二十笔实用成语 892

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二十笔实用成语 892

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 27, 2020 12:12 am

二十笔实用成语 892

01. prone vs. supine vs. prostrate vs. recumbent
[易混淆字或片语]prone(形容词)俯卧的, 面向下的; supine(形容词)仰卧的, 面朝上的; prostrate(形容词)臣服的, 全身趴下的; recumbent(形容词)睡眠的,躺着的.
prostrate匍匐, 全身趴下

02. pronounciation vs. pronunciation
[易混淆字或片语]pronunciation(名词)发音, 读法, 是正确的拼写, 但pronounciation是错误的拼字. (注: 之所以提出这个问题是要提醒读者要注意一个法则, 就是动词为announce, denounce, pronounce的话其名词就成为annunciation, denunciation, pronunciation)

03. prop up the bar, to
定义: 常去某特定酒吧喝酒; 狂饮; 独饮.
例句: My father spent most of my childhood propping up the bar, so forgive me if I am not overly enthusiastic about social drinking. (我小的时候, 我父亲常去酒吧喝酒, 所以原谅我并不很热衷于社交性饮酒)

04. prop up, to
定义: 给予支持, 协助或鼓励; 支撑. (注: 意指从底或从旁支撑)
例句: We propped up the beams with long boards. (我们用长木板把横梁撑住)

05. proper measures must be taken to ..., a
定义: 必须采取适当的措施去...
例句: Proper measures must be taken to stop obesity and encourage people to physical activity. (必须采取适当的措施去制止身体过胖问题并且鼓励人们多做体力活动)

06. proportionate to the amount, be
定义: 与某个数量成比例.
例句: The amount of glucose released by the liver is directly proportionate to the amount of glucose used by the body tissues. (肝脏所释出的葡萄糖数量跟身体组织所耗用的葡萄糖数量直接成正比)

07. pros and cons, the
定义: 分析与评估事务的正面与负面, 好处与坏处, 收益与损害.
例句: Let's talk about the pros and cons of being a stay-at-home mom so you can decide if it is the right choice for your family. (我们来谈谈全职妈妈的好处与坏处如此你们可以决定它是否是你们家庭正确的选择)

08. prostate vs. prostrate
[易混淆字或片语]prostate(名词)前列腺; prostrate(动词, 形容词)全身趴下.

09. protection racket, a
定义: 索取保护费. (注: 意指黑社会或黑帮份子向商家勒索保护费的犯罪行为)
例句: The gang ran illegal casinos, brothels, and protection rackets. (这个帮派经营地下赌场, 妓院, 以及强索保护费等非法活动)

10. protest too much, to
定义: 抱怨太多, 吭吭唧唧; 不说实话; 不易满足, 不合作.
例句: "Do you think he is telling the truth?" "I think he protests too much." ("你认为他说了实话?" "我认为他没说实话.")

11. proud/vain as a peacock, be (as)
定义: 得意洋洋的, 爱出风头的, 爱卖弄炫耀的; 狂妄自大, 目空一切.
例句: He looks like a total douchebag, strutting around the club proud as a peacock in his cheap suit and gold chains. (他就整一个人渣, 穿着他的便宜西装戴着金项链, 盛气凌人, 鼻孔朝天走路, 目空一切)

12. proud as pie, be
定义: (值得)骄傲或自豪.
例句: She was proud as pie to be a Chinese! (她以身为中国人而自豪!)

13. proud of ..., be
定义: 为...骄傲.
例句: I'm so proud of you son, you did it! (儿子我真为你骄傲, 这件事你做到了!)

14. prove a/one's point, to
定义: 证实自己的论点是正确.
例句: You don't have to downplay the pandemic to prove your point. (你不需要贬低这次疫情的严重性来证明你的论点是正确)

15. prove one's mettle/worth, to
定义: 证明自己能力配得某个职位/待遇/身份等等.
例句: You may be the youngest lawyer in the firm, but you certainly proved your mettle in that high-profile murder case. (你虽然是本公司最年轻的律师, 但你确实在那桩备受瞩目的谋杀案件上证明了你的卓越能力)

16. prove out, to
定义: 证实; 成功; 最后证明是满意的或达到标准.
例句: Farm-raised trout has proved out so well that the fish industry plans to experiment with other species. (养殖鳟鱼圆满地证明了其品质达标, 渔业界计划尝试养殖其他鱼类)

17. prove someone right/wrong, to
定义: 证明某人是正确或错误的.
例句: You think I'm a joke, huh? Some sort of scrawny nerd? Think again because I'm going to prove you wrong! (你认为我是一个笑话吗? 像个骨瘦如柴书呆子? 你最好再想一想因为我准备要证明你是错误的!)

18. provided that
定义: 假若, 如果, 只要符合某条件.
例句: I don't care if you wear headphones while you work, provided that it doesn't affect your productivity. (我不在乎你在工作的时候戴着耳机, 只要它不妨碍你的工作效率就好)

19. pry into someone's affairs, to
定义: 窥探, 打听别人的私事.
例句: "I wish you wouldn't pry into my affairs." "I would not do such a thing. I am the least curious man in the world." ("我希望你别窥探我的私事." "我才不会做这种事. 我是世界上最不想知道别人私事的人.")

20. pry it from my cold, dead hand, to
定义: 我抵死也不肯放弃某事或物. (注: 直译是你只能在我死去的冷冰冰的手搬开拿走)
例句: They can have my TV remote when they pry it from my cold, dead hand. (我抵死也不肯放弃电视遥控器)



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