二十笔实用成语 921

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二十笔实用成语 921

帖子 royl » 周日 10月 18, 2020 9:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 921

01. read into, to
定义: 过份解读, 曲解; 读取. (注: 意指花太多心思去分析挖掘某事或某人话语之背后涵意或无心之意)
例句: Don't read too much into her remark – it is hardly representative of her opinion. (别过份解读她的话 – 那并不代表她的意见)

02. read it/them and weep, to
定义: 自己看看, 去难过吧.
例句: "There's no way that you got cast in the lead role – my audition was way better than yours!" "Read it and weep, there's my name right at the top of the list!" ("你绝对没可能被选上主角– 我的试镜表现要比你好得多!" "你自己看看, 去难过吧, 我的名字可是被列在演员名单的首位!")

03. read over, to
定义: 专心的全部看一遍.
例句: The lawyer read over the contract before signing it. (律师把这份合同细读了一遍之后才在它上面签字)

04. read lips, to
定义: 密切注意某人所说的话; 读唇. (注: 意指能够观看某人嘴唇蠕动便可了解某人在说什么)
例句: "Come on, Mom, can I go out with my friends?" "Read my lips, no means no!" ("拜托, 妈妈, 我可以跟我朋友出去吗?" "你仔细听我说, 不行就是不行!")

05. read out of, to
定义: 被驱逐出一个团体.
例句: Tom was read out of the club after the embarrassing incident. (出了那件难堪的事故之后, 汤姆便被驱逐出这个团体. 注: 这里的club是可以作为会所或某种团体的解释)

06. read someone like a book, to
定义: 对某人很了解, 掌握某人的心意.
例句: I can read you like a book, and I can tell that something's wrong, tell me what's bothering you. (我能够了解你的心思, 我可以看出你有心事, 告诉我什么事情在烦扰你)

07. read someone the riot act, to
定义: 严厉斥责或强烈警告.
例句: When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act. (当他丢石子砸窗户被人抓个正着的时候, 校长给予他严厉训斥)

08. read someone's mind/thoughts, to
定义: 有默契, 明白某人心意.
例句: You read my mind – that's exactly where I want to go to dinner! (你跟我很有默契 – 那家正是我要去吃晚餐的餐厅!)

09. read something (from) cover to cover, to
定义: 将某书或文件全部阅读完.
例句: That book was so good that I read it cover to cover in one sitting. (这本书让人读得津津有味, 爱不释手, 我一口气便把它全部读完)

10. read somewhere that ..., to
定义: 不记得在哪个报刊读到...(有关某人或某事的消息).
例句: I have read somewhere that spinach shouldn't be given to babies who are less than 12 months of age. Is it so? (我不记得在哪个地方读到的一则消息, 它是有关我们不可以给一周岁以下的婴儿喂食菠菜, 真是这样吗? 注: 此问题的答案是周岁以下的婴儿可以偶尔喂食菠菜但不可过于经常喂他们菠菜)
苹果, 蓝莓, 菠菜混合的有机婴儿食物

11. read the fine print, to
定义: [提醒语]要谨慎签署合约或文件. (注: 意指签之前要先读其中以小字印刷的限制或不易发现的不利条件以免上当)
例句: The terms of the loan look pretty good at face value, but be sure to read the fine print or you could find yourself in a heap of trouble down the line. (表面上, 这笔贷款条件看起来还不错, 但你务必要阅读不易发现的不利条件和限制以免日后惹出一大堆麻烦)

12. read through, to
定义: 彻头彻尾读完, 特指找出错误或检查细节.
例句: Read through this report and see if you can find any errors. (把这个报告彻头彻尾读一遍, 看看你能不能够找出任何错误)

13. read up on, to
定义: 为了了解某人或某事而大量阅读, 研究, 学习.
例句: I'd better read up on this material before I try to teach it tomorrow. (在我明天教授学生之前, 我最好先把这些教材仔细地研读一番)

14. readily admit, to
定义: 毫不犹豫地承认.
例句: She readily admits that she goes to university to meet people rather than to study. (她毫不犹豫地承认她去上大学并不是去读书而是跟人们交往)

15. Reading has never been enjoyable.

16. ready and raring to ..., be
定义: 热心, 渴望地做...
例句: I'm ready and raring to visit your city and try all the foods of your country. (我很渴望去你们的城市旅游, 吃遍你们国家所有的美食)

17. ready and waiting to ..., be
定义: 蓄势以待, 准备好与等待.
例句: I can't imagine myself holding onto a deadly weapon, ready and waiting to shoot and kill for a war that I know barely anything about. (我无法想像我这样手持着一把致命武器蓄势以待, 准备为一场我几乎什么都不了解的战争去开枪杀人)

18. ready or not
定义: 不管你准备好了没有.
例句: Ready or not, we're homeschooling. I tell myself that rain or shine the show must go on! (不管准备好了没有, 我们将在家里给小孩上学. 我告诉我自己无论未来情况如何我将会把这个工作坚持到底!)

19. ready to do what it takes, be
定义: 准备愿意付出必要的代价(取得成功或胜利).
例句: Our students are ready to do what it takes to be the best in their career field, and they're ready to start now. (我们的学生愿意付出必要的代价在他们的工作领域上出人头地而且他们也准备现在就开始工作)

20. Ready to order?
定义: [餐厅用语]准备要点菜吗?
例句: Are you all ready to order, or do you need some more time to decide? (你们准备点菜了吗, 还是需要多一点时间来决定?)



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