二十笔实用成语 1050

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二十笔实用成语 1050

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 08, 2022 3:28 pm

二十笔实用成语 1050

01. take its toll, to
定义: 造成严重损失, 付出痛苦代价.
例句: The heavy truck traffic has taken its heavy toll on the highways. (行驶在这条高速公路上的重型卡车造成了该路严重损坏)

02. take just so much, to
定义: 忍无可忍, 容忍是有限的.
例句: I can take just so much of this nonsense before I lose patience. (我对这些胡说八道的屁话的容忍是有限的, 再鬼扯下去我就翻脸了)

03. take kindly to, to
定义: 欣然接受或同意; 自然被吸引, 适应; 茁壮, 繁荣.
例句: He doesn't take kindly to people telling him how to run his business. (他很不喜欢别人告诉他如何经营他的生意)

04. take leave of one's senses, to
定义: 失去理智, 疯狂; 脑袋坏了; 言行怪异.
例句: If you wear your bathing suit to church, people will think you've taken leave of your senses. (如果你穿着泳装上教堂的话, 人们肯定会认为你神智不正常)

05. take leave of someone, to
定义: 跟某人道别.
例句: It was late when they finally took leave of their friends and headed home. (当他们最后和朋友道别回家的时候已经很晚了)

06. take a leave, to
定义: 休假; 请事假. (注: a leave of absence大多指请事假, 由于私人的需要所请的假)
例句: I'll need to take a leave from work when the baby is born. (孩子出生之后我就需要请假)

07. take liberties, to
定义: 过于随便; 未经别人允许而做某事(不见得是坏事); 擅改别人写作或言论; 擅作主张; 行为不检点, 调戏别人.
例句: I took liberties to change a few things here to taste, but the recipes are originally inspired from her book. (我冒昧地在这里按照我的口味改变了一些食材和做法, 但这些食谱最初的灵感还是来自她的书)

08. take long, to
定义: 需时甚久, 要等很久.
例句: Is it going to take long? I can only stay here for an hour. (要不要等很久? 我只能在这儿待一个小时)

09. take lying down, to
定义: 逆来顺受, 顺服认命, 不抵抗而屈服与被羞辱.
例句: You'll never be respected around here if you keep taking these taunts lying down. (如果你一直继续地逆来顺受这些冷嘲热讽, 你永远不会在这里受到别人的尊重)

10. take marriage vows, to
定义: (新人于婚礼上)发出婚姻誓言.
例句: As far as I'm concerned, I take marriage vows with the intent of being together with my wife for a lifetime. (就我而言, 我发出婚姻誓言就是为了和我的妻子共度一生)

11. take matters into one's own hands, to
定义: 自行处理, 自行解决. (注: 意指别人不想做或无法解决的事务最终还是要靠自己来做)
例句: The police were doing nothing about finding my stolen car, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and look for it myself. (警方对于寻找我失窃的车子完全置之不理, 因此我决定自行解决, 自己去找)

12. take measures, to
定义: 做准备, 提供手段; 采取措施, 着手处理; 采取行动, 达成目标.
例句: If an employer finds workplace power harassment, it is required to take measures to protect the employee who has been harassed. (如果雇主发现工作场所上司对下属的霸凌或骚扰, 他/她则必须采取措施保护受到骚扰的员工. 注: 这里的power harassment乃是上司对下属的霸凌或骚扰之意)

13. take medication, to
定义: 吃药, 服药.
例句: Your poison ivy rash might be so bad that you need to take medication to stop the itching. (你的毒藤皮疹可能非常严重, 所以你需要服用药物来止痒)

14. take much notice of someone, to
定义: 频频注意某人, 不停注意某人.
例句: Both families are too absorbed in their own travels to take much notice of the children. (两个家庭都全神灌注在自己的旅游上, 并不怎么关注他们的孩子)

15. take my word for it, to
定义: 相信我的话.
例句: You'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it. (如果你买了那栋房子, 你只会招来麻烦, 相信我的话)

16. take no chances, to
定义: 不冒险, 谨慎行事.
例句: Take no chances: don't lend money to people you don't know. (不要冒险: 别借钱给你不熟人)

17. take no interest in, to
定义: 对...没兴趣.
例句: I take no interest in your mindless banter. (我对你的无聊笑话不感兴趣)

18. take no notice of, to
定义: 忽视, 不注意, 不理会.
例句: Take no notice of those troublemakers, they're only trying to provoke you. (别理会那些惹事生非的人, 他们只是想激怒你而已)

19. take no part in/of, to
定义: 不参与, 没涉入.
例句: I took no part in, and was not aware of, any subsequent efforts to cover up the illegal acts. (我既没有参与, 也不知道任何掩饰那些非法行为的随后尝试)

20. take no prisoners, to
定义: 矢志不移, 不达到目的决不罢休; 决不妥协, 残酷无情; 赶尽杀绝, 不留活口.
例句: She'd learned the hard way not to take any prisoners. She went in there with an agenda, and she wasn't prepared to make any compromises. (她吃了不少苦头才学会了不达到目的决不罢休的重要性. 她肩负着一份使命去那里, 她根本没打算作任何妥协)



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