二十笔实用成语 713

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二十笔实用成语 713

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 27, 2017 2:54 pm

二十笔实用成语 713

01. live in peace with someone, to
定义: 与某人和睦相处.
例句: They simply can't seem to live in peace with each other. (他们似乎根本就没法和睦相处)

02. live in sin, to
定义: 婚外情, (男女)同居.
例句: Would you like to get married, or would you prefer that we live in sin for a few more years? (你想要结婚还是你更想要我们再同居个几年?)

03. live in the past, to
定义: 活在过去, 不愿面对现实.
例句: I know Tiffany was your dream girl, but she's married to someone now, and you need to move on and stop living in the past. (我知道蒂芬妮曾是你的梦中情人, 但她现在已经嫁给别人了, 你需要换个新环境和交些新朋友, 别再活在过去)

04. live in want, to
定义: 生活贫困.
例句: If we don't want to live in want when we are older, we need to start putting aside money now. (如果我们不想在年老的时候活在贫穷里, 我们必须现在就开始把手中一部分钱积攒起来)

05. live in, to
定义: [主要在英国]住在工作处.
例句: Xiao Yang hired a housesitter that lives in and takes care of his house during his time away from home. (晓阳雇用了一位帮人看家的人在他离家的期间住进来并且照料他的房子.注: 本句所提的帮人看家者的工作地点就是晓阳的屋子)

06. live it up, to
定义: 过着放纵不羁, 豪华享受的日子.
例句: I like to live it up every weekend when I get paid. (我喜欢在每次发薪水的那个周末尽情地享受奢豪人生)

07. live large, to
定义: 过着放纵奢华的生活. (注: 常用于暂时性的放纵不羁)
例句: We lived large while we were in Vegas, but now it's back to the old grind. (我们在拉斯维加斯玩的时候我们享受了奢华生活, 但现在我们又回到枯燥无味的做苦工日子)

08. live life to the fullest, to
定义: 活得最充实; 活得最精彩; 大展身手.
例句: You can't live your life to the fullest if you're constantly absorbed by what happened in the past or what might happen in the future. (你如果被过去的经历或未来将会发生的事情不停地分耗你的注意力, 你根本没法活出最大的潜能)

09. live like a king/prince, to
定义: 过着奢华生活.
例句: The cost of living is so much lower there that we could live like kings. (那边的生活上消费要低出许多, 我们可以在那儿过着豪华生活)

10. live like there's no tomorrow, to
定义: 像似没有明天一样, 花钱如流水.
例句: There's a big difference between a man that lives like each day could be his last and a man who lives like there's no tomorrow. (一个过着每一天就好像是他最后一天的人相比于一个过日子像似没有明天一样的人, 两者之间的差异是很大的)

11. live long enough to see, to
定义: 能够活着亲眼看见.
例句: I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up and also live to at least meet my great grandchildren. (我想要活着亲眼看见我的孙子孙女长大成人以及起码亲自见到自己的曾孙)

12. live next door (to someone), to
定义: 住在某人的隔壁.
例句: I used to live next door to an old woman when I was a little boy. She was warm, friendly, easy to be with and compassionate. (当我还是一个小男孩的时候, 我曾住在一位老太太的隔壁. 她很亲切, 友善, 也很好相处并且富有同情心)

13. live off/on the fat of the land, to
定义: 过着丰腴, 不愁吃, 不愁穿的生活.
例句: If I had a million dollars, I'd invest it and live off the fat of the land. (如果我有一百万元的话, 我会去投资它并且过着不愁吃, 不愁穿的生活)

14. live off the land, to
定义: 以农, 牧, 狩猎维生.
例句: In order to produce enough to live off the land, you will need at least 5 acres. This allows for enough space to produce for your family and your farm animals. (为了生产足够的农产品以便在这片土地维生,你需要起码五英亩的土地. 这将给予你足够的空间来生产你的家庭和牲口所需的食物)

15. live off, to
定义: 靠着(某个资金)过生活.
例句: He has been living off his girlfriend. (他一直靠他的女友挣钱来养活他)

16. live on borrowed time, to
定义: 侥幸仍存活着(情况岌岌可危); 活的比预料的时间还久. (注: 这句成语不只用在人的寿命上, 它也可以使用在一个公司或团体的存亡绝续之上)
例句: We are living on borrowed time, so make the best of it. (我们侥幸仍存活着, 因此我们要抓住机会尽力而为)

17. live on the breadline, to
定义: 贫困. 靠救济过日子.
例句: If I don't make a big sale this week, my family will be on the breadline. (如果我这个星期没做出一笔大买卖的话, 我家就要靠救济过日子)

18. live on the edge, to
定义: 过着在危险中找刺激的生活.
例句: Bill likes to live on the edge and enjoys the thrill of evading capture by the skin of his teeth. (比尔喜欢过着冒险刺激的生活, 享受着千钧一发之际逃脱了捕获所带来的刺激感)

19. live on, to
定义: 继续活下去; 赖以为生; 靠某物赖以生存.
例句: What will we live on if you don't have a job? (如果你失业了我们将依靠什么过日子?)

20. live out of a suitcase, to
定义: 居无定所; 疲于奔波. (注: 意指带着皮箱不停的奔波换地方住, 没有时间开皮箱把东西放好)
例句: I dislike this job because I am often on a business trip and must live out of my suitcase. (我不喜欢这个工作因为我经常要出差并且被弄得疲于奔波)



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