二十笔实用成语 888

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二十笔实用成语 888

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 04, 2020 7:39 am

二十笔实用成语 888

01. preconceived notions, the
定义: 先入为主的观念或概念.
例句: If we are to truly assess what is going on in the world it is necessary to put our prejudices and preconceived notions aside. (如果我们要正确地评估现今世界情况, 摒弃你的偏见和先入为主的观念是必要的)

02. premise on/upon, to
定义: 基于...为前题.
例句: The right of a defendant to have a trial within a short time, premised on the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. (基于宪法第五修正案的法定诉讼程序保障, 被告拥有短时间内受审的权利)

03. prenuptial agreement, a
定义: 婚前协议书. (注: 意指婚前准夫妻协议婚后或离婚如何处理财务事宜的合约)
例句: There are a myriad of issues to deal with, including child support, prenuptial agreements, property ownership, retirement finances, and estate planning. (有许多问题要处理, 包括儿女抚养费, 婚前协议书, 财产所有权归属, 退休金财源, 和资产分配计划. 注: 以上这些问题都是跟离婚有关的法律程序)

04. prepare a meal (breakfast, lunch or supper or dinner), to
定义: 准备餐食(早餐, 午餐或晚餐).
例句: Meanwhile, Henry's wife is preparing dinner for Henry and their good friends. (在此同时, 亨利的妻子正在为亨利和他们的好友准备晚餐)

05. prepare like crazy, to
定义: 彻底地, 积极地准备.
例句: Before I go to a job interview I prepare like crazy. (在我去一场求职面谈之前, 我都会做积极的准备)

06. prepared to ..., be
定义: 愿意做...(某事).
例句: How much is she prepared to pay? (她愿意付多少钱?)

07. prescribe vs. proscribe
定义: [易混淆字或片语]prescribe(动词)规定, 指定, 给医嘱, 开药方, 要求; proscribe(动词)剥夺权利, 禁止, 放逐, 排斥.

08. presence of mind, the
定义: 临危不乱. (注: 意指危急时能冷静思考及机智行动)
例句: When the gunmen came into the bank, she had the presence of mind to press the alarm. (当这名持枪匪徒走进银行的时候, 她临危不乱地按下警报器)

09. present company excepted
定义: 在场者除外. (注: 意指批评某一种背景的人, 但因为在场者有可能也被包括在内, 所以你礼貌性地补一句话, 即在场者例外)
例句: There isn't a single person in this building who has the skills it takes to run the business. Present company excepted, of course. (这栋楼里没有一个人具有足够的才能经营这家公司. 当然, 在场的人除外)

10. preside over, to
定义: 主持(会议), 主管(一个公司或组织).
例句: It just felt like our relationship with Mike fell apart after he got that promotion and began presiding over our team. (自从麦克被晋升为我们这一团队的主管之后, 只是觉得我们跟麦克的关系恶化破裂)

11. press ahead/on, to
定义: 无视阻碍, 不退缩, 仍坚持做下去.
例句: Despite our protests, my parents pressed the money on us to help pay for the wedding. (尽管我们的抗议, 我的父母仍坚持要我们收下这笔钱来帮助支付这场婚礼)

12. press charges, to
定义: 提出诉讼控告, 起诉.
例句: My motorcycle was stolen, and the cop asked if I wanted to press charges against the person responsible. (我的摩托车被偷了, 这名警员问我是否要起诉为此事负责的人)

13. press for ..., to
定义: 坚持..., 急迫要求...
例句: The auditors are pressing me for an explanation about the missing money. What am I supposed to tell them? (这些查帐员急迫地要求我解释有关消失的钱. 我该如何告诉他们?)

14. press into service, to
定义: 临时征用, 强迫某人或某物执行任务或工作.
例句: Our minivan broke down just ahead of our big road trip to Canada, so our sedan had to be pressed into service. (我们的小型厢式客车在我们正准备要远征加拿大驾车旅游之前坏掉了, 所以我们只好临时征用我们的轿车来代替)

15. press one's luck, to
定义: 得寸进尺.
例句: I've had some good winnings at blackjack, but I don't think I should press my luck any further. (我已经在扑克牌二十一点有所斩获, 赢了不少钱, 但我不想再得寸进尺)

16. press someone's buttons, to
定义: 激怒, 挑衅, 挑起性欲.
例句: My mother-in-law sure knows how to push my buttons. (我岳母真晓得如果激怒我)

17. press the flesh, to
定义: 握手, 尤其在竞选期间拜票与选民的握手.
例句: There's no way you'll win the election if you aren't out pressing the flesh among your constituents. (如果你不出去跟你的选民握手拜票的话, 你根本赢不了这场选举)

18. press the panic button, to
定义: 遇到紧急情况惊慌失措, 乱了手脚; 按下紧急按钮.
例句: New parents tend to press the panic button over every little sniffle their first baby gets. (生下第一胎的父母每次碰到新生儿有一点吸鼻涕的时候比较容易反应过度, 惊慌失措)

19. press the right buttons, to
定义: 做得正确, 处理得当, 得到理想结果.
例句: I must have hit the right buttons, because they've asked me back for a second job interview. (我肯定是做得正确, 因为他们要求我再回去作第二次求职面谈)

20. pressed for time, be
定义: 时间紧迫, 快要来不及.
例句: Don't plan an elaborate meal if you're pressed for time. We can just order a pizza instead. (如果你时间紧迫就别打算做一顿精细的餐食. 我们可以只要叫一片外卖的披萨饼就好了)



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