二十笔实用成语 1075

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二十笔实用成语 1075

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 10, 2022 9:24 pm

二十笔实用成语 1075

01. that's a good one
定义: 做得漂亮; 说得好. (注: 意指称赞某人做得令人激赏, 可以对某人的演讲, 演出, 回答, 辩驳等等同意或称赞语)
例句: "Can you make dinner? I'm tired." "Tired? That's a good one. But you've done nothing all day!" ("你可以做晚饭吗? 我好累." "你好累? 真是个好理由. 但是你一整天什么事都没做呀!")

02. that's a lifetime in ...
定义: 在...里, 这等于一辈子. (注: 意指或许以其他的标准来说, 这段时间并不算长, 但相对于...来说, 这算很漫长的时间)
例句: It had been nearly a decade since the release of their previous album. That's a lifetime in the music industry. (距离他们上一张专辑发行已经过去了将近十年. 在音乐界, 那是的一段漫长的时间)

03. that's a likely story
定义: [惊叹语]说得跟真的一样, 我才不相信!
例句: He said he had to stay late at the office again. That's a likely story. He's probably out with his friends! (他说他又要在办公室工作到很晚. 说得跟真的一样. 他大概和他的朋友跑出去玩了!)

04. that's a new one on me
定义: 这个我还真没听说过!
例句: "Yeah, Amber and Anthony have been going out for a few months now." "That's a new one on me. I thought they were just friends." ("是的, 安珀和安东尼已经约会了几个月了." "这个我还真没听说过. 我以为他们只是朋友.")

05. that's about all/it
定义: 就是这样, 就是这些事, 没别的话可说.
例句: That's about all. Would anyone like to add anything before we end the meeting? (就是这些了. 在我们会议结束之前, 还有人要补充什么吗?)

06. that's about as stupid as ...
定义: 这就跟...一样的愚蠢.
例句: That's about as stupid as installing a screen door on a submarine. (这就像在潜艇上装上一扇纱门一样的愚蠢)

07. that's about the size of it
定义: 事情大致就是这样的; 事实就是如此.
例句: "We only have a few hundred dollars left in the bank." "That means that there isn't enough money for us to go on vacation?" "That's about the size of it." ("我们银行帐户里只剩下几百美元了." "这么说, 我们就没有足够的钱去度假了?" "大致就是这样了.")

08. that's all folks
定义: 事情就是这样; 事情到此为止; 没别的了. (注: 华纳卡通影片Looney Tunes片尾使用的耳熟能详结语)
例句: And there's the last bell of the school year! That's all, folks! Enjoy your summer vacation! (这是这个学年最后一次下课铃声! 学年到此为止! 享受你们的暑假吧!)
华纳卡通影片Looney Tunes片尾使用的结语

09. that's all I have to say
定义: 我只能说到这里; 我跟你说的就是这么多.
例句: If you have anything important to tell us, say it, but if you think you can trick us, you are sadly mistaken. That's all I have to say. (如果你有重要事情要告诉我们, 请直说, 但如果你认为你可以糊弄我们那你就大错特错了. 我要说的就是这些)

10. that's all I need
定义: 怕什么就来什么. (注: 这是一种讽刺性的反话, 也就是说你不想要发生的事偏偏就发生了)
例句: The car's broken down again? Well, that's all I need! (车又抛锚了? 好嘛, 怕什么就来什么!)

11. that's all it matters
定义: 这才是最重要的或你在乎的.
例句: As long as you uphold the principle and do what is right, that's all it matters. (只要你坚持原则, 做正确的事, 这才是最重要)

12. that's all she wrote
定义: 就是这样子. (注: 意指事情就是这样子, 故事完结, 没有可以再多说地)
例句: I'm sorry, Ben, but the board's decision is final. That's all she wrote, I'm afraid. (抱歉, 班, 董事会的决定乃是最终的裁定. 我恐怕, 事情就是这个样子了)

13. that's all there is to it
定义: 就是这个样子; 就是这么简单; 我所知道的就是这些; 再说无益, 不必再谈论了.
例句: "Monica is moving to San Diego." "Why?" "I don't know. That's all there is to it." ("莫妮卡要搬到圣地亚哥." "为什么?" "我不知道为什么. 我知道的就是这些.")

14. that's all
定义: 说完了; 结束了; 到此为止; 就是这个样子; 没有了, 没有别的了.
例句: That's all, everyone, thank you for listening. There are refreshments in the kitchen. (就这些了, 谢谢大家的聆听. 厨房里有饮料和点心)

15. that's beside the point
定义: 跟这个不相关的; 这无关紧要的, 那不是重点.
例句: I do love the apartment, but that's beside the point because I don't have enough money for a security deposit right now. (我确实很喜欢这间公寓, 但这不是重点, 因为我现在没有足够的钱来支付押金)

16. that's better
定义: 这就好多了; 本应如此; 这才像话.
例句: Son: "I'm done, can I go now?" Father: "Where are your manners?" Son: "Sorry, Dad. May I please be excused?" Father: "That's better. Yes, you may." (儿子: "我做完了, 我可以走了吗?" 父亲: "你的礼貌呢?" 儿子: "对不起, 爸爸. 我可以请求离开吗?" 父亲: "这才像话. 是的, 你可以离开.")

17. that's big of you
定义: 你很宽怀大量; 你好善良仁慈. (注: 意指心地仁慈与胸襟宽阔, 但经常使用在反讽语气上)
例句: "I'm inclined to take pity on you." "That's big of you!" ("我倾向于同情你." "你真是良善仁慈啊!")

18. that's cool
定义: 酷, 好.
例句: "Can you come at 10:30 tomorrow?" "That's cool." ("你明天十点半能来吗?" "好, 没问题.")

19. that's exactly the point
定义: 就是这个道理; 那正是某人的意图, 目的或原因; 那就是我要说的.
例句: You say he's not your type that's fine, but he's not everyone's type and that's the exactly point I've been trying to make all along. (妳說他不是你喜欢的那种男人, 那很好, 但他也不是每个人喜欢的那种男人, 这正是我一直想要说的)

20. and that's flat
定义: [英国]这是我的最后决定! (注: 意指心意已决, 不会改变)
例句: Listen, missy, you're grounded for a week, and that's flat! (妳听好, 小姑娘, 你被禁足了一个星期, 这是我的最后决定!)



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