二十笔实用成语 1106

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二十笔实用成语 1106

帖子 royl » 周五 9月 09, 2022 1:16 pm

二十笔实用成语 1106

01. tinker's dam/damn, a
定义: 最小的程度的在意. (注: 如果用作否定语气就是根本不在乎)
例句: Tommy does not give a tinker's damn about what anyone else thinks of him. (汤米一点都不在乎别人怎么看他)

02. tip of the iceberg, the
定义: 冰山的一角, 隐藏的巨大事务露出来的一小部分.
例句: The problems that you see here are just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous disasters waiting to happen. (这里你所看到的问题只是冰山一角. 许多灾难正等着爆发)

03. tip off, to
定义: 泄密, 向人透露消息, 通风报信, 暗中通知某人.
例句: I tipped the cops off about Max and where he was going to be that night. (我暗中通知了警察有关麦克斯和他那天晚上会在哪里的信息)

04. tip one's hand/mitt, to
定义: 透露出自己意图, 意见或手边的资源.
例句: I didn't tip my hand at all. I left them guessing. (我根本没有透露出我的意图. 我要让他们去猜)

05. give someone a wink, to
定义: 向某人使个眼色, 暗示或预警.
例句: He told her that he was working late, then gave me a wink. (他告诉她, 他要工作到很晚, 然后向我使个眼色)

06. tip the balance/scales, to
定义: 记录重量或体重; 改变或打破了平衡; 转而支持某一方, 转而有利某方; 扭转局势.
例句: They were both very good candidates for the job but she had more experience and that tipped the balance. (他们都是这份工作的很好人选, 但她拥有更多的经验, 这就转而对她有利)

07. tipping point, a
定义: 转捩点, 倾斜点. (注: 意指累积能量造成突然地, 无预警地巨大的变化)
例句: We're at a tipping point; if we spend just a bit more, we will get a large increase in productivity. (我们正处于一个转捩点; 如果我们再多花一点钱的话, 我们的生产力便会大幅提高)

08. tiptoe around, to
定义: 蹑手蹑脚绕着某人; 偷偷摸摸行动; 不愿面对某人或某事; 拒谈某事.
例句: They tiptoed around the subject of her poor health. (他们绕着圈子, 不愿触及有关她病弱体衰的话题)

09. tip-top working condition, the
定义: 极好工作状况. (注: 常指机器的良好状况)
例句: My aunt has always taken good care of her car. After eight years and only twenty-five thousand miles, it's in tip-top condition. (我阿姨一直在悉心照顾她的车子. 开了八年才走了两万五千英哩, 它正处于极好的工作状况)

10. tire out, to
定义: 令其精疲力竭.
例句: Our new puppy has so much energy that I have to take him for a run each day to tire him out. (咱家新领养的小狗精力充沛, 我必须每天带他去跑步才能使他筋疲力尽)

11. tired and emotional, be
定义: [英国]醉醺醺的. (注: 有些英国政客不喜欢别人说他喝醉所以才采用比较委婉不得罪人的形容字眼)
例句: You must excuse me, I'm a bit tired and emotional just now. I think I'd best be going home. (你得原谅我, 我刚刚有点不胜酒力. 我想我还是最好回家吧)

12. tired of, be
定义: 厌倦了, 烦厌的.
例句: Many are tired of the runaround from contractors and insurance, and they're certainly not ready to face another hurricane season. (很多人已经厌烦了承包商和保险公司的搪塞推诿, 他们当然还没有准备好面对另一个台风季节)

13. tired out, be
定义: 精疲力尽, 累死了. (注: 意指你疲惫不堪, 急需好好地休息或睡一觉)
例句: All that running around has the kids pretty tired out, so we might have a relaxed afternoon inside. (那么多的赶进赶出的跑路让孩子们都筋疲力尽, 因此我们也许能够在家里度一个轻松自在的下午. 注: 意指小朋友们跑累了肯定会休息一阵子, 大人们便可以轻松一下了)

14. tired to death, be
定义: 精疲力尽, 累死了; 对...厌烦, 厌恶或恼怒极了.
例句: I'm tired to death of doing my boss's errands. If something doesn't change soon, I'm going to quit! (我厌恶透了替老板跑腿办事. 如果情形不马上改变, 我就辞职!)

15. tissue of lies, a
定义: 一派谎言.
例句: After the human resources manager performed a background check on the new applicant, she realized his resume was a tissue of lies. (人事部经理对这名新应聘者进行了背景调查之后, 她发现他的履历表全是一派谎言)

16. tit for tat, a
定义: 一报还一报, 以牙还牙.
例句: She's mad at me, so she refuses to help me plan this event – typical tit for tat. (她在生我的气, 所以她拒绝帮我企划这个活动 – 典型的一报还一报)

17. TLC
定义: 温柔与爱的关怀. (注: TLC是tender loving care的缩写)
例句: This old car will keep running as long as I give it lots of TLC. (只要我给它大量的关怀和照顾, 这辆老爷车还会继续工作如常)

18. to a certain extent
定义: 在某个程度上.
例句: To a certain extent, they're both right. (某个程度上, 他们俩都是对的)

19. to a degree
定义: 小程度上, 稍微地, 部分地.
例句: Your essay would be improved to a degree by tidying up your paragraphs, but your topic on the whole has some fundamental problems. (通过清理段落可以在小程度上改善你的论文, 但是你的主题在总体上存在一些基本问题)

20. to a fault
定义: 过于常态地. (注: 常用于正面, 例如过于慷慨,或过于心善)
例句: She was generous to a fault and tried to see that we had everything we needed. (她过于慷慨, 而且还设法确保我们取得我们所需要的所有供应)



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