二十笔实用成语 1012

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二十笔实用成语 1012

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 30, 2021 1:04 am

二十笔实用成语 1012

01. squeeze in, to
定义: 塞进; 挤进; 忙里抽空; 把某人挤进一个紧凑的日程. (注: 意指某甲有一个紧凑的日程, 某乙有急事需要与某甲见面, 某甲的秘书只有把某乙挤进某甲的日程)
例句: I can squeeze you in after my one o'clock appointment. (我可以把你挤进我一点钟预约之后的空挡)

02. squeeze off, to
定义: 扣板机发射枪弹.
例句: They squeezed a few rounds off into the air to scare the crowd of people away. (为了吓走人群, 他们朝空中开了数枪)

03. squeeze play, a
定义: [棒球术语]以短打或触击使三垒球员得分; 以压力操纵别人或迫使对方让步.
例句: The mega corporation is using its vast resources and political influence to initiate a squeeze play against its competition. (这家大财团正利用其庞大的资源和政治影响力发起一场以压力迫使对手让步的强压攻势)

04. squeeze someone until the pips squeak, to
定义: 逼人太甚; 压榨某人到极点; 使某人痛苦到极点.
例句: We were hoping to start our own business, but those loan sharks squeezed us until the pips squeaked with insanely high interest rates. (我们本希望自己出来创业, 但那些放高利贷的人一直拿着高得过份利率把我们压榨得喘不过气来)

05. squeeze through, to
定义: 勉强通过狭窄空间, 勉强取得资格, 勉强考试及格, 险胜, 仅以身免, 侥幸脱逃.
例句: I think I can squeeze through the window and get out of this place. (我想我可以勉强挤过这扇窗子, 逃离这个地方)

06. squirrel away, to
定义: 收藏好, 储存好以备未来之用.
例句: I squirreled a little money away for an occasion such as this. (我专为了这个特定用途储蓄了一点钱)

07. stab in the back, a
定义: 被人背后捅一刀, 遭人暗算, 遭人背叛.
例句: Outsourcing jobs overseas is a stab in the back to all the workers who have made this country what it is. (把工作交给海外承包乃是对促成这个国家今日强盛所有工人的背叛)

08. stab of pain/regret/doubt/fear, a
定义: 一阵疼痛, 悔恨, 怀疑, 恐惧.
例句: I felt a stab of pain when the doctor put the needle in my arm. (当医生把针扎在我胳膊上的时候, 我感到一阵刺痛)

09. stab someone in the back, to
定义: 从背后捅某人一刀, 背叛某人, 暗算某人.
例句: Given the opportunity, the powerful will exploit the weak, and the person you love might betray you, stabbing you in the back. (要是有机会的话, 强者会剥削弱者, 而你所爱的人可能会背叛你, 在背后捅你一刀)

10. stack the cards, to
定义: 砌牌作弊, 牌上作手脚; 事先制造有利情势来对付某人.
例句: Of course, simply by virtue of his being the boss's son, Jeremy has stacked the cards against the rest of us for an early promotion. (当然, 仅仅凭借他是老板的儿子, 杰里米已经为其提早升迁事先创造了有利情势来对付我们)

11. stack the deck in the favor of (someone or something), to
定义: 砌牌作弊, 牌上作手脚; 事先制造好有利情势来对付某人.
例句: It just feels like the current system has stacked the deck in favor of the wealthy. (感觉就好像当前的系统已经事先为富人安排好对其有利情势)

12. stack up against, to
定义: 与...并驾齐驱, 决不逊色; 将...与...比较.
例句: The new model of this car just doesn't stack up against previous models. (这款车的新车型没法跟以前的车型相比)

13. stack up, to
定义: 与...并驾齐驱, 决不逊色; 听起来有道理, 合理; 累积起来; 堆砌起来.
例句: I'm sorry, I'm going to be late for dinner tonight. Things have really been stacking up at work all day. (抱歉, 我今晚的晚餐要迟到了. 今天一整天工作都不断地积累如山)

14. stacks of
定义: 大量的, 许多的; 成堆的, 一大堆的.
例句: I have stacks of laundry I still need to take care of. (我还有一大堆的衣服要清洗)

15. staff of life, a
定义: 主食尤其是米或面; 重要的必需要素.
例句: We want our employees to know that respectful discussion and debate are the staff of life around here. (我们希望我们的员工知道对人尊重的讨论和辩论是我们公司的基本行为准则)

16. stage a comeback, to
定义: 卷土重来, 力图复苏, 东山再起, 试图扭转颓势.
例句: After analysts predicted her campaign was dead in the water two months ago, the candidate appears to be staging an incredible comeback. (在分析师预测她的竞选活动在两个月前已经不可能成功之后, 这名候选人似乎正在力图施展令人难以置信的东山再起)

17. stage an attack against ..., to
定义: 发起对...攻击.
例句: Unknown to either side at Saratoga, General Lincoln and Colonel John Brown had staged an attack against the British position at Fort Ticonderoga. (驻扎在萨拉托加的两方部队都不知情的状况下, 林肯将军和约翰•布朗上校向驻守在提康德罗加堡的英国阵地发动了攻击)

18. stage fright, the
定义: 怯场心理.
例句: They want me to give a speech after I accept the award. I just hope I don't get stage fright once I'm up there! (他们要我在领奖后发表感言. 我只希望我上去之后不要怯场!)

19. staging area, the
定义: 集结待命地点.
例句: The staging area has been changed to a central location in the parking lot behind the county library. (集结地点已更改为作为中心位置的县图书馆后面停车场)

20. stake a/one's claim, to
定义: 宣称所有权.
例句: My great-grandfather staked a claim to this land. (我曾祖父对这片土地提出了所有权的要求)



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