二十笔实用成语 723

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二十笔实用成语 723

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 11, 2018 8:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 723

01. lose heart, to
定义: 失魂落魄, 怀忧丧志的.
例句: It's all too easy to lose heart when you've had a couple of failures in a row. (当你接连地经历了两三次的失败之后便极容易颓废丧志)

02. lose it, to
定义: 情绪失控, 失去理智; 无法想清楚, 忘记了.
例句: When he criticized you, I started to lose it. I almost hit him! (当他批评你的时候, 我被激怒得情绪失控, 失去理智. 我几乎要揍他!)

03. lose no time, to
定义: 毫不犹豫, 马上动作; 马不停啼.
例句: Sarah lost no time finding a new boyfriend after she and Robert split up. (自从莎拉和罗伯特分手之后, 她马上又找了一个新男友)

04. lose one's appetite, to
定义: 失去胃口, 失去兴趣.
例句: Seeing a bug crawled out of my apple I suddenly lose my appetite. (看着一只虫子爬出了我的苹果, 我顿时失去了胃口)

05. lose one's balance, to
定义: 失去平衡, 没站稳. (注: 意指因为失去平衡而摔跤)
例句: She recently lost her balance getting off of her commode and hit the corner of her bed frame on her forearm. (她最近从便桶走下来失去平衡, 前臂撞到了她的床架的角尖)

06. lose one's bearings, to
定义: 失去方位感; 无法弄清自己周遭环境与处境.
例句: Trying to find her way home through the woods in the dead of night, Shan-Shan lost her bearings when the clouds obscured the stars overhead. (试图在深夜中穿越丛林寻找回家之路, 由于云层遮蔽了天上星星之故, 珊珊失去了方位感)

07. lose one's bottle, to
定义: 怯懦, 灰心, 失去勇气.
例句: I wanted to ask Sheila on a date, but I lost my bottle at the last minute. (我想要约席拉出来, 但是在最后一刻我失去了勇气)

08. lose one's cool/composure, to
定义: 情绪失控, 动怒, 发脾气.
例句: Hey, don't mind him. He's doing it on purpose. Don't lose your cool or he'll know he's got to you. (嘿, 别理他. 他是故意地惹你. 别动怒否则他会知道他激怒你的计谋得逞了)

09. lose one's grip/hold, to
定义: 失去控制; 无法正常地思考或举止得体; 犹豫不决, 优柔寡断; 情绪失控, 动怒, 发脾气.
例句: I've never seen him so confused and indecisive. He really seems to be losing his grip. (我从来没见过他如此困惑和犹豫不决. 他似乎真的无法正常地思考)

10. lose one's head, to
定义: 气糊涂, 气晕头, 情绪失控, 动怒, 发脾气.
例句: If you run into trouble, I mean a major trouble, make sure you don't lose your head. Be sensible! (如果你碰到了麻烦, 我是说大麻烦, 你务必要脑子清醒. 保持你的理智!)

11. lose one's heart, to
定义: 爱上了某人; 被某人迷住.
例句: She lost her heart to the tall, handsome man the minute they first met. (就在她初识他的一刻, 她立即爱上了这个高挑英俊的男子)

12. lose one's job, to
定义: 失去工作, 丢官, 丢饭碗.
例句: You're going to lose your job if you keep missing your work so often. (如果你再三频繁地借故不来上班, 你将要失去你的工作)

13. blow/lose one's lunch/cookies, to
定义: 呕吐.
例句: He got so drunk and blew his cookies all over the front seat. (他醉得一塌糊涂, 把食物吐满了前座)

14. lose one's marbles/mind/sanity/reason, to
定义: 心智失常, 发疯.
例句: How could you give away your mom's gold ring? Have you lost your mind? (你怎么可以把你母亲的金戒指送人? 你疯了吗?)

15. lose one's nerve/courage, to
定义: 失去勇气; 胆却.
例句: I wanted to ski down the expert slope but I lost my nerve later on. (我本想要从滑雪高手使用的斜坡滑下去, 但后来我胆却了)

16. lose one's rag, to
定义: 情绪失控, 动怒, 发脾气.
例句: I should not have lost my rag and behaved in that manner. (我本不应当情绪失控和摆出那个态度)

17. lose one's shirt, to
定义: 面临财务崩溃, 破产; 输光, 赔光.
例句: I think he is going to lose his shirt on that new business venture. (我觉得他投资的这个新风险事业将会赔光老本)

18. lose one's temper, to
定义: 情绪失控, 动怒, 发脾气.
例句: When I found out what Tom had done, I lost my temper. (当我发现汤姆的所作所为之后, 我大发雷霆)

19. lose one's tongue, to
定义: 瞠目结舌; 说不出话.
例句: It's so embarrassing to lose your tongue when you're standing in front of a big audience. (当你站在大庭广众的面前, 我一时说不出话来令我尴尬不堪)

20. lose one's touch, to
定义: 技艺失灵; 技巧变为生疏; 技巧或才艺大不如前; 江郎才尽.
例句: "I'm losing my touch," he sighed, looking at his drawing. (他看了看他的画之后, 他叹息地说, "我的技艺大不如前了.")



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