二十笔实用成语 1063

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二十笔实用成语 1063

帖子 royl » 周三 4月 13, 2022 4:28 am

二十笔实用成语 1063

01. talk around/round, to
定义: 劝服, 哄骗; 绕圈子说, 不直接地谈及.
例句: You are just talking around the matter! I want a straight answer! (你总是在这件事上绕圈子! 我要的是一个直截了当的答案!)

02. talk at, to
定义: 敷衍了事地与人交谈; 单方面向某人交代(目的是传达信息或指示而不是让双方进行真正地对话).
例句: Don't just talk at your kids when you're showing them how to do something. Get them to ask questions and really be involved in the learning process. (当你向他们演示如何做某件事的时候, 不要只是单方面向你的孩子传达指示. 让他们提出问题并且积极地参与这个学习过程)

03. talk away, to
定义: 说吧, 请说; 借闲聊打发时间; 喋喋不休地说不停.
例句: We talked the whole night away. (我们聊了一整晚)

04. talk back, to
定义: 粗鲁无礼地回嘴; 带敌意地顶嘴; 回答, 回应.
例句: You're not supposed to talk back to your parents. (你不应该和你的父母顶嘴)

05. talk big, to
定义: 吹牛, 夸大.
例句: He has some deep need to talk big, but it's just talk, no action. (他极想要吹吹牛, 自吹自擂一番, 但这只是说说而已, 根本不会付诸行动)

06. talk dirty, to
定义: 以淫荡猥亵的话挑起对方性欲.
例句: Ugh, that creepy old man is always talking dirty to me, I can't stand it! (呃, 那个猬琐老头老是对我说些猥亵下流的话, 我真受不了!)

07. talk down, to
定义: 轻蔑口吻来贬抑某人或某事; 淡化某事的重要性或某问题的严重性; 不停地大声说话, 压过别人的话; 协助飞行员安全降落; 安抚某人劝其勿做冲动之事; 跟某人讲价, 杀价.
例句: The company spokesperson made a point of talking down the reported side effects of the drug. (这家公司发言人刻意地淡化被媒体所报导的药物副作用)

08. talk into, to
定义: 说服, 鼓励, 哄骗某人去做某事; 对准某物(麦克风)说话.
例句: You're the one who talked me into staying here one more day, even though I didn't really want to. (是你说服我在这儿再多待一天, 尽管我真的不想留下来)

09. talk is cheap, to
定义: 光说不练没用. (注: 意指光动嘴一文不值)
例句: You've been promising me a new dishwasher for five years now. Talk is cheap. (你答应给我买一台新洗碗机都五年了. 光说不练没用)

10. talk it over, to
定义: 彻底地讨论这件事.
例句: We're going to talk it over with both of them and make a plan. (我们会和他们两人详细地商量此事, 然后制定一套计划)

11. talk nineteen to the dozen, to
定义: 讲话速度快像机关炮一样; 滔滔不绝地说话.
例句: My aunt can get talking nineteen to the dozen if you get her on a topic she's passionate about. (如果你让她谈论她热衷的话题, 我的姑姑可以滔滔不绝地畅谈它)

12. talk of the town, the
定义: 热门的话题, 大家都在谈论的事.
例句: When his success was the talk of the town, the President of the US shook hands with him to praise his impressive accomplishment. (当他的功成名就成为热门话题的时候, 美国总统与他握手表扬他的辉煌成就)

13. talk of, to
定义: 讨论, 提及, 谈到, 考虑到.
例句: We had talked of dissolving the company, but I don't think we'll go down that road just yet. (我们曾经谈到解散这家公司, 但我认为我们还不至于走上那条路)

14. talk one's way out of something, to
定义: 鼓着如簧之舌说服别人原谅你, 脱离窘困状况.
例句: I still can't believe you were able to talk your way out of that drunk-driving ticket. (我还是不敢相信你能够鼓着如簧之舌让你摆脱了酒驾罚单)

15. talk oneself/someone out of something, to
定义: 无法说服别人, 没有被别人接受; 说服别人拒绝或放弃某事, 说服自己拒绝某事.
例句: He had a really impressive résumé, but he talked himself out of the job during the interview. (他的履历确实令人激赏, 但他在面试的时候却无法说服面试官雇用他)

16. talk out loud, to
定义: 大声说话.
例句: We can talk out loud, now that she's gone. (她已经离开了, 我们现在可以大声说话)

17. talk out of both sides of mouth, to
定义: 见人说人话, 见鬼说鬼话. (注: 意指同一主题跟不同的人说不同的话)
例句: Tom's a ne'er-do-well, compulsive liar, and manipulator. He talks out of both sides of mouth, and uses the truth to make his falsehoods very believable. (汤姆是个人渣, 强迫性骗子, 和操纵者. 他见人说人话, 见鬼说鬼话, 很会利用事实使他的连篇谎话更加可信)

18. talk out of the back of your head, to
定义: 胡说八道, 扯淡; 吹牛, 自吹自擂.
例句: He's talking out of the back of his head again, saying that he saw a kangaroo driving a car. (他又在胡说八道, 说他看到一只袋鼠在开车)

19. talk out of, to
定义: 劝阻某人.
例句: I spent about an hour yesterday trying to talk my friend out of quitting his job. (我昨天花了大约一个钟头的时间试图说服我朋友不要辞去他的工作)

20. talk out, to
定义: 喋喋不休, 说到无话可说; 通过讨论解决问题; 口头澄清; 冗长讨论以求解决问题或纷争; 在议会上不停说话浪费时间抵制议案进行.
例句: Let's not get mad. Let's just talk it out. (我们别动气. 让我们经由讨论来寻求解决之道)



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