二十笔实用成语 978

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二十笔实用成语 978

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 22, 2021 10:47 am

二十笔实用成语 978

01. show to (one's) advantage, to
定义: 衬托出; 相得益彰; 显示出有利一面.
例句: You look beautiful. This color really shows you to advantage. (妳看起来真漂亮. 这个颜色更能衬托出妳的妩媚)

02. show up to help out, to
定义: 现身帮助某人.
例句: We had a huge turnout of volunteers today, nearly 100 people showing up to help us out! (我们今天来了大量义工的加入, 将近一百人过来协助我们!)

03. show up, to
定义: 显示出; 出现, 露脸; 显而易见; 以互相比较令人尴尬; 透露; 揭露错误.
例句: My boss showed up late again for a meeting she called. But I don't feel comfortable challenging her on it. (我的老板居然又迟到了她自己召开的会议. 但我却不愿意质问她为什么迟到)

04. show willing, to
定义: [英国]表现出热忱, 献殷勤.
例句: I got in to work extra early to show willing and impress my boss. (我特别早去上班为得是表现我的工作热忱再来就是给老板一个好印象)

05. show your mettle, to
定义: 以达成艰难任务来证明你的能力及意志.
例句: You may be the youngest lawyer in the firm, but you certainly showed your mettle in that high-profile murder case. (你也许是公司里最年轻的律师, 但你却毫无疑问地展现出你在那个备受瞩目谋杀案件中的雄辩才智)

06. do/show your stuff, to
定义: 把你的本领使出来; 露一手你的绝活! 拿出你的压箱底功夫!
例句: The competition gives young performers a chance to show their stuff. (这场比赛提供了年轻表演者一个显露他们才艺的机会)

07. show your support, to
定义: 表达你的支持, 关切, 鼓励或安慰.
例句: Thank you for showing your support for our family at my dad's funeral. It meant a lot to all of us that you were here. (感谢你在我父亲葬礼上给予我们家族关切和安慰. 你的到来对我们所有的人来说是情义重大)

08. see a shrink, to
定义: [俚语]去看精神科医师或心理治疗医师.
例句: My friend told me I should go and see a shrink because of my self-destructive behavior, and I promised her I would. (由于我的自残行为, 我朋友告诉我应该去看看精神科医师, 我答应她我会去的)

09. shrinking violet, a
定义: 极为腼腆害羞的人.
例句: After years of being seen as nothing more than a shrinking violet, Christine decided to overcome her fears and start talking to strangers. (多年被人们视为一个腼腆害羞的人, 克丽丝婷决定克服她的恐惧,开始跟不熟识的人说话)

10. shrug off, to
定义: 不在乎, 不当一回事, 不予计较; 抖落, 摆脱; 甩脱掉衣服.
例句: She is a little mean but we always just shrug off her comments. (她说话有点刻薄但我们总是对她的一些话语不予计较)

11. shrug one's shoulders, to
定义: 耸肩表示不在乎, 无奈或不置可否.
例句: I asked the kids if they wanted pizza for dinner and they just shrugged their shoulders. I thought they would be excited about it. (我询问这些孩子晚餐想不想吃披萨饼, 他们只是耸耸肩并不在乎. 我原本还以为他们会很热烈地回应我的提议)

12. shuck and jive, to
定义: [美国黑人俚语]欺骗, 误导, 顾左右而言他.
例句: I don't lie and I don't shuck and jive. I'm straight as an arrow. (我既不说谎也不误导别人. 我可是有一说一, 直来直往的)

13. shuck off, to
定义: 甩去, 剥去, 脱去; 置之不理, 丢在一旁.
例句: The kids ran in and shucked their muddy boots and jackets off, leaving them strewn across my clean floors. (这几个小朋友跑进来, 脱去他们泥泞的雨鞋和夹克, 让它们随处散落在我的干净地板上)

14. shucks!
定义: [惊叹语]表示尴尬, 失望, 厌恶或不耐.
例句: Shucks, it's no use to talk to you! (哎呀, 跟你说没用!)

15. shuffle off this mortal coil, to
定义: [幽默语]解脱, 死亡, 离世, 舍掉这个皮囊.
例句: I heard that Tom shuffled off this mortal coil over the weekend. (我听人说汤姆上个周末走了)

16. Shush!
定义: [命令语]安静! 别讲话!
例句: Rolling her eyes impatiently, "Oh, shush, will you!" (她不耐烦地翻了一下白眼, "哦, 你能不能安静点!" 注: 这里的will you并不是一个请求的询问, 它是一个命令语)

17. shut ... off from ..., to
定义: 把某...闭锁起来与...隔离.
例句: He shut himself off from his family. (他把自己封闭起来跟他家人隔离)

18. shut away, to
定义: 闭关自守, 与外界隔离, 置身于闭锁环境.
例句: I always shut myself away in my room while I'm working. (我工作的时候, 我总是把自己关在房间里)

19. shut down, to
定义: 笼罩; 生意失败, 停止营业; 关掉机器或切断机器电源.
例句: Without electricity, the factory will have to shut down. (没了供电, 这家工厂只好停工)

20. shut in, to
定义: 将...关锁在屋内, 关门窗时把手夹住.
例句: I don't want to be shut in and cut off from the world. (我不要被闭锁在这里, 与世隔绝)



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