二十笔实用成语 1014

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二十笔实用成语 1014

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 05, 2021 10:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 1014

01. stand in awe (of someone or something), to
定义: 对...深深敬畏.
例句: I stood in awe as the bright blazing sun appeared over the horizon. I was grateful for the opportunity to watch this breathtaking event. (我敬畏地站着观看炽热灿烂的太阳从地平线上升起. 我很欣慰有机会观看这场壮观的景象)

02. stand in for, to
定义: 代替.
例句: We stand in for the actors so the crew can light the set properly. (我们代替演员站好场景的位置以便工作人员能够把灯光适当地布置好)

03. stand in line, to
定义: 排队等着.
例句: I stood in line for hours in the hot sun waiting to get into the Department of Motor Vehicles to register my new vehicle. (我在烈日下排了几个小时的队就是为了进入机动车辆管理局注册我的新车)

04. stand in, to
定义: 代替, 代职.
例句: Eddie can't be here today, so he asked me to stand in. (埃迪今天不能来, 所以他要求我替代他工作)

05. stand off, to
定义: 与...保持距离; 将船驶离海岸; 抵挡, 击退; 拖延.
例句: I always stand off from the rest of the classmates in the class. (我总是跟班上其他同学保持距离)

06. stand on ceremony, to
定义: 拘泥于正式礼仪.
例句: We've all been acquainted already, so there's no need to stand on ceremony for this interview. (我们都已经熟络了, 所以这次采访就没必要拘泥于礼节)

07. stand on (one's)/its own, to
定义: 可以自立自足无缺, 不需要别人的帮助.
例句: Now that you're 18, you're expected to stand on your own and make good choices without your parents telling you what to do. (既然你已经 18 岁了, 你应该独立自主并自行做出正确选择而无需父母来告诉你应该做什么)

08. stand on one's head/hands, to
定义: 倒立, 竖蜻蜓.
例句: I've never been able to stand on my head for more than a couple seconds. (我一直不能够倒立超过几秒钟)

09. stand on one's own (two) feet, to
定义: 独立生活, 思考或行动.
例句: He never left home after high school, so he never learned to stand on his own two feet. (高中毕业后他从来都没离开过家, 他也从来没学会自己独立生活)

10. stand on principle, to
定义: 坚持原则.
例句: Not everyone will agree with him, but James still stands on principle and will not surrender it for expediency. (不是每个人的想法都跟他一致, 但詹姆斯仍坚持原则, 不会为了一时方便就放弃了原则)

11. stand on, to
定义: 站立于...之上; 竖立某物; 基于; 坚持.
例句: Please don't stand on that table. You might break it! (请不要站在那张桌子上. 你可能会踩坏它!)

12. stand or fall by something, to
定义: 成败关键取决于某件事.
例句: You should diversify your portfolio so your investments don't stand or fall by a small group of stocks. (你应该使你的投资组合多元化, 这样你投资的成败就不会取决于一小群股票)

13. stand/stick out a mile, to
定义: 鹤立鸡群, 表现突出, 显而易见.
例句: "How do you know he's Chinese?" "Sticks out a mile." ("你怎么知道他是中国人?" "很容易就看出来了.")

14. stand out from the crowd, to
定义: 才华出众, 脱颖而出.
例句: They'll be getting hundreds of applications from people with similar experience, so you need to do something to make your resume stand out from the crowd. (他们将会收到数百份具有相似经验的求职者工作申请, 所以你需要做一些调整让你的履历表在众多求职信中脱颖而出)

15. stand out like a sore thumb, to
定义: 表现怪异, 引人侧目; 表现不正常, 惹人注意.
例句: Foreigners are at greater risk of robbery because they are more wealthy and they stick out like a sore thumb. (外国人更容易遭到抢劫是因为他们比较富有, 而且他们更容易引人注意)

16. stand out, to
定义: 向外突出; 表现突出, 显而易见; 驶离海岸; 拒绝服从或坚持反对.
例句: I don't know why they included a balcony that stands out so far from the building. (我不知道为什么他们建造一个从建筑物突出去太多的阳台)

17. stand over, to
定义: 个头比...还高; 严密地注意或指导别人; 支持或赞同; 延后, 延期.
例句: The manager has been standing over our project every step of the way. (经理自始至终在我们的工作项目上一直密切地监督和指导我们)

18. stand pat, to
定义: 坚持立场, 拒绝改变.
例句: We should stand pat for a while and not do anything to cause any problems with the negotiations. (我们这会儿应该坚持立场, 不要做出任何给谈判造成麻烦的事情)

19. stand someone in good stead, to
定义: 对某人未来有利, 占优势.
例句: I know that my large vocabulary will always stand me in good stead at college. (我知道我懂得的大量词汇将总会对我上大学有很大帮助)

20. stand someone up, to
定义: 让某人被爽约, 与某人有约却不赴约.
例句: I'm sorry I stood you up, but I had a family emergency last night. (抱歉我爽了你的约, 但我家里昨晚出了一个紧急状况)



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