二十笔实用成语 1096

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二十笔实用成语 1096

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 22, 2022 12:37 am

二十笔实用成语 1096

01. this side of town
定义: 靠我们这边的地区.
例句: Some of the best restaurants are on this side of town. (一些最好的餐馆开在我们这边的城区)

02. This team has finally learned how to win.

03. This test was a real stinker.
[成语句型]这场考试非常难. (注: stinker在此意为艰难之事)

04. at this time of year
定义: 每年在这个时节. (注: 意指this season of year, 一年中这个时节)
例句: At this time of year, it's traditional to make New Year's resolutions. It's like a promise to yourself to make an effort to improve yourself in the new year. (每年的这个时节, 立下新年目标是传统的习惯. 就像是对自己的承诺, 在新的年度内努力改善自己)

05. this way please
定义: 这边请; 请这边走.
例句: "This way, please, sir," the concierge prompted as he led the guest through the piano bar and into the landing beyond. ("先生请这边走,"酒店礼宾人员一面提示一面引导他的客人穿过钢琴酒吧, 进入另一边的楼梯入口平台)

06. This win was no fluke.
[成语句型]这次胜利可不是偶然的. (注: 意指这次胜利并非凭借运气而是经过努力拼搏才取得的)

07. this won't cut it
定义: 这个行不通. 这个说不通.
例句: This trick won't cut it anymore. People can see right through it and figure out who is fake and who really means it. (这个伎俩再也行不通了. 人们能够看穿它并且弄清楚谁是假的, 谁是真心诚意的)

08. this won't do it
定义: 这个行不通. 这个说不通.
例句: This just won't do it. We need to practice much more and double our effort if we really want to win again. (这个肯定行不通. 如果我们真心想要再次获胜的话, 我们需要更加苦练而且加倍努力)

09. this, that, and the other
定义: 各式各样的事或物.
例句: I really need to sort through this drawer. It has this, that, and the other in it, but I can never find what I'm actually looking for! (我确实需要整理一下这个抽屉. 它装满了各式各样的杂物, 但我永远找不到我真正想要的东西)

10. this, too, shall/will pass
定义: [莎翁名言]这个难关也将成过去.
例句: While I was going through my divorce, I was constantly reminding myself that this too shall pass. (当我历经离婚之苦的那个时候, 我不断提醒自己这个难关我会挨过的)

11. this/it bothers me to no end
定义: 这事令我烦恼万分.
例句: It bothers me to no end to have to leave a terrible review, but that is exactly what they deserve. (虽然不得不留下一个非常不满意评鉴令我烦恼万分, 但这正是他们活该应得的)

12. this/it is a godsend
定义: 这是天赐的东西. (注: 意指无意中得到想要的东西)
例句: This widespread rain was a godsend for farmers. (这场大雨对农民来说乃是天赐的及时雨)

13. this/it is fine with me
定义: 我没问题, 我没意见.
例句: "Chinese or Italian food for dinner tonight?" "It's fine with me either way." ("今晚晚餐的你想要吃中国餐还是意大利餐?" "吃哪一种餐食我都喜欢.")

14. this/it is no joke
定义: 这不是开玩笑; 这是个严重问题.
例句: This is no joke when water gets into the gas tank. (汽油箱进水可是个严重问题)

15. this/it is not my day
定义: 我今天真不顺利. (注: 意指一天内做什么都不顺利)
例句: I'm sorry, sweetie, I know you studied hard for the test. It just wasn't your day. (抱歉, 亲爱的, 我知道你为了这次考试已经尽了全力. 怎奈你时运不济)

16. this/it is not nearly enough
定义: 这根本不够, 差得远了.
例句: We've saved some money, but it's not nearly enough. (虽然我们节省了一些钱, 但还远远不够)

17. this/it is not what you think
定义: 你误解了, 这不是你想像的那样.
例句: Karma is not simple retribution for bad deeds. Eastern traditions view karma as part of a cycle of birth and rebirth. Chances are, karma is not what you think it is. " (业力不是对恶行的简单报应. 东方传统将业力视为轮回转世的一部分. 多半可能, 业力并不是你想像的那样)

18. this/it is so much better.
定义: 这样好多了.
例句: Most of the troublemakers have gone. It's so much better now. (大部分的惹事份子都离开了. 现在好多了)

19. thorn in one's flesh/side, a
定义: 肉中刺, 芒刺在背, 不停刺激或烦恼人的问题.
例句: My car problem has become such a thorn in my flesh. Today is the third day this week that it wouldn't start! (我的车问题成了我的一根肉中刺. 今天是这个星期它不肯发动的第三天!)

20. Those of us that really know you, know better.
[成语句型]我们这些真正了解你的人都知道那些能做, 那些不能做.



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