二十笔实用成语 1015

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二十笔实用成语 1015

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 07, 2021 11:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 1015

01. stand something on its head, to
定义: 曲解或歪曲某事, 使其意义完全不正确或与应有的意义相反; 以前所未有的方式创新或改变事物; 扭转局势, 改变与过去的不同或相反主张或信仰; 挑起情绪, 令人困惑, 令人惊讶.
例句: I'm afraid we've stood the original mission statement on its head. This is the opposite of what we stand for. (我恐怕我们违背了最初的任务宗旨. 这跟我们的主张完全相反)

02. stand tall, to
定义: 证明或展示一个人的骄傲, 自信或坚定不曲的信念; 昂首挺胸, 理直气壮.
例句: I know a lot of people are upset, but you did the right thing, so stand tall. (我知道很多人不高兴, 但你做对了, 所以你要理直气壮, 坚持你的信念)

03. stand the gaff, to
定义: 从容接受批评, 打击, 痛苦, 逆境.
例句: If you can't stand the gaff, don't try running for office. (你要是没法从容地接受严厉批评和无情打击的话, 那就不要尝试竞选公职)

04. stand the pace, to
定义: 在压力下能够胜任或完成任务.
例句: I wouldn't ask Tim to write up the report if you need it urgently, he can't stand the pace. (如果你急需要的话, 那我就不让提姆撰写这个报告, 他胜任不了这个工作)

05. can't stand the sight of
定义: 不忍看到; 难以忍受; 厌恶.
例句: I can't stand the sight of blood, but it won't stop me from becoming a nurse. (我怕见到血, 但这并没有阻碍我成为一名护士)

06. stand the test of time, to
定义: 经得起时间考验, 历久弥新, 历久弥坚.
例句: Bill and Nancy just celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their marriage has stood the test of time. (比尔和南西刚刚庆祝了他们的结婚五十周年纪念日. 他们的婚姻历久弥坚)

07. stand to gain, to
定义: 将要获利; 很有可能获利.
例句: Jack stands to gain a fortune if the company is sold. (如果这家公司被出售的话, 杰克将可获得一笔财富)

08. stand to lose, to
定义: 将要损失; 很有可能损失.
例句: I could stand to lose a few pounds, so I think I'm going to start biking to work. (我可以减轻几磅, 所以我想我要开始骑自行车上班了)

09. stand to reason, to
定义: 显而易见, 合情合理. (注: 意指在推理上因为某条件已被证明合理所以推论以下陈述也必然成立)
例句: It stands to reason that most people will not buy a new car if they don't think they can pay for it. (显而易见地, 如果大多数人认为自己买不起新车的话他们就不会买新车)

10. stand to, to
定义: 款待某人或提供某事所需的钱; 准备进攻; 迅速立正; 极可能做某事或发生某事; 受益于或能够容忍做某事或发生某事.
例句: The company is standing me to a business degree, with the expectation that I take on more responsibilities after it is completed. (公司资助我学费来就读商业学位课程, 以期望我在完成学业之后承担更多的责任)

11. stand toe-to-toe with ..., to
定义: 与...正面, 近距离地竞争, 争斗或对抗.
例句: They won't stand toe-to-toe with us. They just strike and run. (他们不愿意跟我们正面对抗. 他们只会打了就跑)

12. stand to a treat, to
定义: 请客, 款待; 付账请别人吃喝娱乐.
例句: If you don't have any money for lunch, I'll stand you to a treat. Not a problem! (你要是没钱吃午餐的话, 我请你吃. 没问题!)

13. stand trial, to
定义: 出庭受审.
例句: You're faced with some serious accusations, so yes, you're probably going to have to stand trial. (你正面临一些严重的指控, 所以是的, 你可能非得出庭受审)

14. stand up against, to
定义: 靠在某物上以保持站立姿势; 挺身而出反抗或对抗.
例句: We need to stand up against these mega corporations that try to run our local businesses out of town. (我们需要挺身而出反对这些试图把我们本地企业赶走的大财团)

15. stand up and be counted, to
定义: 挺身而出支持; 公开表明自己的信念, 支持或意见.
例句: Stand up and be counted if you want something changed. (如果你想要有所变革的话, 你应当公开表达你的支持)

16. stand/stick up for, to
定义: 挺身而出支持某人或某事, 为其辩护或抵御别人的批评或攻击.
例句: Thank you for standing up for me back there. I just felt like everyone was against me. (谢谢你在那边站出来替我辩护. 我只是感觉每个人都在反对我)

17. stand up to, to
定义: 挺身而出, 勇敢面对; 与某人对抗; 坚守立场或原则; 完全地达到要求.
例句: Wow, I can't believe you stood up to the boss like that. He's such a bully to everyone else! (哇, 我真不敢相信你这么勇敢地站出来跟老板对抗. 他实在欺人太甚!)

18. stand up with, to
定义: 在婚礼上作伴郎或伴娘; 表示对一个人的支持和声援.
例句: My brother was a bit hurt that I asked my friend to stand up with me instead. (由于我要求我的朋友在婚礼上作我的伴郎之故, 我弟弟有点心里不痛快)

19. stand up, to
定义: 站立, 站起来; 竖起, 扶起; 爽约; 维持或证明是有效的或可信的; 持久耐用的; 足以抵挡压力, 攻击, 严厉检验.
例句: After I fell, my teacher stood me up and brushed off my jacket. (我摔倒之后, 老师将我扶起, 把我夹克上的灰尘掸掉)

20. standard-bearer or standard bearer, the
定义: 典范, 旗手; 组织, 运动或党派的公认领导人.
例句: She's become very much the standard bearer for traditional family values. (她在很大程度上已经成为传统家庭价值观的典范)



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