二十笔实用成语 872

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二十笔实用成语 872

帖子 royl » 周四 3月 05, 2020 2:08 am

二十笔实用成语 872

01. piss off, to
定义: [不雅语]令人非常愤怒; 走开, 别烦我.
例句: The man said, "If you don't like cigar smoke, you can piss off." (这个人说, "你如果不喜欢雪茄烟味的话, 你可以走开.")

02. piss on ice, to
定义: [不雅俚语]生活优裕, 舒适.
例句: I enjoy quiet nights at home. I don't need to spend a lot of money and piss on ice to be happy. (我喜欢在家里享受着安静夜晚. 我不需要花费大量金钱, 过着舒适优裕的生活才觉得快乐)

03. piss on someone's party, to
定义: [不雅语]扫某人的兴; 破坏某人的计划.
例句: I hate to piss on your party, but this dinner tasted 10 times worse than it looked. (我实在不愿扫你的兴, 但这顿晚饭的味道比它们的菜色更难吃十倍)

04. piss one's pants, to
定义: [不雅语]真正尿急或惊吓过度或兴奋过度而尿湿裤子.
例句: I need you to pull over the car right now, or else I'm going to piss my pants! (我要你马上停车, 否则我将会尿在裤子里!)

05. piss or get off the can/pot!
定义: [不雅语]别占着毛坑不拉尿, 赶快作决定或采取行动.
例句: You've been going back and forth between the same two models of car for the last two hours – either piss or get off the pot! (你已经在同样的两款型号车子徘徊了两个钟头– 你要赶快作决定!)

06. piss yourself (laughing), to
定义: [不雅语]捧腹大笑, 笑岔了气.
例句: We pissed ourselves laughing during the movie. (这场电影把我们笑翻天了)

07. piss-artist, a
定义: [英国不雅语]不懂装懂的人; 经常酒醉的人.
例句: This online discussion group is filled with nothing but piss-artists who think they know everything. (在这个网上讨论群里到处充斥着不懂装懂的人总以为他们无所不知)

08. pissed out of one's head/mind/skull, be
定义: [不雅语]醉醺醺的; 酩酊大醉.
例句: Dana was so pissed out of her head that she couldn't even say her own name. (丹娜喝得酩酊大醉连她自己的名字都忘了)

09. pissed to the gills, be
定义: [不雅语]醉醺醺的; 酩酊大醉.
例句: He was pissed to the gills, so we sent him home in a taxi. (他喝得不省人事, 因此我们便招了一部出租车送他回家)

10. pit against, to; pit one against another, to; pit someone against someone else, to
定义: 设计两方相斗.
例句: She liked pitting men against each other to vie for her affection. (她喜欢把男人分化为两方教他们互相争逐她的情爱)

11. pit of the stomach, the
定义: 胸口, 心窝; 内心里, 心窝里.
例句: I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that this guy did not tell us the whole story. (我心中有一种异样的感觉, 总觉得这个人没把这整件事情的真相告诉我们)
胸口, 心窝

12. pit stop, a
定义: 赛车紧急维修站, 汽车赛中可以暂停加油或维修; 休息站; 长途行车者可以暂停加油, 休息, 上厕所, 买饮食的综合商店.
例句: Maybe this dead-end job is supposed to be a career pit stop, a stepping stone until the next big thing. (也许这份没有出路的工作原本是一个职业生涯的休息站, 一个等待下一个大起步的临时跳板)

13. pitch a tent, to
定义: 扎营, 架起帐篷.
例句: We pitched the tent in a flat field beside a stream. (我们在这片小溪边的平地架起帐篷)

14. pitch in, to
定义: 贡献一己之力帮助有需要的人; 捐款, 出钱; 奋力投入工作; (将物件)投入.
例句: We at the office all pitched in $10 to buy the couple a wedding gift. (我们办公室的同仁都各出十块美元将钱合起来买一份结婚礼物送给这对新人)

15. pitch into, to
定义: 攻击, 拳打脚踢; 奋力投入工作.
例句: I pitched into the chores with a light heart, singing to myself as I worked. (我以愉快心情奋力投入这些家务工作, 工作的时候给自己唱着小曲)

16. pitch/throw someone a curve/curveball, to
定义: 投出一支曲线球; 耍人一记, 丢出棘手难题让某人措手不及.
例句: I had only been reading the textbook instead of going to classes, so a few of the questions on the final exam really threw me a curve ball. (我只有阅读课本并没有去上课, 因此期末考里有些问题确实让我措手不及, 难以解答)

17. pitch woo, to
定义: 讨好, 逢迎; 追求异性, 表示爱慕.
例句: He lingered at the bar pitching woo to a woman from Ukraine. (他徘徊在这家酒吧追求一名从乌克兰来的女子)

18. pivotal moment, a
定义: 至关重要的一刻.
例句: High school graduation is a pivotal moment in most people's lives – an important point that signifies a shift in direction. (高中毕业期间乃是大多数人们人生的一个至关重要时刻– 一个标志人生方向改变的重要关键点)

19. place for everything and everything in its place, a
定义: 每件物品都要有个存放地方, 东西用完了要物归原处.
例句: Come now, kids, put your toys back where they belong. Remember, a place for everything, and everything in its place! (快一点, 小朋友, 把你们的玩具放回它们原来的地方. 要记得, 每件物品都要有个存放地方, 东西用完了要物归原处!)

20. place in the sun, a/one's
定义: 春风得意, 意气风发的状况.
例句: After years of struggling as an unknown actor, he has finally found his place in the sun. (作为跑龙套演员经过多年来的痛苦挣扎之后, 他终于跻身于意气风发的大牌明星之列)



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