二十笔实用成语 1038

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二十笔实用成语 1038

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 26, 2021 2:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 1038

01. swear blind, to
定义: [英国]严肃地, 庄严地发誓尤其是说实话; 坚持, 坚称.
例句: She swore blind that she had not taken the money, and I believe her. (她信誓旦旦地说她没拿这笔钱, 我相信她)

02. swear by ..., to
定义: 坚决确信..., 对...深具信心或信任.
例句: I think that's the person who stole my wallet, but I couldn't swear by it. (我想就是那个人偷了我钱包, 但我不能百分之百确定)

03. swear in, to
定义: (公职官员)宣誓就职.
例句: We will swear you in as newly qualified members of the police force at the end of the ceremony. (我们将在典礼结束之后让你们宣誓就职, 成为警察队伍的新成员)

04. swear like a sailor/trooper, to
定义: 满嘴脏话, 粗话.
例句: Grace won't take her boyfriend to church because he swears like a sailor. (葛蕾丝不会带她男友去教堂因为他满嘴脏话)

05. swear off, to
定义: 发誓戒掉. (注: 例如戒烟, swear off smoking)
例句: No dessert for me. I've sworn it off. (别给我甜点. 我已经决心戒掉它了)

06. swear on a stack of Bibles, to
定义: 手按圣经上, 庄严宣誓.
例句: I swear on a stack of Bibles that I am telling the truth. (我以圣经名义, 庄严发誓我说的都是实话)

07. swear out, to
定义: 宣誓指控以取得拘捕令或搜查许可; 发出一连串咒骂谴责或攻击某人.
例句: The judge swore out a warrant to search the suspect's home, but it was never served by police. (这名法官发出了对嫌疑人住处进行搜查的许可, 但警方从未送达这份搜捕令)

08. swear up and down, to
定义: 坚持, 坚称.
例句: I couldn't get it out of my head that maybe it was all part of his plan, although he swore up and down it wasn't. (尽管他坚决地否认, 但我一直认为这事可能都是他计划的一部分)

09. swearword, a
定义: 咒骂话, 脏话, 粗口.
例句: The 14-year-old was suspended from cheerleading for a year over a social media post filled with swearwords. (这名14岁年轻人因一篇充满脏话的社交媒体贴文被禁止参加啦啦队一年)

10. sweat blood, to
定义: 呕心沥血, 埋头苦干; 历经千辛万苦, 忍辱负重; 忧心忡忡.
例句: And here I sweated blood to put you through college, and you treat me like a stranger. (在这个家, 我历经了千辛万苦让你读完大学, 而你却像对待一个陌生人一样地对待我)

11. sweat buckets, to
定义: 汗流浃背, 大量流汗.
例句: It was my first interview and I was sweating buckets. (这是我第一次面试, 我紧张得汗流浃背)

12. sweat bullets, to
定义: 汗流浃背, 大量流汗; 忧心忡忡, 紧张担心.
例句: It was their first baby, and David was sweating bullets while Karen was in labor. (这是他们夫妻的第一个孩子, 当凯伦分娩的时候, 大卫紧张万分得汗流浃背)

13. sweat it out, to
定义: 焦虑等待; 苦忍煎熬下去直到结束; 通过汗液排出有害物质.
例句: While the jury discussed a verdict, the defendant was sweating it out. (正当陪审团在讨论如何决定判决的时候, 被告人却是焦虑万分得等待结果)

14. sweat like a pig, to
定义: 汗流浃背, 大量流汗.
例句: It's 35 degrees inside the factory, and the workers are sweating like pigs. (工厂内的温度高达到摄氏35度, 工人们热得汗流浃背)

15. sweat off, to
定义: 剧烈运动流汗而减肥; 通过汗液排出有害物质.
例句: I fell asleep in the sauna, and I feel like I sweated off five pounds. (我在桑拿房里睡着了, 我感觉我流汗减肥了五磅)

16. sweep one off one's feet, to
定义: 令某人激赏, 令某人倾倒, 使某人迷恋或神魂颠倒.
例句: Mary is madly in love with Bill. He swept her off her feet. (玛丽疯狂地爱上了比尔. 玛丽为他神魂颠倒)

17. sweep something under the carpet/rug, to
定义: 逃避, 不愿意去面对问题或见不得人的丑事.
例句: Don't sweep your problems under the carpet. Try to solve them before they became too difficult to solve! (不要逃避你的问题. 在它们变得难以收拾之前, 尽力解决它们吧!)

18. sweep the board/table, to
定义: 赢得所有的桌上赌注; 全胜; 击败所有对手.
例句: James nearly swept the board at the award show. He took home seven different trophies! (詹姆斯在颁奖典礼上几乎大获全胜. 他带回了七件不同的奖杯!)

19. sweep through, to
定义: 匆促地通过; 短暂停留; 迅速传播, 影响, 散布或传染; 流行, 盛行; 轻易过关, 轻取胜利, 一路扫过去.
例句: A feeling of dread swept through me as I thought about the consequences of my decision. (当我回想起我这个决定的后果时候, 一股恐惧席卷了我的心头)

20. sweeping generalization, a
定义: 全面性地一概而论, 过度简化.
例句: It seems everyone is calling everything toxic and it's starting to feel like a sweeping generalization to classify anything that offends. (似乎每个人都在宣称一切都是令人不愉快的, 并且开始想要把任何具有冒犯性的事物都不加区分, 一概而论)



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