二十笔实用成语 1099

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二十笔实用成语 1099

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 29, 2022 12:24 am

二十笔实用成语 1099

01. throw a punch, to
定义: 挥拳打人.
例句: You can't just go into the ring and start throwing punches. You've got to have a bit more skill than that. (你不能就这样子走上擂台, 开始挥拳打人. 你必须要有更强的搏击技能才行)

02. throw a scare into, to
定义: 恐吓某人令其因心生畏惧而去做某事或无奈接受某事或物.
例句: Unless you throw a scare into them, you can't do anything to them. (除非你让他们心生畏惧, 否则你拿他们没办法)

03. throw a sickie, to
定义: 装病请假不上班或不上学.
例句: I'm going to have work the morning after my birthday party. Something tells me I'll be throwing a sickie that day! (我要在生日派对的次日早晨去上班. 我有个强烈预感我那天将会装病请假!)

04. throw a spanner in the works, to
定义: 破坏计划或活动; 横加阻挠, 令其无法达成.
例句: We were ready to start the project when the bank threw a spanner in the works by denying the loan. (正当我们准备启动这个工作项目的时候, 融资银行却拒绝了贷款申请而令其无法运营)

05. a sprat to catch a mackerel, be
定义: 本轻利厚, 花小钱赚大钱; 事半功倍. (注: sprat就是我们常说的小杂鱼)
例句: The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel. The publicity will mean good business for months to come. (这次的竞赛和免费汽车奖品是花小钱赚大钱的好活动. 它所引起社会大众的注意将意味着未来数个月的赚钱生意)

06. throw a tantrum, to
定义: 哭闹, 发脾气, 撒泼耍赖.
例句: When I refused to buy candy for Reggie, he threw a tantrum. (我拒绝为雷吉买糖果之后, 他便撒泼哭闹)

07. throw a wet blanket on, to
定义: 泼冷水, 扫人兴致, 使人断掉念头.
例句: Her crappy attitude really threw a wet blanket over the party. (她的恶劣态度确实给这个派对浇了一盆冷水, 扫了大家的兴致)

08. throw a wobbler/wobbly, to
定义: 哭闹, 发脾气, 撒泼耍赖.
例句: Tom threw a wobbly at work after the boss criticized his report. Needless to say, he won't be welcome back in the office on Monday. (老板批评他的报告之后, 汤姆在办公室里大吵大闹. 不用说, 星期一他回来上班将不再受到欢迎)

09. throw away a/an chance/opportunity, to
定义: 错失机会.
例句: He threw away a chance to get a good education when he began to work when he was very young. (在很小的时候他就开始工作, 因此他错失了一个受到良好教育的机会)

10. throw away your life, to
定义: 磋跎你的人生.
例句: If what you are doing doesn't make you happy and doesn't get you closer to your goals, you are throwing away your life. (如果你所做的事情不能使你快乐, 也不能让你更接近你人生目标的话, 那你就是在磋跎人生)

11. throw away, to
定义: 扔弃, 扔掉; 浪费, 荒废, 未能利用; 不经意地, 随随便便地说话或做事.
例句: With her grades, she could have gone to the top universities in the country, but she threw it away to go to New York to be an actor. (以她的成绩, 本可以考进全国顶尖的大学, 但她却放弃这个机会, 去纽约当演员)

12. throw back, to
定义: 扔回去, 甩回; 挫折, 延宕; 造成依赖; 牛饮(酒); 回想; 复古, 复辟.
例句: I reeled in the fish, but it was too small so I threw it back. (我收线把这条鱼钓上来, 但它的个头太小, 因此我把它扔了回去)

13. throw caution/discretion to the wind, to
定义: 轻率鲁莽, 草率行事, 将审慎态度抛诸脑后.
例句: I don't mind taking a little chance now and then, but I'm not the type of person who throws caution to the wind. (我不介意偶尔冒险一下, 但我不是那种轻率鲁莽, 贸然行事之人)

14. throw cold water on, to
定义: 泼冷水, 扫人兴致, 使人断掉念头.
例句: You're always throwing cold water on my suggestions. (你总是对我的建议泼冷水)

15. throw down one's arms/weapons, to
定义: 放下武器, 投降.
例句: Throw down your weapons and come out with your hands up! (放下你们的武器, 举起双手走出来!)

16. throw down the gauntlet, to
定义: 向人发出挑战.
例句: The government threw down the gauntlet to the opposition party to either give an alternative or stop criticizing the government's plans. (政府向反对党发出挑战, 要么提出替代方案, 要么停止批评政府的计划)

17. throw down, to
定义: 猛砸下, 摔下, 推倒在地; 丢下, 扔掉, 丢弃; 狼吞虎咽; 斗殴, 打架.
例句: The security guard threw me down when I tried to get by him. (当我试图从他身边穿过去的时候, 这名保安把我推倒在地)

18. throw dust in someone's eyes, to
定义: 迷惑, 蒙蔽, 误导某人.
例句: He threw dust in our eyes by pretending to be a jeweler and then disappeared with our diamonds. (他假装成一名珠宝商来蒙骗我们, 然后卷走我们的钻石潜逃)

19. throw good money after bad, to
定义: 填无底洞, 继续浪费金钱.
例句: Why don't you buy a new car? You are throwing good money after bad when you spend money for repairs for that old car. (你为什么不去买一辆新车? 你一直浪费金钱修理那辆老爷车, 简直是在填无底洞)

20. throw in one's hand, to
定义: 放弃努力, 束手无策, 认输.
例句: You'll never find a fulfilling, long-term relationship if you throw in your hand as soon as you have a big fight. (如果你跟你的对象大吵一架就放弃了经营这个感情的努力, 你将永远找不到一个幸福的长久爱情)



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