二十笔实用成语 890

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二十笔实用成语 890

帖子 royl » 周五 5月 15, 2020 1:46 am

二十笔实用成语 890

01. price tag, the
定义: 价格, 价钱标签, 代价.
例句: The price tag of this war far exceeds its projected cost – whether in dollars or coffins or wheelchairs. (这场战争的代价远超过它原来预计的成本– 不论是以金钱数量或死亡人数或是伤残人数来计算)

02. price you have to pay, the
定义: 你必须要付出的代价.
例句: Working extremely long hours is just one of the prices you have to pay to work in this industry. (极端漫长的工作时间只是在这个行业工作所必要付出的代价之一)

03. prick one's conscience, to; your conscience pricks you
定义: 受到良心的谴责; 良心不安, 心虚内疚.
例句: Her conscience pricked her as she lied to her sister. (她跟她的姊姊说谎的时候, 她也同时受到良心的谴责)

04. prick the bubble, to
定义: 戳破假象, 戳破幻象美景; 让人明白了不愉快的真相.
例句: The recent economic downturn have helped to prick the bubble of overinflated property prices. (近来的经济衰退促成了戳破房地产价格过度膨胀的假象)

05. prick up one's ears, to
定义: 竖起耳朵, 仔细听, 专心注意.
例句: I can't help but prick up my ears if I hear someone say my name – even if they aren't talking about me. (每当别人提到我的名字的时候我都禁不住竖起耳朵, 仔细听他们谈话– 即使他们并不是在谈论我)

06. prick, a
定义: [粗俗语]男性生殖器官; 极令人不愉快的男人.
例句: Only a prick would feed liquor to his pet. (只有一个蠢蛋才会喂他的宠物烈性酒)

07. pride and joy, one's
定义: 给人极大的欣慰和欢乐的人或事. (注: 例如你所喜悦的女儿可以称为你的pride and joy, 即掌上明珠)
例句: Our children are our pride and joy. (我们的儿女是我们的欣慰和欢乐)

08. pride comes/goes before a fall
定义: [谚语]自负傲慢经常会带来让你难堪的窘境.
例句: Whether pride goes before a fall, only the turbulent, testing year ahead will tell. (自负傲慢是否会带来让人难堪的窘境, 只有在未来这段动荡, 艰难的一年才会显示其后果是如何)

09. pride oneself on ..., to
定义: 为自己的...感到自豪或满意.
例句: The restaurant prides itself on having the best seafood in town. (这家餐厅以拥有全市最美味海鲜菜肴引以自豪)

10. prime the pump, to
定义: 注水入帮浦以方便抽水; 帮助某事发展和成功.
例句: He said he would consider priming the pump through increased spending on roads or housing if the economy declined more rapidly than expected. (他说他将考虑以增加花费于道路或住房开发来促进经济发展如果经济衰退步伐比预期的速度还快)

11. Prince Charming
定义: 白马王子, 梦中情人; 虚情假意的迷人男子.
例句: He's no Prince Charming, but he's okay. (他虽然不是梦中情人, 但他还不错)

12. principal cause of, the
定义: (某事或问题的)主要原因.
例句: The poor management of cash flow is the principal cause of the small businesses failure. (对于资金流动的疏于管理乃是小型企业失败的主要原因)

13. principal vs. principle
定义: [易混淆字或片语]principal(名词)校长, 本金, 首长, 当事人; principle(名词)原则, 主义, 原理, 信条.

14. Principle used to be enviable quality.
[成语句型]坚持原则在以前是一个令人羡慕美德. (注: 意指现在这种美德已经不被重视)

15. prior to ...
定义: 在...之前.
例句: But today he said the pair had not made any plans for their wedding prior to their split. (但是今天他说这一对恋人在他们分手之前并没有做出任何结婚的计划)

16. private detective/eye/investigator, a
定义: 私家侦探.
例句: She hired a private investigator to track her husband's movements. (她雇佣了一名私家侦探来追踪她丈夫的行止)

17. private parts
定义: 私处, 生殖器官, 下体.
例句: He grabbed a towel to cover his private parts. (他抓了一条毛巾来遮掩他的下体)

18. private sector, the
定义: 私营领域, 民营企业.
例句: The private sector employs most of the workforce in some countries. In private sector, activities are guided by the motive to earn money. (在某些国家里, 民营企业雇佣了大部分的劳动人口. 对民营企业来说, 他们的商业活动乃是由盈利为动机来主导的)

19. privileged class, the
定义: 特权阶级.
例句: The Haves, the self-declared privileged class, believe that they alone are entitled to the benefits offered by the prospering economy. (这些富人们, 自命是特权阶级, 总以为只有他们才有资格取得繁荣经济所带来的利益)

20. privy to, be
定义: 被允许知晓机密事务的.
例句: I don't know, I wasn't privy to their plans. (我不知道他们计划是什么)



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