二十笔实用成语 1041

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二十笔实用成语 1041

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 04, 2022 2:05 am

二十笔实用成语 1041

01. take a backseat, to
定义: 被给予较低的优先权; 退居二线; 让别人去处理问题.
例句: I was happy to take a back seat and give someone else the opportunity to manage the project. (我很乐于退居二线, 让其他人有机会管理这个工作项目)

02. take a bath, to
定义: 洗澡(盆浴); 洗澡; 财务损失惨重.
例句: Investors in the company took a 35 million dollar bath on the company, which entered bankruptcy proceedings 18 months ago. (投资者为这家公司十八个月前进入破产程序损失了三千五百万美元)

03. take a bead on, to
定义: 瞄准; 将注意力集中在某人或某事上以准备攻击或对付; 彻底理解某人或某事.
例句: The candidate took a bead on his opponent's poor political record during the debate. (这名候选人在辩论中把矛头对准他对手的恶劣政绩加以攻击)

04. take a beating, to
定义: 遭到惨败, 痛殴或重创; 损失大量的钱; 遭受严厉批评或批判; 遭到严重损坏.
例句: Share prices on the London Stock Exchange took a beating last week. (上周伦敦证券交易所的股价遭到了重创)

05. take a hit, to
定义: 受到重创, 受到打击; 损失大量的钱.
例句: She took a big financial hit when the stock market fell. (这次的股市下跌, 她遭到了重大金钱损失)

06. take a bit of doing, to
定义: (指工作)要求很高, 很吃力, 很不好做.
例句: I needed to clearly see this hard-to-remove tick head imbedded in my upper arm. It took a bit of doing, but I finally got it out. (我需要看清楚这个埋入我上臂的难以除去的蜱虫头. 花了不少功夫我才把它拔除)

07. take a bow, to
定义: 鞠躬, (向赞美或鼓掌)答礼致意.
例句: Go on David, take a bow! Everyone is cheering for you! (大卫, 去鞠个躬! 大家都在替你欢呼!)

08. take a break/breather, to
定义: 休息一下, 轻松一下.
例句: OK, everyone, let's take a break for half an hour. (好了, 大家休息半钟头吧)

09. take a bullet, to
定义: [俚语]替人挡子弹; 接受指责或伤害以保护某人.
例句: I don't know why you always feel like you have to take the bullet for your bosses when they screw up. They never reward your loyalty in any way. (我不明白你为什么总是觉得当你的上司出漏子的时候你必须要为他们挡子弹. 他们从不给你的忠诚任何的奖励)

10. take a bus/taxicab/train/Uber, to
定义: 搭乘巴士, 出租车, 火车, 优步.
例句: I missed my bus and decided to take a Uber instead. (我没赶上公交车, 决定转乘优步)

11. take a catnap, to
定义: 小憩, 小睡片刻.
例句: I'm going to take a catnap before my next shift starts, or else I'll be feeling sluggish for the entire evening. (我要在下一个轮班之前小睡一会儿, 否则我整个晚上都会感觉行动迟缓)

12. take a chance, to
定义: 冒险, 赌博.
例句: I normally don't like taking chances on people I haven't personally vetted, but Sarah is extremely confident in you. (我通常是不会在我没有亲自调查过的人身上冒风险, 但莎拉却对你非常有信心)

13. take a chill pill, to
定义: 冷静下来, 放轻松.
例句: Take a chill pill, will you? Panicking about being late won't make me drive any faster. (冷静下来, 好吗? 你生怕迟到所产生的恐慌不会让我开得更快一点)

14. take a cold shower, to
定义: 冷静下来. (注: 要人停止想到性爱或激情)
例句: You're losing your mind over this girl. Go take a cold shower before you do something stupid. (你爱这个女孩爱到痴狂. 趁你还没做蠢事之前先冷静下来吧)

15. take a crap, to
定义: [不雅语]上厕所排便.
例句: I wouldn't mind the neighbor's dog getting into our yard if it didn't always take a crap on my lawn! (如果邻居的这只狗不总是在我的草坪上拉屎的话, 我也不会介意它跑进我们的院子里!)

16. take a cut in pay, to
定义: 屈受减薪.
例句: If you've been out of work, your willingness to take a cut in pay could lead you to a temporary position to keep your bills paid. (如果你失业了, 你的愿意减薪可能会让你取得一个临时工作来帮助你支付一些开销)

17. take a deep breath, to
定义: 作个深呼吸, 镇静下来.
例句: You're OK. Just take a deep breath and sit for a minute before you get up. (你没事了. 作个深呼吸, 坐一分钟再站起来)

18. take a different tack, to
定义: 改变航向, 策略, 行动方向.
例句: Since what we've been doing hasn't solved the problem, let's take a different tack. (既然我们一直在做的努力都没有解决问题, 那么我们就换个策略试试看)

19. take a different tact vs. take a different tack
定义: [易混淆字或短语]这句成语本来是take a different tack, 与航行有关但与机智无关, 所以take a different tact不是正确成语. (注: take a different tack是改变航向, 策略, 行动方向)

20. take a dim view of, to
定义: 不看好, 不信任, 不乐观.
例句: So far the boss has taken a dim view of the new intern. (目前老板对这名新实习生并不看好)



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