二十笔实用成语 1061

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二十笔实用成语 1061

帖子 royl » 周三 4月 06, 2022 12:34 am

二十笔实用成语 1061

01. take up where (one) left off, to
定义: 继续未完成的工作, 继续做下去.
例句: It's time to stop for lunch. After lunch, we will take up where we left off. (正是停下来吃午饭的时候. 午饭后, 我们再继续做我们没做完的工作)

02. take up with ..., to
定义: 忙于或从事某事; 开始被...讨论或处理; 对...有兴趣, 对...全神贯注; 与...亲密或为友或为伍.
例句: Your query has been taken up with our appeals department. (我们的申诉部门已受理了你关于此事的询问请求)

03. take upon oneself, to
定义: 挺身而出承担挑战, 责任或义务.
例句: I feel like Tom is taking too many financial responsibilities upon himself. (我觉得汤姆使自己担负了太多的财务责任)

04. take a U-turn, to
定义: (驾驶车)回转掉头, 往回开; 作180度转变. (注: 意指颠倒意见或政策. 将反对意见改变赞成或赞成意见变反对)
例句: You're not supposed to take a U-turn here. (你不应该在这里回转掉头)

05. take wing, to
定义: 起飞; 迅速取得进步或成功.
例句: I love sitting in the field beside the airport watching the planes take wing. (我喜欢坐在机场旁边的田野上观看着飞机起飞)

06. take years off, to
定义: 使某人年轻许多.
例句: Your shorter haircut has taken years off your face. (你留的短发让你的脸看起来年轻许多)

07. take you for all you've got, to
定义: 掠夺, 压榨, 剥削, 告你赔偿或诈欺你所有的财产.
例句: Those rich folk will take you for all you've got, and they'll exploit you because they'll use their money against you. (那些富人会掠夺你的一切所有, 他们还会压榨剥削你, 因为他们有的是钱来对付你)

08. take your eye off the ball, to
定义: 将注意力转移开目标或当前重要事务. (注: 意指你该注意的没注意)
例句: Anybody in the restaurant business can tell you it's a non-stop grind, and you can't take your eye off the ball, otherwise quality control is going to start slipping. (任何干餐饮业的人都会告诉你, 这是一个没完没了的苦差事, 你不能把注意力从当前首要任务移开, 否则品管质量就会开始下降)

09. take your eyes off, to
定义: 目光移开, 不再注视某人或某物.
例句: We are getting so close to the project's completion, so we can't take our eyes off the finish line now. (我们都快做完了这件项目, 所以我们现在要专心一意地完成它)

10. take your hands off, to
定义: 别碰某物或某人; 放开某人.
例句: You kids take your hands off those cookies, they're for after dinner! (你们这些孩子别碰那些饼干, 它们是晚饭后吃的!)

11. take your life in your hands, to
定义: 进行致命任务, 将生命赌上.
例句: I felt like I was taking my life into my own hands climbing up the rickety old structure. (爬上这栋摇摇欲坠的老旧建筑, 我觉得我好像在玩命似的)

12. take your paws off, to
定义: 把你的手拿开, 别碰某人.
例句: Keep your dirty paws off me! (拿开你的脏手, 别碰我!)

13. take your pick, to
定义: 随你挑选, 任由你选.
例句: We've got 45 flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and bacon. Take your pick. (我们有四十五种口味: 香草味, 巧克力味, 还有培根味. 任君挑选)

14. take your/someone's place, to
定义: 取代某人地位或身份; 就位, 入座, 入席; 在...占有一席之; 列入史上最...的...
例句: She told me, "I know I can't take your mom's place, but I can love you and do my best." (她告诉我, "我知道我不能取代你妈妈的地位, 但我可以爱你并且尽力而为.")

15. take/find joy in the troubles of others, to
定义: 幸灾乐祸.
例句: From the negative responses, I fear that hate, revenge and taking joy in the troubles of others is the greater problem here. (从这些负面的反应来看, 我担心仇恨, 报复和对别人的幸灾乐祸才是这里更大的问题)

16. take/get/keep one's mind off, to
定义: 转移某人注意, 使他不再被某人或事烦扰.
例句: I went out to see a movie to try to take my mind off my problems. (我出去看了一场电影试图把我的注意力从我所面临的问题上转移开)

17. take/have a look at, to
定义: 看一看, 注视, 仔细检查.
例句: I asked the doctor to take a look at my cut. (我请求医生检查我的伤口)

18. take/have pity on someone, to
定义: 同情, 怜悯某人.
例句: I took pity on the stray cat and fed him. (我可怜那只流浪猫并且喂了他)

19. take/make/have a guess, to
定义: 猜猜看.
例句: You won't be penalized for taking a guess, so be sure not to leave any questions unanswered. (你不会因为猜答案而受到惩罚, 因此请务必不要留下任何未回答的问题)

20. take/seek/find refuge in, to
定义: 避难, 躲避, 寻求庇护, 寻找安全之处, 寻求慰藉, 借...逃避现实或问题.
例句: The storm was nearly upon us, so we took refuge in a small cave nearby. (这场暴风雨即将来临, 因此我们便跑进了附近的一个小山洞里躲避)



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