二十笔实用成语 912

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二十笔实用成语 912

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 23, 2020 9:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 912

01. put your feet up, to
定义: 靠在沙发或椅子上, 把腿搁在椅子上或桌子上; 放轻松, 休息一下.
例句: After a long day at work, I love to come home, put my feet up, and watch some TV. (一天漫长的工作之后, 我喜爱回家, 放轻松地躺下来, 看些电视)
靠在椅子上, 把腿搁在桌子上

02. put your foot in it, to
定义: 脱口失言, 令自己尴尬; 说出不得体的话, 令自己难堪.
例句: Oh man, did I ever put my foot in it. I asked her if Mary was her mother, but she said Mary is her sister. (天呀, 我说错了话真是尴尬. 我问她玛莉是不是她的妈妈, 但她说玛莉是她的姊姊)

03. put your foot to the floor, to
定义: 猛踩加速器, 高速行驶; 使尽力量, 全力以赴.
例句: It was late and I had to put my foot to the floor in order to make it to the meeting on time. (此时已晚, 我不得不加速行驶以期望准时出席会议)

04. put your hand in/into your pocket, to
定义: 掏腰包捐给慈善用途.
例句: Even though he didn't have much to his name, John was always willing to put his hand in his pocket for people in the community who needed help. (尽管他手头没什么钱, 约翰总是乐意掏腰包捐给这个社区需要帮助的人们)

05. put your hand on your heart, to
定义: 向人发誓你说的是实话.
例句: I can put my hand on my heart and say that I had nothing to do with it. (我可以向你发誓我说的是实话, 这件事真与我无关)

06. put your head above the parapet, to
定义: 勇敢直言(有可能或得罪别人).
例句: People have become more and more reluctant to raise their head above the parapet. They are frightened to address these issues. (人们越来越不愿意勇敢直言. 他们害怕因为关注这些问题而得罪别人)

07. put your heart into it, to
定义: 全心全意投入某事, 热心地学习或成就某事.
例句: If you hope to succeed in life, you have to put your heart into it. (如果你想成为人生赢家的话, 你必须要全心全意投入你的人生)

08. put your money where your mouth is, to
定义: 以行动来证明你的信念; 停止坐而言开始起而行.
例句: If this is such a good stock, you should buy it. Put your money where your mouth is! (如果这是支优秀股票, 你就该买它. 用实际行动来证明你的信念!)

09. put yourself in their shoes, to
定义: 设身处地为他们着想.
例句: Put yourself in his shoes! If your mother had just died, how would you feel? (你该设身处地为他着想! 如果换成你的母亲刚过逝, 你会有什么感觉?)

10. put someone through college, to
定义: 供养某人读完大学.
例句: After putting his children through college and seeing his daughter married, Dick retired two years ago. (供养完他的儿女读完大学和看着他女儿出嫁之后, 迪克才在两年前退休)

11. put/keep someone out of action, to
定义: 令某人无法正常行动或正常工作; 令敌人失去战斗力.
例句: You'll have to tackle their lieutenants one by one, tracking each to his hideout and making sure you put them out of action permanently. (你必须把他们的头目一个接一个铲除掉, 追踪每个人到他的藏身之处, 务必要永久瓦解他们的战斗力. 注: 这里的lieutenants是指黑帮老大手下的各个头目们与陆军中尉无关)

12. put/set aside differences, to
定义: 忘却或搁置我们之间的纷争, 歧异或敌意(一致对外或针对共同敌人或问题).
例句: It's time to put aside our differences and start working together. (该是放下我们之间的纷争, 开始通力合作的时候了)

13. put/set in motion, to
定义: 启动, 发动, 推动.
例句: The mayor set the project in motion by digging the first shovelful of soil. (象征性地铲起第一锹土, 这位市长启动了这项工程的开工)

14. put/set one's mind to, to
定义: 专心一意, 心无旁骛, 孜孜不倦地(学习或成就某事).
例句: You can still manage a B average if you put your mind to acing the final exam. (你还是可以取得B平均分数如果你肯专心一意在期末考试上拿到高分的话)

15. put/set pen to paper, to
定义: 着手开始写作; 写作; 签署契约.
例句: I spent hours thinking about what I should write, and it was midnight before I finally put pen to paper. (我花了数个小时一直在思考我该写什么, 直到午夜我才终于开始着手写作)

16. put on a good/poor/etc. show, to
定义: 表演, 表现精彩/糟糕/等等其他.
例句: Considering that the children had no help, they put on a marvelous show. (考虑到这群小朋友孤立无援的情况, 他们竟然表演了一场精彩的节目)

17. putty in your hands, be
定义: 甘心听命于你, 心甘情愿为你做任何事.
例句: Julia is putty in her mother's hands. She does exactly what her mother says. (茱莉亚总是听命于她母亲. 她母亲说什么她就做什么)

18. putz, a
定义: [俚语]笨人, 白痴; [不雅俚语]男人生殖器.
例句: I can't believe what a putz that guy is! (我不敢相信那个家伙笨到这个地步!)

19. puzzle out, to
定义: 澄清疑虑或问题, 想出解决方案.
例句: I still can't puzzle out how I managed to spend so much money last month. (我还是想不通我上个月怎么会花掉那么多钱)

20. pyramid scheme, a
定义: 金字塔骗局, 庞氏骗局, 老鼠会. (注: 意指一种诈欺金钱的手法: 以高回报付给早期投资人造成盈利成功的假象来吸引更多投资人参与, 等到后来的投资人无法维系资金给付结构, 则这个骗局就崩溃而大部份投资人将血本无归)
例句: A pyramid scheme can take many forms, but generally involves the promise of making money by recruiting new people. (一套金字塔骗局可以多个形式出现, 但一般都包括以招徕新会员来给出赚钱赢利的承诺)



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