二十笔实用成语 1042

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二十笔实用成语 1042

帖子 royl » 周三 1月 05, 2022 8:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 1042

01. take a dig at, to
定义: 对某人嘲讽, 羞辱或批评.
例句: I'm really not trying to take a dig at you. I'm just trying to give you some constructive feedback. (我真的不是有意挖苦你. 我只是想给你一些建设性的反馈意见)

02. take a dislike to, to
定义: 厌恶, 讨厌.
例句: My boyfriend's parents must have taken a dislike to me from the start because I'm divorced and I have a daughter. (我男朋友的父母想必从一开始就不喜欢我, 因为我离过婚, 我还带着一个女儿)

03. take a dive, to
定义: [拳击术语](诈欺性地)假装被击倒; (运动比赛时)假装被人冲击或撞倒; 股价大跌.
例句: News of the automaker's deceptive practice of cheating on emissions tests has caused the company's shares to take a massive dive this afternoon. (汽车制造商在排放测试中作弊的消息导致这家公司股价今天下午大幅下挫)

04. take a dose of reality, to
定义: 面对或接受现实. (注: 如果要服用一剂叫"现实"的药就是此人不着实际)
例句: If they want the public to take them seriously, then they need to tone down the extremists and the ideologues and take a dose of reality. (如果他们想让公众认真地看待他们, 那么他们就需要淡化极端的想法和意识形态, 而且面对现实)

05. take a fall, to
定义: 假装被击倒; 摔下来, 摔一跤; 被逮捕, 被判有罪.
例句: The boxer took a fall in the second round and made everyone suspicious. (这名拳击手在第二回合便假装被击倒, 不禁让大家怀疑其真实性)

06. take a fancy to, to
定义: 被某人, 事或物所吸引; 喜爱或爱上某人, 事或物.
例句: I think Jennifer has taken a fancy to my friend Tommy, so I'm going to try to set them up on a date! (我想珍妮弗已经看上了我的朋友汤米, 所以我要想办法安排他们约会!)

07. take a firm line/stand on/against, to
定义: 对某事或问题采取强硬路线或果决手段; 维持坚定立场, 表明坚定决心.
例句: I know voicing my opinion on this legislation may put my job in jeopardy, but it's time to take a firm line against these discriminatory hiring practices. (我了解对这项立法发表我的意见可能会危及我的工作, 但现在是时候对这些歧视性招聘做法采取坚定的反对立场了)

08. take a firsthand look of, to
定义: 亲自察看.
例句: We invite you to come and take a firsthand look at the future home of our Senior Citizens and Youth Centers. (我们邀请你来亲自看看我们未来的老年人和少年活动中心的家)

09. take a flying leap, to
定义: [惊叹语]走开, 别烦我! 离我远一点!
例句: She told the guy in the bar to go take a flying leap. (她叫酒吧内的那名男子走开, 别烦她)

10. take a gander at, to
定义: 看一下, 浏览了一圈.
例句: I took a gander, but nothing in the shop interested me. (我浏览了一圈, 但店里没有什么让我感兴趣的东西)

11. take a grip on oneself, to
定义: 振作起来, 别虚度光阴; 控制自己情绪, 别冲动.
例句: After being fired, Pamela needed to calm down and take a grip on herself in order to drive home safely. (被解雇之后, 潘美拉需要冷静下来, 控制住她自己的情绪, 才能安全地开车回家)

12. take a hand in, to
定义: 插手于, 参与, 涉及.
例句: I'd like to take a hand in planning the party, if that's all right. (如果可以的话, 我想参与策划派对的事宜)

13. take a hard line, to
定义: 采取强硬手段, 立场, 措施或态度.
例句: The principal takes a very hard line with students who vandalize school property. (这名校长对于破坏学校财产的学生采取非常强硬的手段)

14. take a hike, to
定义: 徒步旅行, 爬山, 散步; 走开, 别烦我, 离我远一点.
例句: Take a hike, Jerry! I'm sick of your silliness. (走开, 别烦我, 杰瑞! 我真受不了你这个嘻皮笑脸的样子)

15. take a hint, to
定义: 接受, 看懂, 听懂或明白别人的暗示.
例句: I said I didn't want to see you anymore. Can't you take a hint? (我说过我不想再见到你了. 你难道听不懂我的暗示吗?)

16. take a jab at, to
定义: 对某人嘲讽, 羞辱或批评; 挥出刺拳.
例句: Max took a jab at Lefty and missed. Lefty took a punch at Max. (麦克斯挥出刺拳击向左撇子, 但没打中. 左撇子回击了麦克斯一拳)

17. take a joke, to
定义: 对别人讥笑不以为意, 有风度.
例句: "Do you think he'll be offended if I say something about his terrible driving?" "Nah, he can take a joke." ("如果我说他的驾驶真不怎样, 你认为他会生气吗?" "不会的, 他是开得起玩笑的.")

18. take a leaf out of someone's book, to
定义: 有样学样, 仿效别人的做法.
例句: I think I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and start going for a run first thing in the morning. (我想我要仿效你的做法, 早上一起来就开始跑步)

19. take a leak, to
定义: 上厕所撒尿.
例句: Could you pull over? I need to take a leak. (你能不能停一下车? 我需要去撒个尿)

20. take a liking to, to
定义: 被某人, 事或物所吸引; 喜爱或钟爱某人, 事或物.
例句: I never used to like onions as a kid, but I've taken a liking to them as I've grown older. (我小时候从不喜欢洋葱, 但随着年龄的增长, 我便开始喜欢它们)



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