二十笔实用成语 1073

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二十笔实用成语 1073

帖子 royl » 周二 5月 31, 2022 1:03 am

二十笔实用成语 1073

01. that goes double for you
定义: 你的...更大或更多.
例句: You're in trouble, Steven. And that goes double for you, Tom. (你闯祸了, 史蒂文. 你的麻烦更大, 汤姆)

02. that goes for you too
定义: 你也一样. (注: 常用于命令式语气, 告诉某人也要遵守, 不例外)
例句: I told your sister to stop throwing toys, and that goes for you too, Tommy! (我叫你妹妹不要再扔玩具了, 你也一样, 汤米!)

03. that's a lie
定义: 一派谎言.
例句: That's a lie! I never said that! (一派谎言! 我从没说过那句话!)

04. that's correct
定义: 没错, 正确.
例句: "In your statement, you said that you were away from the house all evening?" "Yes, that's correct, officer." ("在你的陈述中, 你说你整个晚上都不在家?" "是的, 没错, 警官.")

05. that's exactly what I said
定义: 这正是我说的; 我是这么说的.
例句: That's exactly what I said to her, but she got mad when I said it. (我就是这么对她说的, 但当我说完之后她很生气)

06. that's great
定义: 那太好了; 真了不起; 那太棒了; 干得好.
例句: That's great. Tell me all about it. (干得漂亮. 告诉我所发生的一切)

07. that's not the case
定义: 事实并非如此, 并非是这样. (注: 意指人家所说的并不是事实)
例句: Milk that people in the United States drink traditionally has come from cows, but that's not the case everywhere in the world. (美国人传统上喝的鲜奶来自奶牛, 但世界各地的鲜奶并非如此. 注: 意指世界其他地方也有供应羊奶或其他家畜的奶水)

08. that is to say; this is to say
定义: 也就是说, 换句话说.
例句: I'll be there this afternoon. That is to say, after about four o'clock or so. (我今天下午一定会到那儿. 也就是说, 我大约会在四点左右之后到达)

09. That just goes to show you ...
定义: 这正好证明... (注: 意指说完一件故事之后所得的结论显示出某个事实, 特殊意义或警世道理)
例句: "Mom, I heard them talking about me, and they said I was a crybaby!" "That just goes to show you, dear, that eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves." ("妈妈, 我听到他们在谈论我, 他们说我是个爱哭鬼." "亲爱的, 这正好证明, 窃听者永远不会听到别人说他们的任何好话." 注: 意指最好别去窃听别人的谈话)

10. that just isn't so
定义: 事实并非如此, 并非是这样. (注: 意指人家所说的并不是事实)
例句: He thinks I don't like him but that just isn't so. (他以为我不喜欢他, 但事实并非如此)

11. that makes perfect sense
定义: 非常有道理; 完全懂了.
例句: Oh, that makes perfect sense! Now it seems so obvious. (哦, 非常有道理! 现在看来就很明显)

12. that makes two of us
定义: 我也一样; 我同意; 对我来说也是如此; 我也是.
例句: "I really love pineapple on pizza." "That makes two of us!" ("我真的好喜爱披萨上放菠萝." "我也一样!")

13. that may or may not be so
定义: 是与不是都不重要. (注: 意指这件事不论是事实与否都不是一个决定性的考虑要素)
例句: That may or may not be so, but it does not affect our determination regarding her claim. (是与不是都不重要, 这并不会影响我们对她的索赔要求所做的决定)

14. that said
定义: 虽然话是这么说, 但是...; 话说又回来.
例句: Much of the book was very dull. That said, I have to admit that the ending was extremely clever. (这本书的大部分内容都很枯燥乏味. 但话说又回来, 我不得不承认这个结局的安排真是妙不可言)

15. that says a lot for; that says much for
定义: 充分说明, 显示, 或表明.
例句: It says much about the high quality of these instruments that many of them are still in use today. (它充分说明了这些仪器的品质优异, 其中许多仪器至今都还在使用)

16. that settles it
定义: 就这么决定了, 就这么办; 受够了, 不想再忍受了!
例句: That settles it! I'm leaving. (真受够了! 我要走了)

17. That sort of things, you know.
[成语句型]那种事情, 你知道的. (注: 有时用在难以启口的事, 难以解释的事, 也有时用在归类某种事)

18. that sucks!
定义: [不礼貌语]真糟糕! 真没意思! (注: 意指失望或厌恶)
例句: "I'm sorry, but the charge is non-refundable." "Well, that really sucks!" ("抱歉, 这笔费用是无法退还的." "唉, 真差劲!")

19. That takes care of that.
定义: 到此为止(不必再多说); 事务已结束了; 这问题解决了.
例句: I've finally finished filing my tax return for the year. That takes care of that! (我终于做完了今年的税务的申报. 这问题解决了!)

20. that tears it
定义: (某件事或物)完蛋了, 毁了, 希望幻灭.
例句: "The engine doesn't sound right." "Yep, that's torn it – the engine is completely shot now." ("这部引擎声音不对." "是的, 完蛋了 – 这部引擎现在完全报销了.")



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