二十笔实用成语 712

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二十笔实用成语 712

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 23, 2017 5:39 pm

二十笔实用成语 712

01. live by ..., to
定义: 遵循...为指导原则, 靠...为生.
例句: My wife and I live by two principles: honesty and trust. (我妻子和我都遵循两个行为准则: 真诚和信任)

02. live by one's wits, to
定义: 靠计谋或才智为生或图生存.
例句: Out in the foreign land, with no money or friends, I had to live by his wits. (在这片异乡, 既没钱也没朋友, 我必须要依靠巧智来图生存)

03. live close to the edge, to
定义: 寻求危险刺激的生活.
例句: Some people deliberately choose to live close to the edge. Others try to keep away from challenge or conflict. (有些人刻意地选择危险刺激的生活. 也有些人尽量远离挑战或冲突)

04. live dangerously, to
定义: 过着大胆挑战或刺激的生活.
例句: Most of the guys I know who live dangerously eventually get tired of life in the fast lane and end up settling down. (大部分我所认识的在危险刺激环境里打滚的人最终厌倦了冒险生活而转向宁静的日子)

05. live down, to
定义: 以好的行为使别人渐渐忘掉你以前的劣迹.
例句: Tom is trying to live down his reputation of being a hard person to work for. (汤姆在努力使别人渐渐忘掉他曾是一个吹毛求疵又处处刁难的上司)

06. live for the moment, to
定义: 今朝有酒今朝醉, 只看眼前, 不管未来.
例句: Instead of putting aside funds for the children's education, Jenny and Jimmy live for the moment, spending whatever they earn. (不但不拨出一些手上余钱作为子女的教育基金, 珍妮和吉米只顾眼前生活, 他们赚多少就花多少)

07. live for, to
定义: 天天盼望着..., 为...而活.
例句: He's depressed and feels as if he has nothing left to live for. (他情绪相当低落并感觉人活着没有什么意义)

08. live from hand to mouth, to
定义: 过着仅能糊口的生活, 家无余粮.
例句: Ah-Xiong has been living from hand to mouth since he lost his job. (自从失业之后, 阿雄一直过着仅能糊口的生活)

09. live (from) paycheck to paycheck, to
定义: 过着仅能糊口的生活. (注: 意指生活费用统由每月薪水支付的, 没有积蓄)
例句: Deeply in debt, they live from paycheck to paycheck dreading any unforeseen financial catastrophes such as a sudden illness or unemployment. (深陷债务, 他们过着仅能糊口的生活深怕碰上任何无法预料的财务灾难例如突来的病痛或失业的出现)

10. live happily ever after, to
定义: 从此之后过着幸福的日子. (注: 许多童话故事使用的结尾语)
例句: In her romantic novels the hero and heroine end up marrying and then live happily ever after. (在她的爱情小说里, 这位英雄和女主角最终结为连理并且从此之后过着幸福的日子)

11. live high off the hog, to
定义: 过着富裕奢华的生活.
例句: He has been living high off the hog since he changed jobs and moved to Texas. (自从他换了工作并移居到德州之后, 他一直过着富裕奢华的生活)

12. live in a dream/fantasy world, to
定义: 活在梦幻世界; 想法, 眼光或期望不切实际.
例句: You're living in a dream world if you think I'm buying you a brand-new car for your birthday. (如果你认为我会给你买一辆新车作为生日礼物的话, 你的期望不切实际)

13. live in a fool's paradise, to
定义: 在梦幻世界过日子, 不愿面对现实.
例句: Fred is confident that he'll get a big raise this year, but I think he's living in a fool's paradise. (弗来德确信他今年会得到一笔大幅加薪, 但我认为他活在梦幻世界里)

14. live in cloud-cuckoo-land, to
定义: 活在脱离现实的幻境.
例句: Tony thinks he'll be able to live off his meager retirement benefits, he's living in cloud-cuckoo land if you ask me! (东尼认为他将可以凭着微薄的退休金过日子, 依我的看法他是活在脱离现实的世界里!)

15. live in constant fear, to
定义: 惶惶不可终日, 活在挥之不去的恐惧里.
例句: Some people live in constant fear of failure. The funny thing is that they guarantee this for themselves if they allow fear to stop them from trying. (有些人惶惶不可终日地活在恐惧失败的日子里. 滑稽的是,如果他们让恐惧阻止自己的努力尝试, 他们保证了自己的失败)

16. live in each other's pockets, to
定义: 焦不离孟, 孟不离焦; 两人天天在一起.
例句: Just because you're married, it doesn't mean you have to live in each other's pockets. (只因为你们是夫妻并不意味你们两人必须要天天泡在一起)

17. live in fear, to
定义: 在恐惧中生活.
例句: One in 10 Californians is unemployed and many with jobs live in fear of losing them. (每十个加州居民就有一个是失业的, 许多有工作的加州居民活在恐惧失业的日子里)

18. live in high style, to
定义: 过着优越富裕生活.
例句: Born into poverty, Coco Chanel became very rich and lived in high style but never married and had no children. (出生在贫穷的家庭里, 可可•香奈尔后来发家致富并且过着优越富裕的生活但她一生未婚也没子女)

19. live in hope, to
定义: [主要在英国]明知不可能, 仍旧抱着希望.
例句: The Chens live in hope that one day their son will come home. (陈家仍旧抱着希望, 盼望着有一天他们的儿子会回家)

20. live in one's memory, to
定义: 活在记忆.
例句: That experience will live in my memory for a long time. (那次经历将长久活在我的记忆里)



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