二十笔实用成语 1039

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二十笔实用成语 1039

帖子 royl » 周三 12月 29, 2021 12:02 am

二十笔实用成语 1039

01. sweet Fanny Adams
定义: 什么都没有; 一点都没有.
例句: I asked for a raise and they gave me sweet Fanny Adams. (我要求加薪, 他们却什么都不给我)

02. sweet nothings
定义: (对爱人)情话绵绵, 耳语; 无关紧要的感情或爱慕之词.
例句: At the prom, I watched all the couples around me whispering sweet nothings to each other as they danced. (在毕业舞会上, 我看着我周围所有的情侣在跳舞时候都相互倾诉着绵绵情话)

03. sweet on, be
定义: 迷恋, 爱恋.
例句: I think Samantha's getting a little sweet on her older sister's boyfriend. (我觉得珊曼莎有点迷恋着她姐姐的男友)

04. sweet spot, the
定义: 最有效点; 最适当或准确的位置; 最佳打击点. (注: 意指在球棒或球拍打击范围之内或中间的地区)
例句: The tension is in my shoulders. Move your hands a little higher... there! That's the sweet spot. (我的肩膀肌肉紧绷. 把你的手移得更高一点...对, 就在那儿! 就是这个位置)

05. sweeten the deal/kitty/pot, to
定义: 使赌注或交易增加价值, 更诱人.
例句: He was still unsure whether he wanted the job, so the company offered to sweeten the deal with an excellent pension plan. (他仍旧不确定他是否想要这份工作, 因此这家公司提出了一个极为丰厚的退休金计划来使这个人才征聘的协商更具吸引力)

06. sweetness and light
定义: 愉快, 无忧和谐状况; 和蔼可亲, 愉快的态度.
例句: She's all sweetness and light most of the time, so it's really surprising when she makes such nasty remarks. (她平时对人都相当和蔼可亲, 所以她说出了这么恶毒的话语真的很让人吃惊)

07. swim in, to
定义: 在...里游泳, 漂游; 拥有丰富的...; 浸泡于液体或汤汁里.
例句: Don't worry about Tom, his parents are swimming in money. (不用担心汤姆, 他父母有得是钱)

08. swim with the fishes, to
定义: 沉尸水底. (注: 意指被谋杀后扔入水里)
例句: Don't worry, boss, that no-good snitch will be swimming with the fishes before sunrise. (别着急, 老大, 天亮之前这个告密的浑蛋将会沉尸水底)

09. swim with the stream/tide, to
定义: 顺应潮流, 随从多数的意见; 随波逐流, 大家怎么做, 你也跟着做.
例句: I'm sorry, but I simply refuse to swim with the tide because it's just an easy cop-out! (抱歉, 我只是拒绝随波逐流, 因为它纯粹是个方便的逃避借口!)

10. swing by, to
定义: 顺便去一趟...; 短暂拜访; (宇宙飞行器)借着星球引力变换路线.
例句: I need to swing by the grocery store on my way home. (我需要在回家的路上顺便去一趟超市. 注: 在美国grocery store和supermarket经常被混为一谈)

11. swing for the fences, to
定义: 拼命力求卓然成就. (注: 出自球棒场上力求击出一计全垒打)
例句: I am swinging for the fences with this deal but if the outcome were successful, the company could see up to a seventy percent increase in profits. (我为了这笔生意耗尽心力, 但如果最终结果是成功的话, 公司的利润可能会增加 70%)

12. swing into action, to
定义: 开始积极地行动起来.
例句: I'm going to meet with my group on Saturday so we can swing into action on this project. (我将在星期六与我的团队会面, 以便我们可以让这个工作项目开始积极地开展工作)

13. swing of things, the
定义: 一般性的例行公事; 习惯性的做事方式.
例句: You've only been at your new job for a week. I'm sure you'll feel better once you get in the swing of things. (你才在新的工作岗位上做了一个星期. 我可以肯定一旦你做习惯了之后, 你便会感觉轻松一些)

14. swing states, the
定义: 美国总统选举具有左右胜负的摇摆州.
例句: These swing states are closely divided politically. They have swung back and forth between Democratic and Republican candidates in recent years. (这些摇摆州在政治上双方斗得势均力敌. 近年来, 他们在民主党和共和党候选人之间来回摇摆)

15. swing the balance, to
定义: 左右大局; 影响或促成某方成功.
例句: We're hoping that the addition of new outdoor seating helps to swing the balance for our restaurant. (我们希望新增的户外座位有助于促成我们餐厅生意的兴旺)

16. swing the lead, to
定义: 藉由装病逃避工作.
例句: Gerald's boss accused him of swinging the lead, but felt awful when he saw that Gerald was very sick. (杰拉德的老板指责他藉由装病逃避工作, 但当他看到杰拉德病得很重的时候, 他觉得很惭愧)

17. swings and roundabouts
定义: 利害参半, 有得亦有失.
例句: There are good and bad points to both approaches, so it's swings and roundabouts. (这两种方法都有优点和缺点, 所以利害参半, 有得亦有失)

18. switch back, to
定义: 转变回到原先状况; 促使(某人或事)转变回到原先状态; 换回某物; 剧烈U形大转弯.
例句: I think I'm going to switch back to my old Internet service providers, because this service is terrible. (我想我要换回到我以前的互联网服务供应商, 因为这家供应商的服务很糟糕)

19. switch off, to
定义: 将开关关掉, 关机; 停止注意, 失去兴趣; 轮流接替工作; 将烦恼或工作紧张抛诸脑后.
例句: I want to go home and switch off just forget this whole day. (我想回家, 把这一整天的工作压力抛诸脑后)

20. switch on, to
定义: 将开关打开, 开机; 突然变为活泼, 警觉; 表现出(某个态度)或施展(魅力); 受到药物影响变为兴奋或昏迷不醒; 跟得上时代.
例句: She switched on her charm as soon as I walked in. (我一走进来, 她便施展了她的魅力)



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