spaghetti sauce like nobody's business. (我妈妈能够做出棒得不得了的义大利面酱)

20. like nothing on earth
定义: 从未见过; 乱得不得了; 极其怪异, 恐怖吓人.
例句: It looked nice, but it tasted like nothing on earth. (它很诱人, 但它的味道极其怪异)



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